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shift-spec - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2015.2.1 to 2016.0.0


// Generated by src/generate-spec.js.
* Copyright 2015 Shape Security, Inc.
* Copyright 2016 Shape Security, Inc.

@@ -24,3 +24,2 @@ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

// Meta data generated from spec.idl.
exports.default = (function() {

@@ -37,91 +36,74 @@ var SPEC = {};

typeName: "Enum",
values: ["ArrayBinding", "ArrayExpression", "ArrowExpression", "AssignmentExpression", "BinaryExpression", "BindingIdentifier", "BindingProperty", "BindingPropertyIdentifier", "BindingPropertyProperty", "BindingWithDefault", "Block", "BlockStatement", "BreakStatement", "CallExpression", "CatchClause", "Class", "ClassDeclaration", "ClassElement", "ClassExpression", "CompoundAssignmentExpression", "ComputedMemberExpression", "ComputedPropertyName", "ConditionalExpression", "ContinueStatement", "DataProperty", "DebuggerStatement", "Directive", "DoWhileStatement", "EmptyStatement", "Export", "ExportAllFrom", "ExportDeclaration", "ExportDefault", "ExportFrom", "ExportSpecifier", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ForInStatement", "ForOfStatement", "ForStatement", "FormalParameters", "Function", "FunctionBody", "FunctionDeclaration", "FunctionExpression", "Getter", "IdentifierExpression", "IfStatement", "Import", "ImportDeclaration", "ImportNamespace", "ImportSpecifier", "IterationStatement", "LabeledStatement", "LiteralBooleanExpression", "LiteralInfinityExpression", "LiteralNullExpression", "LiteralNumericExpression", "LiteralRegExpExpression", "LiteralStringExpression", "MemberExpression", "Method", "MethodDefinition", "Module", "NamedObjectProperty", "NewExpression", "NewTargetExpression", "Node", "ObjectBinding", "ObjectExpression", "ObjectProperty", "PropertyName", "ReturnStatement", "Script", "Setter", "ShorthandProperty", "SourceLocation", "SourceSpan", "SpreadElement", "Statement", "StaticMemberExpression", "StaticPropertyName", "Super", "SwitchCase", "SwitchDefault", "SwitchStatement", "SwitchStatementWithDefault", "TemplateElement", "TemplateExpression", "ThisExpression", "ThrowStatement", "TryCatchStatement", "TryFinallyStatement", "UnaryExpression", "UpdateExpression", "VariableDeclaration", "VariableDeclarationStatement", "VariableDeclarator", "WhileStatement", "WithStatement", "YieldExpression", "YieldGeneratorExpression"]
values: ["ArrayAssignmentTarget", "ArrayBinding", "ArrayExpression", "ArrowExpression", "AssignmentExpression", "AssignmentTargetIdentifier", "AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier", "AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty", "AssignmentTargetWithDefault", "BinaryExpression", "BindingIdentifier", "BindingPropertyIdentifier", "BindingPropertyProperty", "BindingWithDefault", "Block", "BlockStatement", "BreakStatement", "CallExpression", "CatchClause", "ClassDeclaration", "ClassElement", "ClassExpression", "CompoundAssignmentExpression", "ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget", "ComputedMemberExpression", "ComputedPropertyName", "ConditionalExpression", "ContinueStatement", "DataProperty", "DebuggerStatement", "Directive", "DoWhileStatement", "EmptyStatement", "Export", "ExportAllFrom", "ExportDefault", "ExportFrom", "ExportFromSpecifier", "ExportLocalSpecifier", "ExportLocals", "ExpressionStatement", "ForInStatement", "ForOfStatement", "ForStatement", "FormalParameters", "FunctionBody", "FunctionDeclaration", "FunctionExpression", "Getter", "IdentifierExpression", "IfStatement", "Import", "ImportNamespace", "ImportSpecifier", "LabeledStatement", "LiteralBooleanExpression", "LiteralInfinityExpression", "LiteralNullExpression", "LiteralNumericExpression", "LiteralRegExpExpression", "LiteralStringExpression", "Method", "Module", "NewExpression", "NewTargetExpression", "ObjectAssignmentTarget", "ObjectBinding", "ObjectExpression", "ReturnStatement", "Script", "Setter", "ShorthandProperty", "SpreadElement", "StaticMemberAssignmentTarget", "StaticMemberExpression", "StaticPropertyName", "Super", "SwitchCase", "SwitchDefault", "SwitchStatement", "SwitchStatementWithDefault", "TemplateElement", "TemplateExpression", "ThisExpression", "ThrowStatement", "TryCatchStatement", "TryFinallyStatement", "UnaryExpression", "UpdateExpression", "VariableDeclaration", "VariableDeclarationStatement", "VariableDeclarator", "WhileStatement", "WithStatement", "YieldExpression", "YieldGeneratorExpression"]
var VariableDeclarationKind = {
var BinaryOperator = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["var", "let", "const"]
values: ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "in", "instanceof", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "**", ",", "||", "&&", "|", "^", "&"]
var CompoundAssignmentOperator = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&="]
var BinaryOperator = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "in", "instanceof", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", ",", "||", "&&", "|", "^", "&"]
