This nodejs module allows you to quickly and easily send emails through
SendGrid using nodejs.
Licensed under the MIT License.
npm install sendgrid-nodejs
It can be this easy
var SendGrid = require('sendgrid-nodejs').SendGrid;
var sendgrid = new SendGrid(user, key);
to: '',
from: '',
subject: 'Hello World',
text: 'My first email through SendGrid'
And you're done!
Digging in
There are two objects that you really need to know to get started:
Email is the object that will help you easily perpare your message to be
To get started create an Email object
var email = new Email(optionalParams);
You can pass in as much or as litle to optionalParams as you want, as
the email object has methods for manipulating all of the data.
params structure
var default_mail_params = {
to: [],
from: '',
smtpapi: new SmtpapiHeaders(),
subject: '',
text: '',
html: '',
bcc: [],
replyto: '',
date: new Date(),
files: {},
file_data: {},
headers: {}
Sample for using it:
var email = new Email({
to: '',
from: '',
subject: 'Hey',
text: 'Did you see that ludicrous display last night?'
Setting data
In general setting a value will override it while adding that value will
add it to the existing values but will override existing keys with the
new value.
var email = new Email({
to: '',
from: '',
subject: 'Listen',
text: 'Haved you tried turning it off and on again'
email.addTo(['', '']);
email.setHeaders({customHeader: 'some-value'});
email.addHeaders({customHeaderTwo: 'Another value'});
email.addSubVal('key', value);
email.setUniqueArgs({cow: 'chicken'});
email.addUniqueArgs({cat: 'dog'});
email.setSection({'-section-': 'text name'});
email.addSection({'-other-': 'person name'});
'footer': {
'setting': {
'enable': 1,
'text/plain': 'You can haz footers!'
email.addFilterSetting('footer', 'enable', 1);
email.addFilterSetting('footer', 'text/hmtl', '<strong>boo</strong>');
email.addFile('secret.txt', '/path/to/file');
More examples can be find in the test
If you're interested in seeing some sample code or just want to run the
test then here's what you need to know.
Test written in the test/lib folder can be ran as in and should all
Test written in test/intergration need the values in test/test.setup to
be set in order to run and will require a SendGrid account, as these
test will send actual emails.
make test
will run all tests, otherwise you can run individual tests by running
mocha /path/to/test.test.js
For information on how to use Sendgrid see:
SendGrid API Docs