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Comparing version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0


* set-value <>
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Jon Schlinkert.
* Released under the MIT License.

@@ -10,43 +10,108 @@ */

var split = require('split-string');
var extend = require('extend-shallow');
var isPlainObject = require('is-plain-object');
var isObject = require('is-extendable');
const isPlain = require('is-plain-object');
module.exports = function(obj, prop, val) {
if (!isObject(obj)) {
return obj;
function set(target, path, value, options) {
if (!isObject(target)) {
return target;
if (Array.isArray(prop)) {
prop = [].concat.apply([], prop).join('.');
let opts = options || {};
const isArray = Array.isArray(path);
if (!isArray && typeof path !== 'string') {
return target;
if (typeof prop !== 'string') {
return obj;
let merge = opts.merge;
if (merge && typeof merge !== 'function') {
merge = Object.assign;
var keys = split(prop, {sep: '.', brackets: true});
var len = keys.length;
var idx = -1;
var current = obj;
const keys = isArray ? path : split(path, opts);
const len = keys.length;
const orig = target;
while (++idx < len) {
var key = keys[idx];
if (idx !== len - 1) {
if (!isObject(current[key])) {
current[key] = {};
current = current[key];
if (!options && keys.length === 1) {
result(target, keys[0], value, merge);
return target;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let prop = keys[i];
if (!isObject(target[prop])) {
target[prop] = {};
if (isPlainObject(current[key]) && isPlainObject(val)) {
current[key] = extend({}, current[key], val);
} else {
current[key] = val;
if (i === len - 1) {
result(target, prop, value, merge);
target = target[prop];
return obj;
return orig;
function result(target, path, value, merge) {
if (merge && isPlain(target[path]) && isPlain(value)) {
target[path] = merge({}, target[path], value);
} else {
target[path] = value;
function split(path, options) {
const id = createKey(path, options);
if (set.memo[id]) return set.memo[id];
const char = (options && options.separator) ? options.separator : '.';
let keys = [];
let res = [];
if (options && typeof options.split === 'function') {
keys = options.split(path);
} else {
keys = path.split(char);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let prop = keys[i];
while (prop && prop.slice(-1) === '\\' && keys[i + 1]) {
prop = prop.slice(0, -1) + char + keys[++i];
set.memo[id] = res;
return res;
function createKey(pattern, options) {
let id = pattern;
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
return id + '';
const keys = Object.keys(options);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
id += ';' + key + '=' + String(options[key]);
return id;
function isObject(val) {
switch (typeof val) {
case 'null':
return false;
case 'object':
return true;
case 'function':
return true;
default: {
return false;
set.memo = {};
module.exports = set;
"name": "set-value",
"description": "Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "author": "Jon Schlinkert (",

"engines": {
"node": ">=0.10.0"
"node": ">=6.0"

@@ -29,13 +29,35 @@ "scripts": {

"dependencies": {
"extend-shallow": "^2.0.1",
"is-extendable": "^0.1.1",
"is-plain-object": "^2.0.3",
"split-string": "^3.0.1"
"is-plain-object": "^2.0.4"
"devDependencies": {
"gulp-format-md": "^0.1.12",
"mocha": "^3.4.2"
"benchmarked": "^2.0.0",
"deep-object": "^1.0.0",
"deep-property": "^1.1.0",
"deep-set": "^1.0.1",
"deephas": "^1.0.5",
"dot-prop": "^4.2.0",
"dot2val": "^1.2.2",
"es5-dot-prop": "^4.1.1",
"gulp-format-md": "^1.0.0",
"lodash.set": "^4.3.2",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"mocha": "^3.5.3",
"object-path-set": "^1.0.0",
"object-set": "^1.0.1",
"split-string": "^5.0.4",
"write": "^1.0.3"
"keywords": [

@@ -45,5 +67,9 @@ "hasown",


@@ -54,2 +80,6 @@ "properties",


@@ -81,4 +111,25 @@ "values"

"reflinks": true
"reflinks": [

@@ -5,2 +5,4 @@ # set-value [![NPM version](]( [![NPM monthly downloads](]( [![NPM total downloads](]( [![Linux Build Status](](

Please consider following this project's author, [Jon Schlinkert](, and consider starring the project to show your :heart: and support.
## Install