values: ["+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "**=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&="]
var UnaryOperator = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["+", "-", "!", "~", "typeof", "void", "delete"]
var UpdateOperator = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["++", "--"]
var VariableDeclarationKind = {
typeName: "Enum",
values: ["var", "let", "const"]
var SourceLocation = SPEC.SourceLocation = {};
var SourceSpan = SPEC.SourceSpan = {};
var BindingWithDefault = SPEC.BindingWithDefault = {};
var BindingIdentifier = SPEC.BindingIdentifier = {};
var ArrayAssignmentTarget = SPEC.ArrayAssignmentTarget = {};
var ArrayBinding = SPEC.ArrayBinding = {};
var ObjectBinding = SPEC.ObjectBinding = {};
var BindingPropertyIdentifier = SPEC.BindingPropertyIdentifier = {};
var BindingPropertyProperty = SPEC.BindingPropertyProperty = {};
var ClassExpression = SPEC.ClassExpression = {};
var ClassDeclaration = SPEC.ClassDeclaration = {};
var ClassElement = SPEC.ClassElement = {};
var Module = SPEC.Module = {};
var Import = SPEC.Import = {};
var ImportNamespace = SPEC.ImportNamespace = {};
var ImportSpecifier = SPEC.ImportSpecifier = {};
var ExportAllFrom = SPEC.ExportAllFrom = {};
var ExportFrom = SPEC.ExportFrom = {};
var Export = SPEC.Export = {};
var ExportDefault = SPEC.ExportDefault = {};
var ExportSpecifier = SPEC.ExportSpecifier = {};
var Method = SPEC.Method = {};
var Getter = SPEC.Getter = {};
var Setter = SPEC.Setter = {};
var DataProperty = SPEC.DataProperty = {};
var ShorthandProperty = SPEC.ShorthandProperty = {};
var ComputedPropertyName = SPEC.ComputedPropertyName = {};
var StaticPropertyName = SPEC.StaticPropertyName = {};
var LiteralBooleanExpression = SPEC.LiteralBooleanExpression = {};
var LiteralInfinityExpression = SPEC.LiteralInfinityExpression = {};
var LiteralNullExpression = SPEC.LiteralNullExpression = {};
var LiteralNumericExpression = SPEC.LiteralNumericExpression = {};
var LiteralRegExpExpression = SPEC.LiteralRegExpExpression = {};
var LiteralStringExpression = SPEC.LiteralStringExpression = {};
var ArrayExpression = SPEC.ArrayExpression = {};
var ArrowExpression = SPEC.ArrowExpression = {};
var AssignmentExpression = SPEC.AssignmentExpression = {};
var AssignmentTargetIdentifier = SPEC.AssignmentTargetIdentifier = {};
var AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier = SPEC.AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier = {};
var AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty = SPEC.AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty = {};
var AssignmentTargetWithDefault = SPEC.AssignmentTargetWithDefault = {};
var BinaryExpression = SPEC.BinaryExpression = {};
var BindingIdentifier = SPEC.BindingIdentifier = {};
var BindingPropertyIdentifier = SPEC.BindingPropertyIdentifier = {};
var BindingPropertyProperty = SPEC.BindingPropertyProperty = {};
var BindingWithDefault = SPEC.BindingWithDefault = {};
var Block = SPEC.Block = {};
var BlockStatement = SPEC.BlockStatement = {};
var BreakStatement = SPEC.BreakStatement = {};
var CallExpression = SPEC.CallExpression = {};
var CatchClause = SPEC.CatchClause = {};
var ClassDeclaration = SPEC.ClassDeclaration = {};
var ClassElement = SPEC.ClassElement = {};
var ClassExpression = SPEC.ClassExpression = {};
var CompoundAssignmentExpression = SPEC.CompoundAssignmentExpression = {};
var ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget = SPEC.ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget = {};
var ComputedMemberExpression = SPEC.ComputedMemberExpression = {};
var ComputedPropertyName = SPEC.ComputedPropertyName = {};
var ConditionalExpression = SPEC.ConditionalExpression = {};
var FunctionExpression = SPEC.FunctionExpression = {};
var IdentifierExpression = SPEC.IdentifierExpression = {};
var NewExpression = SPEC.NewExpression = {};
var NewTargetExpression = SPEC.NewTargetExpression = {};
var ObjectExpression = SPEC.ObjectExpression = {};
var UnaryExpression = SPEC.UnaryExpression = {};
var StaticMemberExpression = SPEC.StaticMemberExpression = {};
var TemplateExpression = SPEC.TemplateExpression = {};
var ThisExpression = SPEC.ThisExpression = {};
var UpdateExpression = SPEC.UpdateExpression = {};
var YieldExpression = SPEC.YieldExpression = {};
var YieldGeneratorExpression = SPEC.YieldGeneratorExpression = {};
var BlockStatement = SPEC.BlockStatement = {};
var BreakStatement = SPEC.BreakStatement = {};
var ContinueStatement = SPEC.ContinueStatement = {};
var DataProperty = SPEC.DataProperty = {};
var DebuggerStatement = SPEC.DebuggerStatement = {};
var Directive = SPEC.Directive = {};
var DoWhileStatement = SPEC.DoWhileStatement = {};
var EmptyStatement = SPEC.EmptyStatement = {};
var Export = SPEC.Export = {};
var ExportAllFrom = SPEC.ExportAllFrom = {};
var ExportDefault = SPEC.ExportDefault = {};
var ExportFrom = SPEC.ExportFrom = {};
var ExportFromSpecifier = SPEC.ExportFromSpecifier = {};
var ExportLocalSpecifier = SPEC.ExportLocalSpecifier = {};
var ExportLocals = SPEC.ExportLocals = {};
var ExpressionStatement = SPEC.ExpressionStatement = {};

