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Comparing version 3.0.3 to 4.0.0



"name": "s3-sync-client",
"version": "3.0.3",
"version": "4.0.0",
"description": "AWS CLI s3 sync for Node.js provides a modern client to perform S3 sync operations between file systems and S3 buckets in the spirit of the official AWS CLI command",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"keywords": [
"main": "dist/index.js",
"engines": {
"node": ">=16.0.0"
"files": [
"scripts": {
"test": "jest --runInBand"
"build": "tsc -p",
"watch": "tsc -w",
"test": "ts-node -T ./test/S3SyncClient.test.ts",
"docgen": "typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --out docs src/index.ts"

@@ -23,14 +42,23 @@ "repository": {

"peerDependencies": {
"@aws-sdk/abort-controller": "^3.0.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.0.0"
"@aws-sdk/abort-controller": "^3.x.x",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.x.x"
"devDependencies": {
"@aws-sdk/abort-controller": "^3.110.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.113.0",
"eslint": "^8.18.0",
"@aws-sdk/abort-controller": "^3.329.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.332.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.59.6",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.59.6",
"eslint": "^8.40.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^15.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.26.0",
"jest": "^28.1.1",
"tar": "^6.1.11"
"eslint-config-airbnb-typescript": "^17.0.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.8.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.27.5",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
"prettier": "^2.8.8",
"tar": "^6.1.14",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"typedoc": "^0.24.7",
"typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^3.15.3",
"typescript": "^5.0.4"
# AWS CLI s3 sync for Node.js
![npm]( ![downloads](
**AWS CLI ``s3 sync`` for Node.js** provides a modern client to perform S3 sync operations between file systems and S3 buckets in the spirit of the official [AWS CLI command](
**AWS CLI ``s3 sync`` for Node.js** is a modern TypeScript client to perform S3 sync operations between file systems and S3 buckets, in the spirit of the official [AWS CLI command](
AWS CLI installation is **NOT** required by this module.

@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@

- Support AWS CLI options `--delete`, `--dryrun`, `--size-only`, `--include` and `--exclude`
- Support AWS SDK command input options
- Monitor object sync progress
- Support AWS SDK native command input options
- Monitor sync progress
- Sync **any** number of objects (no 1000 objects limit)

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Transfer objects concurrently

1. There is no way to achieve S3 sync using the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 alone.
1. AWS CLI installation is **NOT** required.
1. The package contains no external dependency.
1. The AWS SDK peer dependency is up-to-date ([AWS SDK for JavaScript v3](
1. The module overcomes a set of common limitations listed at the bottom of this README.
1. There is [no way]( to achieve S3 sync using the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 alone
1. AWS CLI installation is **NOT** required
1. The module contains no external dependency
1. The AWS SDK peer dependency is up-to-date ([AWS SDK for JavaScript v3](
1. The module overcomes a set of common limitations listed at the bottom of this README

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ # Table of Contents

1. [Install](#install)
2. [Code Examples](#code-examples)
2. [Quick Start](#quick-start)
1. [Client initialization](#client-initialization)

@@ -41,14 +41,15 @@ 2. [Sync a remote S3 bucket with the local file system](#sync-a-remote-s3-bucket-with-the-local-file-system)

