Serverless Slack
This is a micro-framework designed to create Slack Apps with serverless.js.
A complete template and tutorial can be found at johnagan/serverless-slack-app.
slack.on('message', (payload, bot) => { });
slack.on('slash_command', (payload, bot) => { });
slack.on('googlebot', (payload, bot) => { });
slack.on('*', (payload, bot) => { });
Event | Description |
* | All events |
message | All RTM events |
slash_command | All Slash Commands |
event | All Event API callbacks |
webhook | All WebHook callbacks |
interactive_message | All Interactive message callbacks |
[/command] | Any specific slash command |
[event type] | Any specific event type |
[trigger word] | Any trigger from outgoing webhooks |
Bots are preloaded with the appropriate token and are context aware. So you can reply to messages and send ephemeral updates to a message.
slack.on('message', (payload, bot) => {
text: 'Everything is working!',
attachments: [{
title: "Slack API Documentation",
title_link: "https://api.slack.com/",
text: "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
fields: [{
title: "Priority",
value: "High",
short: false
bot.send('channels.info', { channel: 'C1234567890' }).then(data => {
Methods | Description |
say | Send a message |
reply | Send a public reply to the event |
replyPrivate | Send an ephemeral reply to the event |
send | Call any Slack API endpoint |
Data Store
A key/value store to maintain team/bot information and store custom setings. The store should contain a uniquie id
slack.store.save(data).then(results => {
slack.store.get(id).then(record => {
Methods | Description |
get | Get a single record by id |
all | Get all saved records |
save | Save a record |
The Slack client is a way to call the API outside of an event.
let message = {
unfurl_links: true,
channel: 'C1QD223DS1',
token: 'xoxb-12345678900-ABCD1234567890',
text: "I am a test message http://slack.com",
attachments: [{
text: "And here's an attachment!"
slack.send('chat.postMessage', message).then(data => {
slack.send('https://hooks.slack.com/services/T0000/B000/XXXX', message);