@@ -131,93 +113,154 @@ var ForInStatement = SPEC.ForInStatement = {};

var ForStatement = SPEC.ForStatement = {};
var FormalParameters = SPEC.FormalParameters = {};
var FunctionBody = SPEC.FunctionBody = {};
var FunctionDeclaration = SPEC.FunctionDeclaration = {};
var FunctionExpression = SPEC.FunctionExpression = {};
var Getter = SPEC.Getter = {};
var IdentifierExpression = SPEC.IdentifierExpression = {};
var IfStatement = SPEC.IfStatement = {};
var Import = SPEC.Import = {};
var ImportNamespace = SPEC.ImportNamespace = {};
var ImportSpecifier = SPEC.ImportSpecifier = {};
var LabeledStatement = SPEC.LabeledStatement = {};
var LiteralBooleanExpression = SPEC.LiteralBooleanExpression = {};
var LiteralInfinityExpression = SPEC.LiteralInfinityExpression = {};
var LiteralNullExpression = SPEC.LiteralNullExpression = {};
var LiteralNumericExpression = SPEC.LiteralNumericExpression = {};
var LiteralRegExpExpression = SPEC.LiteralRegExpExpression = {};
var LiteralStringExpression = SPEC.LiteralStringExpression = {};
var Method = SPEC.Method = {};
var Module = SPEC.Module = {};
var NewExpression = SPEC.NewExpression = {};
var NewTargetExpression = SPEC.NewTargetExpression = {};
var ObjectAssignmentTarget = SPEC.ObjectAssignmentTarget = {};
var ObjectBinding = SPEC.ObjectBinding = {};
var ObjectExpression = SPEC.ObjectExpression = {};
var ReturnStatement = SPEC.ReturnStatement = {};
var Script = SPEC.Script = {};
var Setter = SPEC.Setter = {};
var ShorthandProperty = SPEC.ShorthandProperty = {};
var SpreadElement = SPEC.SpreadElement = {};
var StaticMemberAssignmentTarget = SPEC.StaticMemberAssignmentTarget = {};
var StaticMemberExpression = SPEC.StaticMemberExpression = {};
var StaticPropertyName = SPEC.StaticPropertyName = {};
var Super = SPEC.Super = {};
var SwitchCase = SPEC.SwitchCase = {};
var SwitchDefault = SPEC.SwitchDefault = {};
var SwitchStatement = SPEC.SwitchStatement = {};
var SwitchStatementWithDefault = SPEC.SwitchStatementWithDefault = {};
var TemplateElement = SPEC.TemplateElement = {};
var TemplateExpression = SPEC.TemplateExpression = {};
var ThisExpression = SPEC.ThisExpression = {};
var ThrowStatement = SPEC.ThrowStatement = {};
var TryCatchStatement = SPEC.TryCatchStatement = {};
var TryFinallyStatement = SPEC.TryFinallyStatement = {};
var UnaryExpression = SPEC.UnaryExpression = {};
var UpdateExpression = SPEC.UpdateExpression = {};
var VariableDeclaration = SPEC.VariableDeclaration = {};
var VariableDeclarationStatement = SPEC.VariableDeclarationStatement = {};
var VariableDeclarator = SPEC.VariableDeclarator = {};
var WhileStatement = SPEC.WhileStatement = {};
var WithStatement = SPEC.WithStatement = {};
var Block = SPEC.Block = {};
var CatchClause = SPEC.CatchClause = {};
var Directive = SPEC.Directive = {};
var FormalParameters = SPEC.FormalParameters = {};
var FunctionBody = SPEC.FunctionBody = {};
var FunctionDeclaration = SPEC.FunctionDeclaration = {};
var Script = SPEC.Script = {};
var SpreadElement = SPEC.SpreadElement = {};
var Super = SPEC.Super = {};
var SwitchCase = SPEC.SwitchCase = {};
var SwitchDefault = SPEC.SwitchDefault = {};
var TemplateElement = SPEC.TemplateElement = {};
var VariableDeclaration = SPEC.VariableDeclaration = {};
var VariableDeclarator = SPEC.VariableDeclarator = {};
var YieldExpression = SPEC.YieldExpression = {};
var YieldGeneratorExpression = SPEC.YieldGeneratorExpression = {};
var Class = Union(ClassExpression, ClassDeclaration);
var MemberExpression = Union(ComputedMemberExpression, StaticMemberExpression);
var AssignmentTargetProperty = Union(AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier, AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty);
var Class = Union(ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression);
var ExportDeclaration = Union(Export, ExportAllFrom, ExportDefault, ExportFrom, ExportLocals);
var PropertyName = Union(ComputedPropertyName, StaticPropertyName);
var Function = Union(FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression);
var ImportDeclaration = Union(Import, ImportNamespace);
var IterationStatement = Union(DoWhileStatement, ForInStatement, ForOfStatement, ForStatement, WhileStatement);
var MemberAssignmentTarget = Union(ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget, StaticMemberAssignmentTarget);
var BindingProperty = Union(BindingPropertyIdentifier, BindingPropertyProperty);
var ExportDeclaration = Union(ExportAllFrom, ExportFrom, Export, ExportDefault);
var ImportDeclaration = Union(Import, ImportNamespace);
var MethodDefinition = Union(Method, Getter, Setter);
var NamedObjectProperty = Union(MethodDefinition, DataProperty);
var MethodDefinition = Union(Getter, Method, Setter);
var Program = Union(Module, Script);
var VariableReference = Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, BindingIdentifier, IdentifierExpression);
var NamedObjectProperty = Union(DataProperty, MethodDefinition);
var Expression = Union(ArrayExpression, ArrowExpression, AssignmentExpression, BinaryExpression, CallExpression, ClassExpression, CompoundAssignmentExpression, ConditionalExpression, FunctionExpression, IdentifierExpression, LiteralBooleanExpression, LiteralInfinityExpression, LiteralNullExpression, LiteralNumericExpression, LiteralRegExpExpression, LiteralStringExpression, MemberExpression, NewExpression, NewTargetExpression, ObjectExpression, TemplateExpression, ThisExpression, UnaryExpression, UpdateExpression, YieldExpression, YieldGeneratorExpression);
var Statement = Union(BlockStatement, BreakStatement, ClassDeclaration, ContinueStatement, DebuggerStatement, EmptyStatement, ExpressionStatement, FunctionDeclaration, IfStatement, IterationStatement, LabeledStatement, ReturnStatement, SwitchStatement, SwitchStatementWithDefault, ThrowStatement, TryCatchStatement, TryFinallyStatement, VariableDeclarationStatement, WithStatement);
var ObjectProperty = Union(NamedObjectProperty, ShorthandProperty);
var PropertyName = Union(ComputedPropertyName, StaticPropertyName);
var MemberExpression = Union(ComputedMemberExpression, StaticMemberExpression);
var Expression = Union(MemberExpression, ClassExpression, LiteralBooleanExpression, LiteralInfinityExpression, LiteralNullExpression, LiteralNumericExpression, LiteralRegExpExpression, LiteralStringExpression, ArrayExpression, ArrowExpression, AssignmentExpression, BinaryExpression, CallExpression, CompoundAssignmentExpression, ConditionalExpression, FunctionExpression, IdentifierExpression, NewExpression, NewTargetExpression, ObjectExpression, UnaryExpression, TemplateExpression, ThisExpression, UpdateExpression, YieldExpression, YieldGeneratorExpression);