4. [Sync two remote S3 buckets](#sync-two-remote-s3-buckets)
5. [Monitor transfer progress](#monitor-transfer-progress)
6. [Use AWS SDK command input options](#use-aws-sdk-command-input-options)
7. [Relocate objects during sync](#relocate-objects-during-sync)
8. [Filter source files](#filter-source-files)
5. [Monitor transfer progress](#monitor-sync-progress)
6. [Abort sync](#abort-sync)
7. [Use AWS SDK command input options](#use-aws-sdk-command-input-options)
8. [Relocate objects during sync](#relocate-objects-during-sync)
9. [Filter source files](#filter-source-files)
1. [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [Class: S3SyncClient](#class-s3-sync-client)
- [new S3SyncClient(configuration)](#new-s3-sync-client)
- [client.sync(localDir, bucketUri[, options])](#sync-bucket-with-local)
- [client.sync(bucketUri, localDir[, options])](#sync-local-with-bucket)
- [client.sync(sourceBucketUri, targetBucketUri[, options])](#sync-bucket-with-bucket)
- [client.sync(localDir, bucketPrefix[, options])](#sync-bucket-with-local)
- [client.sync(bucketPrefix, localDir[, options])](#sync-local-with-bucket)
- [client.sync(sourceBucketPrefix, targetBucketPrefix[, options])](#sync-bucket-with-bucket)
1. [Change Log](#change-log)
1. [Comparison with other modules](#comparison-with-other-modules)
1. [Benchmark](#benchmark)

@@ -61,3 +62,3 @@ ## Getting Started

### Code Examples
### Quick Start

@@ -69,4 +70,4 @@ #### Client initialization

const S3Client = require('@aws-sdk/client-s3');
const S3SyncClient = require('s3-sync-client');
import S3Client from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { S3SyncClient } from 's3-sync-client';

@@ -95,4 +96,4 @@ const s3Client = new S3Client({ /* ... */ });

// aws s3 sync s3://mybucket2 /path/to/local/dir --dryrun
const syncOps = await sync('s3://mybucket2', '/path/to/local/dir', { dryRun: true });
console.log(syncOps); // log download and delete operations to perform
const diff = await sync('s3://mybucket2', '/path/to/local/dir', { dryRun: true });
console.log(diff); // log operations to perform

@@ -107,12 +108,9 @@

#### Monitor transfer progress
#### Monitor sync progress
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const { TransferMonitor } = require('s3-sync-client');
import { TransferMonitor } from 's3-sync-client';
const monitor = new TransferMonitor();
monitor.on('progress', (progress) => console.log(progress));
setTimeout(() => monitor.abort(), 30000); // optional abort
await sync('s3://mybucket', '/path/to/local/dir', { monitor });

@@ -127,3 +125,2 @@

and aborts unfinished sync after 30s (promise rejected with an AbortError)

@@ -140,10 +137,22 @@

#### Abort sync
import { AbortController } from '@aws-sdk/abort-controller';
import { TransferMonitor } from 's3-sync-client';
const abortController = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => abortController.abort(), 30000);
await sync('s3://mybucket', '/path/to/local/dir', { abortSignal: abortController.signal });
#### Use AWS SDK command input options
const mime = require('mime-types');
import mime from 'mime-types';
commandInput properties can either be:
- fixed values
- functions, in order to set dynamic values (e.g. using the object key)
- a plain object
- a function returning a plain object

@@ -160,10 +169,21 @@

await sync('s3://mybucket1', 's3://mybucket2', {
commandInput: {
ContentType: (syncCommandInput) => (
mime.lookup(syncCommandInput.Key) || 'text/html'
commandInput: (input) => ({
ContentType: mime.lookup(input.Key) || 'text/html',
#### Filter source files
// aws s3 sync s3://my-source-bucket s3://my-target-bucket --exclude "*" --include "*.txt" --include "flowers/*"
await sync('s3://my-source-bucket', 's3://my-target-bucket', {
filters: [
{ exclude: () => true }, // exclude everything
{ include: (key) => key.endsWith('.txt') }, // include .txt files
{ include: (key) => key.startsWith('flowers/') }, // also include everything inside the flowers folder
#### Relocate objects during sync

@@ -189,18 +209,8 @@

#### Filter source files
Additional examples are available in the repo test directory.
// aws s3 sync s3://my-source-bucket s3://my-target-bucket --exclude "*" --include "*.txt" --include "flowers/*"
await sync('s3://my-source-bucket', 's3://my-target-bucket', {
filters: [
{ exclude: () => true }, // exclude everything
{ include: (key) => key.endsWith('.txt') }, // include .txt files
{ include: (key) => key.startsWith('flowers/') }, // also include everything inside the flowers folder
## API Reference
Additional code examples are available in the test folder.
A complete API reference is available in the repo docs directory.
## API Reference
<a name="class-s3-sync-client"></a>

