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published 0.0.0-11565a207 •
published 0.13.0 •



0.13.0 (March 10, 2015)

React Core

Breaking Changes
  • Deprecated patterns that warned in 0.12 no longer work: most prominently, calling component classes without using JSX or React.createElement and using non-component functions with JSX or createElement
  • Mutating props after an element is created is deprecated and will cause warnings in development mode; future versions of React will incorporate performance optimizations assuming that props aren't mutated
  • Static methods (defined in statics) are no longer autobound to the component class
  • ref resolution order has changed slightly such that a ref to a component is available immediately after its componentDidMount method is called; this change should be observable only if your component calls a parent component's callback within your componentDidMount, which is an anti-pattern and should be avoided regardless
  • Calls to setState in life-cycle methods are now always batched and therefore asynchronous. Previously the first call on the first mount was synchronous.
  • setState and forceUpdate on an unmounted component now warns instead of throwing. That avoids a possible race condition with Promises.
  • Access to most internal properties has been completely removed, including this._pendingState and this._rootNodeID.
New Features
  • Support for using ES6 classes to build React components; see the v0.13.0 beta 1 notes for details.
  • Added new top-level API React.findDOMNode(component), which should be used in place of component.getDOMNode(). The base class for ES6-based components will not have getDOMNode. This change will enable some more patterns moving forward.
  • Added a new top-level API React.cloneElement(el, props) for making copies of React elements – see the v0.13 RC2 notes for more details.
  • New ref style, allowing a callback to be used in place of a name: <Photo ref={(c) => this._photo = c} /> allows you to reference the component with this._photo (as opposed to ref="photo" which gives
  • this.setState() can now take a function as the first argument for transactional state updates, such as this.setState((state, props) => ({count: state.count + 1})); – this means that you no longer need to use this._pendingState, which is now gone.
  • Support for iterators and immutable-js sequences as children.
  • ComponentClass.type is deprecated. Just use ComponentClass (usually as element.type === ComponentClass).
  • Some methods that are available on createClass-based components are removed or deprecated from ES6 classes (getDOMNode, replaceState, isMounted, setProps, replaceProps).

React with Add-Ons

New Features
  • React.addons.classSet is now deprecated. This functionality can be replaced with several freely available modules. classnames is one such module.
  • Calls to React.addons.cloneWithProps can be migrated to use React.cloneElement instead – make sure to merge style and className manually if desired.

React Tools

Breaking Changes
  • When transforming ES6 syntax, class methods are no longer enumerable by default, which requires Object.defineProperty; if you support browsers such as IE8, you can pass --target es3 to mirror the old behavior
New Features
  • --target option is available on the jsx command, allowing users to specify and ECMAScript version to target.
    • es5 is the default.
    • es3 restores the previous default behavior. An additional transform is added here to ensure the use of reserved words as properties is safe (eg this.static will become this['static'] for IE8 compatibility).
  • The transform for the call spread operator has also been enabled.


Breaking Changes
  • The return value of transform now contains sourceMap as a JS object already, not an instance of SourceMapGenerator.


Breaking Changes
  • A change was made to how some JSX was parsed, specifically around the use of > or } when inside an element. Previously it would be treated as a string but now it will be treated as a parse error. The jsx_orphaned_brackets_transformer package on npm can be used to find and fix potential issues in your JSX code.
published 0.0.0-d1326f466 •
published 0.0.0-267ed9814 •
published 0.0.0-fec00a869 •
published 0.13.0-alpha.1 •
published 0.0.0-3e15b1c69 •
published 0.13.0-alpha.0 •
published 0.0.0-f22621f88 •
published 0.12.0 •



0.12.0 (October 28, 2014)

React Core

Breaking Changes
  • key and ref moved off props object, now accessible on the element directly
  • React is now BSD licensed with accompanying Patents grant
  • Default prop resolution has moved to Element creation time instead of mount time, making them effectively static
  • React.__internals is removed - it was exposed for DevTools which no longer needs access
  • Composite Component functions can no longer be called directly - they must be wrapped with React.createFactory first. This is handled for you when using JSX.
New Features
  • Spread operator ({...}) introduced to deprecate this.transferPropsTo
  • Added support for more HTML attributes: acceptCharset, classID, manifest
  • React.renderComponent --> React.render
  • React.renderComponentToString --> React.renderToString
  • React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup --> React.renderToStaticMarkup
  • React.isValidComponent --> React.isValidElement
  • React.PropTypes.component --> React.PropTypes.element
  • React.PropTypes.renderable --> React.PropTypes.node
  • DEPRECATED React.isValidClass
  • DEPRECATED instance.transferPropsTo
  • DEPRECATED Returning false from event handlers to preventDefault
  • DEPRECATED Convenience Constructor usage as function, instead wrap with React.createFactory
  • DEPRECATED use of key={null} to assign implicit keys
Bug Fixes
  • Better handling of events and updates in nested results, fixing value restoration in "layered" controlled components
  • Correctly treat event.getModifierState as case sensitive
  • Improved normalization of event.charCode
  • Better error stacks when involving autobound methods
  • Removed DevTools message when the DevTools are installed
  • Correctly detect required language features across browsers
  • Fixed support for some HTML attributes:
    • list updates correctly now
    • scrollLeft, scrollTop removed, these should not be specified as props
  • Improved error messages

React With Addons

New Features
  • React.addons.batchedUpdates added to API for hooking into update cycle
Breaking Changes
  • React.addons.update uses assign instead of copyProperties which does hasOwnProperty checks. Properties on prototypes will no longer be updated correctly.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some issues with CSS Transitions


Breaking Changes
  • Enforced convention: lower case tag names are always treated as HTML tags, upper case tag names are always treated as composite components
  • JSX no longer transforms to simple function calls
New Features
  • @jsx React.DOM no longer required
  • spread ({...}) operator introduced to allow easier use of props
Bug Fixes
  • JSXTransformer: Make sourcemaps an option when using APIs directly (eg, for react-rails)