var IterationStatement = Union(DoWhileStatement, ForInStatement, ForOfStatement, ForStatement, WhileStatement);
var Statement = Union(IterationStatement, ClassDeclaration, BlockStatement, BreakStatement, ContinueStatement, DebuggerStatement, EmptyStatement, ExpressionStatement, IfStatement, LabeledStatement, ReturnStatement, SwitchStatement, SwitchStatementWithDefault, ThrowStatement, TryCatchStatement, TryFinallyStatement, VariableDeclarationStatement, WithStatement, FunctionDeclaration);
var Node = Union(Statement, Expression, PropertyName, ObjectProperty, ImportDeclaration, ExportDeclaration, BindingWithDefault, BindingIdentifier, ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding, BindingProperty, ClassElement, Module, ImportSpecifier, ExportSpecifier, Block, CatchClause, Directive, FormalParameters, FunctionBody, Script, SpreadElement, Super, SwitchCase, SwitchDefault, TemplateElement, VariableDeclaration, VariableDeclarator);
var Function = Union(FunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration);
var Node = Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ArrayBinding, AssignmentTargetProperty, AssignmentTargetWithDefault, BindingProperty, BindingWithDefault, Block, CatchClause, ClassElement, Directive, ExportDeclaration, ExportFromSpecifier, ExportLocalSpecifier, Expression, FormalParameters, FunctionBody, ImportDeclaration, ImportSpecifier, MemberAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget, ObjectBinding, ObjectProperty, Program, PropertyName, SpreadElement, Statement, Super, SwitchCase, SwitchDefault, TemplateElement, VariableDeclaration, VariableDeclarator, VariableReference);
SourceLocation.typeName = "SourceLocation";
SourceLocation.fields = [
{ name: "line", type: DOUBLE },
{ name: "column", type: DOUBLE },
{ name: "offset", type: DOUBLE },
ArrayAssignmentTarget.typeName = "ArrayAssignmentTarget";
ArrayAssignmentTarget.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrayAssignmentTarget" },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Maybe(Union(AssignmentTargetWithDefault, Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget))))) },
{ name: "rest", type: Maybe(Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget))) }
SourceSpan.typeName = "SourceSpan";
SourceSpan.fields = [
{ name: "source", type: Maybe(STRING) },
{ name: "start", type: SourceLocation },
{ name: "end", type: SourceLocation },
ArrayBinding.typeName = "ArrayBinding";
ArrayBinding.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrayBinding" },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Maybe(Union(BindingWithDefault, Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding))))) },
{ name: "rest", type: Maybe(Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding))) }
BindingWithDefault.typeName = "BindingWithDefault";
BindingWithDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingWithDefault" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "init", type: Expression },
ArrayExpression.typeName = "ArrayExpression";
ArrayExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrayExpression" },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Maybe(Union(Expression, SpreadElement))) }
BindingIdentifier.typeName = "BindingIdentifier";
BindingIdentifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingIdentifier" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: STRING },
ArrowExpression.typeName = "ArrowExpression";
ArrowExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrowExpression" },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: Union(Expression, FunctionBody) }
ArrayBinding.typeName = "ArrayBinding";
ArrayBinding.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrayBinding" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Maybe(Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression, BindingWithDefault))) },
{ name: "restElement", type: Maybe(Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression)) },
AssignmentExpression.typeName = "AssignmentExpression";
AssignmentExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentExpression" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget)) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ObjectBinding.typeName = "ObjectBinding";
ObjectBinding.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ObjectBinding" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "properties", type: List(BindingProperty) },
AssignmentTargetIdentifier.typeName = "AssignmentTargetIdentifier";
AssignmentTargetIdentifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentTargetIdentifier" },
{ name: "name", type: STRING }
AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier.typeName = "AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier";
AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier" },
{ name: "binding", type: AssignmentTargetIdentifier },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Expression) }
AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty.typeName = "AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty";
AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty" },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(AssignmentTargetWithDefault, Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget))) }
AssignmentTargetWithDefault.typeName = "AssignmentTargetWithDefault";
AssignmentTargetWithDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentTargetWithDefault" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget)) },
{ name: "init", type: Expression }
BinaryExpression.typeName = "BinaryExpression";
BinaryExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BinaryExpression" },
{ name: "left", type: Expression },
{ name: "operator", type: BinaryOperator },
{ name: "right", type: Expression }
BindingIdentifier.typeName = "BindingIdentifier";
BindingIdentifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingIdentifier" },
{ name: "name", type: STRING }
BindingPropertyIdentifier.typeName = "BindingPropertyIdentifier";
BindingPropertyIdentifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingPropertyIdentifier" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "binding", type: BindingIdentifier },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Expression) }