@@ -52,37 +54,107 @@

**Escaping with double-quotes or single-quotes**
## Benchmarks
Wrap double or single quotes around the string, or part of the string, that should not be split by set-value:
_(benchmarks were run on a MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3)_.
console.log(set({}, '"a.b".c', 'd'));
//=> { 'a.b': { c: 'd' } }
set-value is more reliable and has more features than dot-prop, without sacrificing performance.
console.log(set({}, "'a.b'.c", "d"));
//=> { 'a.b': { c: 'd' } }
console.log(set({}, '"this/is/a/.file.path"', 'd'));
//=> { 'this/is/a/file.path': 'd' }
# deep (194 bytes)
deep-object x 629,744 ops/sec ±0.85% (88 runs sampled)
deep-property x 1,470,427 ops/sec ±0.94% (89 runs sampled)
deep-set x 1,401,089 ops/sec ±1.02% (91 runs sampled)
deephas x 590,005 ops/sec ±1.73% (86 runs sampled)
dot-prop x 1,261,408 ops/sec ±0.94% (90 runs sampled)
dot2val x 1,672,729 ops/sec ±1.12% (89 runs sampled)
es5-dot-prop x 1,313,018 ops/sec ±0.79% (91 runs sampled)
lodash-set x 1,074,464 ops/sec ±0.97% (93 runs sampled)
object-path-set x 961,198 ops/sec ±2.07% (74 runs sampled)
object-set x 258,438 ops/sec ±0.69% (90 runs sampled)
set-value x 1,976,843 ops/sec ±2.07% (89 runs sampled)
### Bracket support
fastest is set-value (by 186% avg)
set-value does not split inside brackets or braces:
# medium (98 bytes)
deep-object x 3,249,287 ops/sec ±1.04% (93 runs sampled)
deep-property x 3,409,307 ops/sec ±1.28% (88 runs sampled)
deep-set x 3,240,776 ops/sec ±1.13% (93 runs sampled)
deephas x 960,504 ops/sec ±1.39% (89 runs sampled)
dot-prop x 2,776,388 ops/sec ±0.80% (94 runs sampled)
dot2val x 3,889,791 ops/sec ±1.28% (91 runs sampled)
es5-dot-prop x 2,779,604 ops/sec ±1.32% (91 runs sampled)
lodash-set x 2,791,304 ops/sec ±0.75% (90 runs sampled)
object-path-set x 2,462,084 ops/sec ±1.51% (91 runs sampled)
object-set x 838,569 ops/sec ±0.87% (90 runs sampled)
set-value x 4,767,287 ops/sec ±1.21% (91 runs sampled)
console.log(set({}, '[a.b].c', 'd'));
//=> { '[a.b]': { c: 'd' } }
fastest is set-value (by 181% avg)
console.log(set({}, "(a.b).c", "d"));
//=> { '(a.b)': { c: 'd' } }
# shallow (101 bytes)
deep-object x 4,793,168 ops/sec ±0.75% (88 runs sampled)
deep-property x 4,669,218 ops/sec ±1.17% (90 runs sampled)
deep-set x 4,648,247 ops/sec ±0.73% (91 runs sampled)
deephas x 1,246,414 ops/sec ±1.67% (92 runs sampled)
dot-prop x 3,913,694 ops/sec ±1.23% (89 runs sampled)
dot2val x 5,428,829 ops/sec ±0.76% (92 runs sampled)
es5-dot-prop x 3,897,931 ops/sec ±1.19% (92 runs sampled)
lodash-set x 6,128,638 ops/sec ±0.95% (87 runs sampled)
object-path-set x 5,429,978 ops/sec ±3.31% (87 runs sampled)
object-set x 1,529,485 ops/sec ±2.37% (89 runs sampled)
set-value x 7,150,921 ops/sec ±1.58% (89 runs sampled)
console.log(set({}, "<a.b>.c", "d"));
//=> { '<a.b>': { c: 'd' } }
fastest is set-value (by 172% avg)
console.log(set({}, "{a..b}.c", "d"));
//=> { '{a..b}': { c: 'd' } }
### Running the benchmarks
Clone this library into a local directory:
$ git clone
Then install devDependencies and run benchmarks:
$ npm install && node benchmark
## Comparisons to other libs, or _"the list of shame"_
These are just a few of the duplicate libraries on NPM.
* [bury]( fails all of the tests. I even wrapped it to have it return the object instead of the value, but with all of that work it still fails the vast majority of tests.
* [deep-get-set]( fails 22 of 26 unit tests.
* [deep-object]( fails 25 of 26 unit tests, completely butchered given objects.
* [deep-property]( fails 17 of 26 unit tests.
* [deep-set]( fails 13 of 26 unit tests.
* [deephas]( fails 17 of 26 unit tests.
* [dot-prop]( fails 9 of 26 unit tests.
* [dot2val]( fails 17 of 26 unit tests.
* [es5-dot-prop]( fails 15 of 26 unit tests.
* [getsetdeep]( fails all unit tests due to `this` being used improperly in the methods. I was able to patch it by binding the (plain) object to the methods, but it still fails 17 of 26 unit tests.
* [lodash.set]( fails 11 of 26 unit tests.
* [object-path-set]( fails 12 of 26 unit tests.
* [object-path]( fails 16 of 26 unit tests.
* [object-set]( fails 13 of 26 unit tests.
* [set-nested-prop]( fails 24 of 26 unit tests.
* [setvalue]( (this library is almost identical to a previous version of this library)
* Many dozens of others
**Others that do the same thing, but use a completely different API**
* [deep-set-in](
* [set-deep](
* [set-deep-prop](
* [bury](
* Many dozens of others
## History
### v3.0.0
* Added support for a custom `split` function to be passed on the options.
* Removed support for splitting on brackets, since a [custom function]( can be passed to do this now.
### v2.0.0