@@ -211,69 +221,72 @@ ### Class: S3SyncClient

- `options` *<Object\>*
- `options` *<S3SyncClientConfig\>*
- `client` *<S3Client\>* instance of [AWS SDK S3Client](
<a name="sync-bucket-with-local"></a>
#### ``client.sync(localDir, bucketUri[, options])``
#### ``client.sync(localDir, bucketPrefix[, options])``
Sync a remote S3 bucket with the local file system.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync localDir bucketPrefix [options]``.
- `localDir` *<string\>* Local directory
- `bucketUri` *<string\>* Remote bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a `/` separator
- `options` *<Object\>*
- `commandInput` *<Object\>* Set any of the SDK [*<PutObjectCommandInput\>*]( or [*<CreateMultipartUploadCommandInput\>*]( options to uploads
- `bucketPrefix` *<string\>* Remote bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a `/` separator
- `options` *<SyncBucketWithLocalOptions\>*
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `del` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--delete`` option
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `filters` *<Array\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `sizeOnly` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--size-only`` option
- `monitor` *<S3SyncClient.TransferMonitor\>*
- `relocations` *<Relocation[]\>* Allows uploading objects to remote folders without mirroring the source directory structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- `filters` *<Filter[]\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `abortSignal` *<AbortSignal\>* Allows aborting the sync
- `commandInput` *<CommandInput<PutObjectCommandInput\>\> | <CommandInput<CreateMultipartUploadCommandInput\>\>* Set any of the SDK [*<PutObjectCommandInput\>*]( or [*<CreateMultipartUploadCommandInput\>*]( options to uploads
- `monitor` *<TransferMonitor\>*
- Attach `progress` event to receive upload progress notifications
- Emit `abort` event to stop object uploads immediately
- Call `getStatus()` to retrieve progress info on demand
- `maxConcurrentTransfers` *<number\>* Each upload generates a Promise which is resolved when a local object is written to the S3 bucket. This parameter sets the maximum number of upload promises that might be running concurrently.
- `partSize` *<number\>* Set the part size in **bytes** for multipart uploads. Default to 5 MB.
- `relocations` *<Array\>* Allows uploading objects to remote folders without mirroring the source directory structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- Returns: *<Promise\>* Fulfills with an *<Object\>* of sync operations upon success.
- Returns: *<Promise<SyncBucketWithLocalCommandOutput\>\>* Fulfills with sync operations upon success.
Sync a remote S3 bucket with the local file system.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync localDir bucketUri [options]``.
<a name="sync-local-with-bucket"></a>
#### ``client.sync(bucketUri, localDir[, options])``
#### ``client.sync(bucketPrefix, localDir[, options])``
- `bucketUri` *<string\>* Remote bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
Sync the local file system with a remote S3 bucket.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync bucketPrefix localDir [options]``.
- `bucketPrefix` *<string\>* Remote bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
- `localDir` *<string\>* Local directory
- `options` *<Object\>*
- `commandInput` *<Object\>* Set any of the SDK [*<GetObjectCommandInput\>*]( options to downloads
- `options` *<SyncLocalWithBucketOptions\>*
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `del` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--delete`` option
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `filters` *<Array\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `sizeOnly` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--size-only`` option
- `monitor` *<S3SyncClient.TransferMonitor\>*
- `relocations` *<Relocation[]\>* Allows downloading objects to local directories without mirroring the source folder structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- `filters` *<Filter[]\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `abortSignal` *<AbortSignal\>* Allows aborting the sync
- `commandInput` *<CommandInput<GetObjectCommandInput\>\>* Set any of the SDK [*<GetObjectCommandInput\>*]( options to downloads
- `monitor` *<TransferMonitor\>*