@@ -228,23 +271,51 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingPropertyProperty" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression, BindingWithDefault) },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(BindingWithDefault, Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding))) }
ClassExpression.typeName = "ClassExpression";
ClassExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ClassExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "super", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(ClassElement) },
BindingWithDefault.typeName = "BindingWithDefault";
BindingWithDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BindingWithDefault" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding)) },
{ name: "init", type: Expression }
Block.typeName = "Block";
Block.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Block" },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) }
BlockStatement.typeName = "BlockStatement";
BlockStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BlockStatement" },
{ name: "block", type: Block }
BreakStatement.typeName = "BreakStatement";
BreakStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BreakStatement" },
{ name: "label", type: Maybe(STRING) }
CallExpression.typeName = "CallExpression";
CallExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CallExpression" },
{ name: "callee", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "arguments", type: List(Union(Expression, SpreadElement)) }
CatchClause.typeName = "CatchClause";
CatchClause.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CatchClause" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding)) },
{ name: "body", type: Block }
ClassDeclaration.typeName = "ClassDeclaration";
ClassDeclaration.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ClassDeclaration" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: BindingIdentifier },
{ name: "super", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(ClassElement) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(ClassElement) }

@@ -255,139 +326,249 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ClassElement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "isStatic", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "method", type: MethodDefinition },
{ name: "method", type: MethodDefinition }
Module.typeName = "Module";
Module.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Module" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "items", type: List(Union(ImportDeclaration, ExportDeclaration, Statement)) },
ClassExpression.typeName = "ClassExpression";
ClassExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ClassExpression" },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "super", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(ClassElement) }
Import.typeName = "Import";
Import.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Import" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING },
{ name: "defaultBinding", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "namedImports", type: List(ImportSpecifier) },
CompoundAssignmentExpression.typeName = "CompoundAssignmentExpression";
CompoundAssignmentExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CompoundAssignmentExpression" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget) },
{ name: "operator", type: CompoundAssignmentOperator },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ImportNamespace.typeName = "ImportNamespace";
ImportNamespace.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ImportNamespace" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING },
{ name: "defaultBinding", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "namespaceBinding", type: BindingIdentifier },
ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget.typeName = "ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget";
ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget" },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ImportSpecifier.typeName = "ImportSpecifier";
ImportSpecifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ImportSpecifier" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(STRING) },
{ name: "binding", type: BindingIdentifier },
ComputedMemberExpression.typeName = "ComputedMemberExpression";
ComputedMemberExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ComputedMemberExpression" },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ExportAllFrom.typeName = "ExportAllFrom";
ExportAllFrom.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportAllFrom" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING },
ComputedPropertyName.typeName = "ComputedPropertyName";
ComputedPropertyName.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ComputedPropertyName" },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ExportFrom.typeName = "ExportFrom";
ExportFrom.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportFrom" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "namedExports", type: List(ExportSpecifier) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: Maybe(STRING) },
ConditionalExpression.typeName = "ConditionalExpression";
ConditionalExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ConditionalExpression" },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: Expression },
{ name: "alternate", type: Expression }
ContinueStatement.typeName = "ContinueStatement";
ContinueStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ContinueStatement" },
{ name: "label", type: Maybe(STRING) }
DataProperty.typeName = "DataProperty";
DataProperty.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DataProperty" },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
DebuggerStatement.typeName = "DebuggerStatement";
DebuggerStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DebuggerStatement" }
Directive.typeName = "Directive";
Directive.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Directive" },
{ name: "rawValue", type: STRING }
DoWhileStatement.typeName = "DoWhileStatement";
DoWhileStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DoWhileStatement" },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
{ name: "test", type: Expression }
EmptyStatement.typeName = "EmptyStatement";
EmptyStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "EmptyStatement" }
Export.typeName = "Export";
Export.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Export" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "declaration", type: Union(FunctionDeclaration, ClassDeclaration, VariableDeclaration) },
{ name: "declaration", type: Union(ClassDeclaration, FunctionDeclaration, VariableDeclaration) }
ExportAllFrom.typeName = "ExportAllFrom";
ExportAllFrom.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportAllFrom" },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING }
ExportDefault.typeName = "ExportDefault";
ExportDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportDefault" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "body", type: Union(FunctionDeclaration, ClassDeclaration, Expression) },
{ name: "body", type: Union(ClassDeclaration, Expression, FunctionDeclaration) }
ExportSpecifier.typeName = "ExportSpecifier";
ExportSpecifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportSpecifier" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(STRING) },
{ name: "exportedName", type: STRING },
ExportFrom.typeName = "ExportFrom";
ExportFrom.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportFrom" },
{ name: "namedExports", type: List(ExportFromSpecifier) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING }
Method.typeName = "Method";
Method.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Method" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
ExportFromSpecifier.typeName = "ExportFromSpecifier";
ExportFromSpecifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportFromSpecifier" },
{ name: "name", type: STRING },
{ name: "exportedName", type: Maybe(STRING) }
ExportLocalSpecifier.typeName = "ExportLocalSpecifier";
ExportLocalSpecifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportLocalSpecifier" },
{ name: "name", type: IdentifierExpression },
{ name: "exportedName", type: Maybe(STRING) }
ExportLocals.typeName = "ExportLocals";
ExportLocals.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExportLocals" },
{ name: "namedExports", type: List(ExportLocalSpecifier) }
ExpressionStatement.typeName = "ExpressionStatement";
ExpressionStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExpressionStatement" },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
ForInStatement.typeName = "ForInStatement";
ForInStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForInStatement" },
{ name: "left", type: Union(Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget)), VariableDeclaration) },
{ name: "right", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }
ForOfStatement.typeName = "ForOfStatement";
ForOfStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForOfStatement" },
{ name: "left", type: Union(Union(Union(ArrayAssignmentTarget, ObjectAssignmentTarget), Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget)), VariableDeclaration) },
{ name: "right", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }
ForStatement.typeName = "ForStatement";
ForStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForStatement" },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Union(Expression, VariableDeclaration)) },
{ name: "test", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "update", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }
FormalParameters.typeName = "FormalParameters";
FormalParameters.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FormalParameters" },
{ name: "items", type: List(Union(BindingWithDefault, Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding)))) },
{ name: "rest", type: Maybe(Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding))) }
FunctionBody.typeName = "FunctionBody";
FunctionBody.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionBody" },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) }
FunctionDeclaration.typeName = "FunctionDeclaration";
FunctionDeclaration.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionDeclaration" },
{ name: "isGenerator", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "name", type: BindingIdentifier },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody }
FunctionExpression.typeName = "FunctionExpression";
FunctionExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionExpression" },
{ name: "isGenerator", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody }
Getter.typeName = "Getter";
Getter.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Getter" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody }
Setter.typeName = "Setter";
Setter.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Setter" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "param", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression, BindingWithDefault) },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody },
IdentifierExpression.typeName = "IdentifierExpression";
IdentifierExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "IdentifierExpression" },
{ name: "name", type: STRING }
DataProperty.typeName = "DataProperty";
DataProperty.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DataProperty" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
IfStatement.typeName = "IfStatement";
IfStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "IfStatement" },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: Statement },
{ name: "alternate", type: Maybe(Statement) }
ShorthandProperty.typeName = "ShorthandProperty";
ShorthandProperty.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ShorthandProperty" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: STRING },
Import.typeName = "Import";
Import.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Import" },
{ name: "defaultBinding", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "namedImports", type: List(ImportSpecifier) },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING }
ComputedPropertyName.typeName = "ComputedPropertyName";
ComputedPropertyName.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ComputedPropertyName" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
ImportNamespace.typeName = "ImportNamespace";
ImportNamespace.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ImportNamespace" },
{ name: "defaultBinding", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "namespaceBinding", type: BindingIdentifier },
{ name: "moduleSpecifier", type: STRING }
StaticPropertyName.typeName = "StaticPropertyName";
StaticPropertyName.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "StaticPropertyName" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "value", type: STRING },
ImportSpecifier.typeName = "ImportSpecifier";
ImportSpecifier.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ImportSpecifier" },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(STRING) },
{ name: "binding", type: BindingIdentifier }
LabeledStatement.typeName = "LabeledStatement";
LabeledStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LabeledStatement" },
{ name: "label", type: STRING },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }
LiteralBooleanExpression.typeName = "LiteralBooleanExpression";
LiteralBooleanExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralBooleanExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "value", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "value", type: BOOLEAN }