@@ -97,27 +169,23 @@

### Related projects
* [assign-value]( Assign a value or extend a deeply nested property of an object using object path… [more]( | [homepage]( "Assign a value or extend a deeply nested property of an object using object path notation.")
* [get-value]( Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object. | [homepage]( "Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object.")
* [has-value]( Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using… [more]( | [homepage]( "Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.")
* [merge-value]( Similar to assign-value but deeply merges object values or nested values using object path/dot notation. | [homepage]( "Similar to assign-value but deeply merges object values or nested values using object path/dot notation.")
* [omit-value]( Omit properties from an object or deeply nested property of an object using object path… [more]( | [homepage]( "Omit properties from an object or deeply nested property of an object using object path notation.")
* [set-value]( Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths. | [homepage]( "Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.")
* [union-value]( Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply… [more]( | [homepage]( "Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation.")
* [unset-value]( Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation. | [homepage]( "Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation.")
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
### Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
<summary><strong>Running Tests</strong></summary>
### Contributors
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
| --- | --- |
| 59 | [jonschlinkert]( |
| 1 | [vadimdemedes]( |
| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg]( |
$ npm install && npm test
### Building docs
<summary><strong>Building docs</strong></summary>
_(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_

@@ -131,10 +199,25 @@

### Running tests
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
### Related projects
$ npm install && npm test
You might also be interested in these projects:
* [assign-value]( Assign a value or extend a deeply nested property of an object using object path… [more]( | [homepage]( "Assign a value or extend a deeply nested property of an object using object path notation.")
* [get-value]( Use property paths like 'a.b.c' to get a nested value from an object. Even works… [more]( | [homepage]( "Use property paths like 'a.b.c' to get a nested value from an object. Even works when keys have dots in them (no other dot-prop library can do this!).")
* [has-value]( Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using… [more]( | [homepage]( "Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.")
* [merge-value]( Similar to assign-value but deeply merges object values or nested values using object path/dot notation. | [homepage]( "Similar to assign-value but deeply merges object values or nested values using object path/dot notation.")
* [omit-value]( Omit properties from an object or deeply nested property of an object using object path… [more]( | [homepage]( "Omit properties from an object or deeply nested property of an object using object path notation.")
* [set-value]( Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths. | [homepage]( "Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.")
* [union-value]( Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply… [more]( | [homepage]( "Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation.")
* [unset-value]( Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation. | [homepage]( "Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation.")
### Contributors
| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
| --- | --- |
| 64 | [jonschlinkert]( |
| 1 | [vadimdemedes]( |
| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg]( |
### Author

@@ -144,8 +227,9 @@

* [github/jonschlinkert](
* [twitter/jonschlinkert](
* [LinkedIn Profile](
* [GitHub Profile](
* [Twitter Profile](
### License
Copyright © 2017, [Jon Schlinkert](
Copyright © 2018, [Jon Schlinkert](
Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).

@@ -155,2 +239,2 @@

_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.6.0, on June 21, 2017._
_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.6.0, on March 05, 2018._

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