What is rfdc?
The rfdc (Really Fast Deep Clone) npm package is a module that provides a very fast deep cloning function for copying complex data structures in JavaScript. It is optimized for performance and can handle various types of data including objects, arrays, dates, and more.
What are rfdc's main functionalities?
Deep cloning objects
This feature allows you to create a deep clone of an object, meaning that all nested objects and arrays are also recursively cloned.
{"const rfdc = require('rfdc')();
const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
const clone = rfdc(obj);
console.log(clone); // { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }"}
Deep cloning arrays
This feature allows you to create a deep clone of an array, including cloning all nested arrays and objects within it.
{"const rfdc = require('rfdc')();
const arr = [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]];
const clone = rfdc(arr);
console.log(clone); // [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]"}
Customizing clone behavior
This feature allows you to customize the cloning behavior, such as whether to preserve the prototype chain or handle circular references.
{"const rfdc = require('rfdc')({ proto: false, circles: false });
const obj = { a: 1 };
obj.b = obj;
// Throws an error because 'circles: false' does not allow circular references.
const clone = rfdc(obj);"}
Other packages similar to rfdc
Lodash is a popular utility library that includes a deep cloning function (_.cloneDeep). It is more feature-rich than rfdc but may be slower for deep cloning large objects.
Clone-deep is another npm package that provides deep cloning functionality. It offers a similar feature set to rfdc but with different performance characteristics and additional options for cloning.
Deep-copy is a package that also allows for deep cloning of objects and arrays. It compares to rfdc in terms of functionality but may have different performance trade-offs.
Really Fast Deep Clone

const clone = require('rfdc')()
clone({a: 1, b: {c: 2}})
require('rfdc')(opts = { proto: false, circles: false, constructorHandlers: [] }) => clone(obj) => obj2
Copy prototype properties as well as own properties into the new object.
It's marginally faster to allow enumerable properties on the prototype
to be copied into the cloned object (not onto it's prototype, directly onto the object).
To explain by way of code:
require('rfdc')({ proto: false })(Object.create({a: 1}))
require('rfdc')({ proto: true })(Object.create({a: 1}))
Setting proto
to true
will provide an additional 2% performance boost.
Keeping track of circular references will slow down performance with an
additional 25% overhead. Even if an object doesn't have any circular references,
the tracking overhead is the cost. By default if an object with a circular
reference is passed to rfdc
, it will throw (similar to how JSON.stringify
would throw).
Use the circles
option to detect and preserve circular references in the
object. If performance is important, try removing the circular reference from
the object (set to undefined
) and then add it back manually after cloning
instead of using this option.
Sometimes consumers may want to add custom clone behaviour for particular classes
(for example RegExp
or ObjectId
, which aren't supported out-of-the-box).
This can be done by passing constructorHandlers
, which takes an array of tuples,
where the first item is the class to match, and the second item is a function that
takes the input and returns a cloned output:
const clone = require('rfdc')({
constructorHandlers: [
[RegExp, (o) => new RegExp(o)],
clone({r: /foo/})
NOTE: For performance reasons, the handlers will only match an instance of the
exact class (not a subclass). Subclasses will need to be added separately if they
also need special clone behaviour.
It is also possible to directly import the clone function with all options set
to their default:
const clone = require("rfdc/default")
clone({a: 1, b: {c: 2}})
clones all JSON types:
With additional support for:
(copied to a normal object)
All other types have output values that match the output
of JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o))
For instance:
const rfdc = require('rfdc')()
const err = Error()
err.code = 1
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({rx: /foo/}))
rfdc({rx: /foo/})
npm run bench
benchDeepCopy*100: 671.675ms
benchLodashCloneDeep*100: 1.574s
benchCloneDeep*100: 936.792ms
benchFastCopy*100: 822.668ms
benchFastestJsonCopy*100: 363.898ms // See note below
benchPlainObjectClone*100: 556.635ms
benchNanoCopy*100: 770.234ms
benchRamdaClone*100: 2.695s
benchJsonParseJsonStringify*100: 2.290s // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
benchRfdc*100: 412.818ms
benchRfdcProto*100: 424.076ms
benchRfdcCircles*100: 443.357ms
benchRfdcCirclesProto*100: 465.053ms
It is true that fastest-json-copy may be faster, BUT it has such huge limitations that it is rarely useful. For example, it treats things like Date
and Map
instances the same as empty {}
. It can't handle circular references. plain-object-clone is also really limited in capability.
npm test
169 passing (342.514ms)
npm run cov
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
index.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
own property copying
works the same way as Object.assign
when it comes to copying ['__proto__']
(e.g. when
an object has an own property key called 'proto'). It results in the target object
prototype object being set per the value of the ['__proto__']
own property.
For detailed write-up on how a way to handle this security-wise see https://www.fastify.io/docs/latest/Guides/Prototype-Poisoning/.