@@ -397,4 +578,3 @@

LiteralInfinityExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralInfinityExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralInfinityExpression" }

@@ -404,4 +584,3 @@

LiteralNullExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralNullExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralNullExpression" }

@@ -412,4 +591,3 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralNumericExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "value", type: DOUBLE },
{ name: "value", type: DOUBLE }

@@ -420,5 +598,8 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralRegExpExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "pattern", type: STRING },
{ name: "flags", type: STRING },
{ name: "global", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "ignoreCase", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "multiLine", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "sticky", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "unicode", type: BOOLEAN }

@@ -429,87 +610,19 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LiteralStringExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "value", type: STRING },
{ name: "value", type: STRING }
ArrayExpression.typeName = "ArrayExpression";
ArrayExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrayExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Maybe(Union(SpreadElement, Expression))) },
ArrowExpression.typeName = "ArrowExpression";
ArrowExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ArrowExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: Union(FunctionBody, Expression) },
AssignmentExpression.typeName = "AssignmentExpression";
AssignmentExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "AssignmentExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
BinaryExpression.typeName = "BinaryExpression";
BinaryExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BinaryExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "operator", type: BinaryOperator },
{ name: "left", type: Expression },
{ name: "right", type: Expression },
CallExpression.typeName = "CallExpression";
CallExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CallExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "callee", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "arguments", type: List(Union(SpreadElement, Expression)) },
CompoundAssignmentExpression.typeName = "CompoundAssignmentExpression";
CompoundAssignmentExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CompoundAssignmentExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "operator", type: CompoundAssignmentOperator },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
ComputedMemberExpression.typeName = "ComputedMemberExpression";
ComputedMemberExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ComputedMemberExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
ConditionalExpression.typeName = "ConditionalExpression";
ConditionalExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ConditionalExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: Expression },
{ name: "alternate", type: Expression },
FunctionExpression.typeName = "FunctionExpression";
FunctionExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
Method.typeName = "Method";
Method.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Method" },
{ name: "isGenerator", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "name", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody }
IdentifierExpression.typeName = "IdentifierExpression";
IdentifierExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "IdentifierExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "name", type: STRING },
Module.typeName = "Module";
Module.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Module" },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "items", type: List(Union(ExportDeclaration, ImportDeclaration, Statement)) }