- Attach `progress` event to receive download progress notifications
- Emit `abort` event to stop object downloads immediately
- Call `getStatus()` to retrieve progress info on demand
- `maxConcurrentTransfers` *<number\>* Each download generates a Promise which is resolved when a remote object is written to the local file system. This parameter sets the maximum number of download promises that might be running concurrently.
- `relocations` *<Array\>* Allows downloading objects to local directories without mirroring the source folder structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- Returns: *<Promise\>* Fulfills with an *<Object\>* of sync operations upon success.
- Returns: *<Promise<SyncLocalWithBucketCommandOutput\>\>* Fulfills with sync operations upon success.
Sync the local file system with a remote S3 bucket.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync bucketUri localDir [options]``.
<a name="sync-bucket-with-bucket"></a>
#### ``client.sync(sourceBucketUri, targetBucketUri[, options])``
#### ``client.sync(sourceBucketPrefix, targetBucketPrefix[, options])``
- `sourceBucketUri` *<string\>* Remote reference bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
- `targetBucketUri` *<string\>* Remote bucket name to sync which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
- `options` *<Object\>*
- `commandInput` *<Object\>* Set any of the SDK [*<CopyObjectCommandInput\>*]( options to copy operations
Sync two remote S3 buckets.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync sourceBucketPrefix targetBucketPrefix [options]``.
- `sourceBucketPrefix` *<string\>* Remote reference bucket name which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
- `targetBucketPrefix` *<string\>* Remote bucket name to sync which may contain a prefix appended with a ``/`` separator
- `options` *<SyncBucketWithBucketOptions\>*
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `del` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--delete`` option
- `dryRun` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--dryrun`` option
- `filters` *<Array\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `sizeOnly` *<boolean\>* Equivalent to CLI ``--size-only`` option
- `monitor` *<S3SyncClient.TransferMonitor\>*
- `relocations` *<Relocation[]\>* Allows copying objects to remote folders without mirroring the source folder structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- `filters` *<Filter[]\>* [Almost]( equivalent to CLI ``--exclude`` and ``--include`` options. Filters can be specified using plain objects including either an `include` or `exclude` property. The `include` and `exclude` properties are functions that take an object key and return a boolean.
- `abortSignal` *<AbortSignal\>* Allows aborting the sync
- `commandInput` *<CommandInput<CopyObjectCommandInput\>\>* Set any of the SDK [*<CopyObjectCommandInput\>*]( options to copy operations
- `monitor` *<TransferMonitor\>*
- Attach `progress` event to receive copy progress notifications
- Emit `abort` event to stop object copy operations immediately
- Call `getStatus()` to retrieve progress info on demand
- `maxConcurrentTransfers` *<number\>* Each copy generates a Promise which is resolved after the object has been copied. This parameter sets the maximum number of copy promises that might be running concurrently.
- `relocations` *<Array\>* Allows copying objects to remote folders without mirroring the source folder structure. Each relocation should be specified as an *<Array\>* of `[sourcePrefix, targetPrefix]`.
- Returns: *<Promise\>* Fulfills with an *<Object\>* of sync operations upon success.
- Returns: *<Promise<SyncBucketWithBucketCommandOutput\>\>* Fulfills with sync operations upon success.
Sync two remote S3 buckets.
Similar to AWS CLI ``aws s3 sync sourceBucketUri targetBucketUri [options]``.
# Change Log

@@ -283,5 +296,5 @@

# Comparison with other modules
# Benchmark
**AWS CLI ``s3 sync`` for Node.js** has been developed to solve the S3 syncing limitations of the existing GitHub repo and NPM modules.
**AWS CLI ``s3 sync`` for Node.js** has been developed to solve the S3 sync limitations of the existing GitHub repo and NPM modules.

@@ -288,0 +301,0 @@ Most of the existing repo and NPM modules suffer one or more of the following limitations:

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