Simple, independently audited, zero-dependency TypeScript implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm.
Uses GF(2^8). Works on Uint8Array
objects. Implementation inspired by hashicorp/vault.
Both Node and browser environments are supported.
Made with ❤️ by Privy.
Security considerations
This library has been independently audited by Cure53. See the audit report.
There are a couple of considerations for proper use of this library.
- Resistance to side channel attacks: JavaScript is a garbage-collected, just-in-time compiled language and it is thus unrealistic to achieve true constant-time guarantees. Where possible, we aim to achieve algorithmic constant-time.
- This library is not responsible for verifying the result of share reconstruction. Incorrect or corrupted shares will produce an incorrect value. Thus, it is the responsibility of users of this library to verify the integrity of the reconstructed secret.
- Secrets should ideally be uniformly distributed at random. If this is not the case, it is recommended to first encrypt the value and split the encryption key.
We can split
a secret into shares and later combine
the shares to reconstruct the secret.
import {split, combine} from 'shamir-secret-sharing';
const toUint8Array = (data: string) => new TextEncoder().encode(data);
const input = document.querySelector("input#secret").value.normalize('NFKC');
const secret = toUint8Array(input);
const [share1, share2, share3] = await split(secret, 3, 2);
const reconstructed = await combine([share1, share3]);
console.log(btoa(reconstructed) === btoa(secret));
const randomEntropy = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16));
const [share1, share2, share3] = await split(randomEntropy, 3, 2);
const reconstructed = await combine([share2, share3]);
console.log(btoa(reconstructed) === btoa(randomEntropy));
const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "AES-GCM",
length: 256
["encrypt", "decrypt"]
const exportedKeyBuffer = await crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', key);
const exportedKey = new Uint8Array(exportedKeyBuffer);
const [share1, share2, share3] = await split(exportedKey, 3, 2);
const reconstructed = await combine([share2, share1]);
console.log(btoa(reconstructed) === btoa(exportedKey));
This package exposes two functions: split
and combine
declare function split(secret: Uint8Array, shares: number, threshold: number): Promise<Uint8Array[]>;
declare function combine(shares: Uint8Array[]): Promise<Uint8Array>;
Apache-2.0. See the license file.