@@ -520,5 +633,4 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "NewExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "callee", type: Expression },
{ name: "arguments", type: List(Union(SpreadElement, Expression)) },
{ name: "arguments", type: List(Union(Expression, SpreadElement)) }

@@ -528,172 +640,99 @@

NewTargetExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "NewTargetExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "NewTargetExpression" }
ObjectExpression.typeName = "ObjectExpression";
ObjectExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ObjectExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "properties", type: List(ObjectProperty) },
ObjectAssignmentTarget.typeName = "ObjectAssignmentTarget";
ObjectAssignmentTarget.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ObjectAssignmentTarget" },
{ name: "properties", type: List(AssignmentTargetProperty) }
UnaryExpression.typeName = "UnaryExpression";
UnaryExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "UnaryExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "operator", type: UnaryOperator },
{ name: "operand", type: Expression },
ObjectBinding.typeName = "ObjectBinding";
ObjectBinding.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ObjectBinding" },
{ name: "properties", type: List(BindingProperty) }
StaticMemberExpression.typeName = "StaticMemberExpression";
StaticMemberExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "StaticMemberExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "property", type: STRING },
ObjectExpression.typeName = "ObjectExpression";
ObjectExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ObjectExpression" },
{ name: "properties", type: List(ObjectProperty) }
TemplateExpression.typeName = "TemplateExpression";
TemplateExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TemplateExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "tag", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Union(Expression, TemplateElement)) },
ReturnStatement.typeName = "ReturnStatement";
ReturnStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ReturnStatement" },
{ name: "expression", type: Maybe(Expression) }
ThisExpression.typeName = "ThisExpression";
ThisExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ThisExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
Script.typeName = "Script";
Script.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Script" },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) }
UpdateExpression.typeName = "UpdateExpression";
UpdateExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "UpdateExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "isPrefix", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "operator", type: UpdateOperator },
{ name: "operand", type: Union(BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
Setter.typeName = "Setter";
Setter.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Setter" },
{ name: "name", type: PropertyName },
{ name: "param", type: Union(BindingWithDefault, Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding))) },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody }
YieldExpression.typeName = "YieldExpression";
YieldExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "YieldExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Maybe(Expression) },
ShorthandProperty.typeName = "ShorthandProperty";
ShorthandProperty.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ShorthandProperty" },
{ name: "name", type: IdentifierExpression }
YieldGeneratorExpression.typeName = "YieldGeneratorExpression";
YieldGeneratorExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "YieldGeneratorExpression" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
SpreadElement.typeName = "SpreadElement";
SpreadElement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SpreadElement" },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
BlockStatement.typeName = "BlockStatement";
BlockStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BlockStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "block", type: Block },
StaticMemberAssignmentTarget.typeName = "StaticMemberAssignmentTarget";
StaticMemberAssignmentTarget.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "StaticMemberAssignmentTarget" },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "property", type: STRING }
BreakStatement.typeName = "BreakStatement";
BreakStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "BreakStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "label", type: Maybe(STRING) },
StaticMemberExpression.typeName = "StaticMemberExpression";
StaticMemberExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "StaticMemberExpression" },
{ name: "object", type: Union(Expression, Super) },
{ name: "property", type: STRING }
ContinueStatement.typeName = "ContinueStatement";
ContinueStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ContinueStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "label", type: Maybe(STRING) },
StaticPropertyName.typeName = "StaticPropertyName";
StaticPropertyName.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "StaticPropertyName" },
{ name: "value", type: STRING }
DebuggerStatement.typeName = "DebuggerStatement";
DebuggerStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DebuggerStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
Super.typeName = "Super";
Super.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Super" }
DoWhileStatement.typeName = "DoWhileStatement";
DoWhileStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "DoWhileStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
SwitchCase.typeName = "SwitchCase";
SwitchCase.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchCase" },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: List(Statement) }
EmptyStatement.typeName = "EmptyStatement";
EmptyStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "EmptyStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
SwitchDefault.typeName = "SwitchDefault";
SwitchDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchDefault" },
{ name: "consequent", type: List(Statement) }
ExpressionStatement.typeName = "ExpressionStatement";
ExpressionStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ExpressionStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
ForInStatement.typeName = "ForInStatement";
ForInStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForInStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "left", type: Union(VariableDeclaration, ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "right", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
ForOfStatement.typeName = "ForOfStatement";
ForOfStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForOfStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "left", type: Union(VariableDeclaration, ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "right", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
ForStatement.typeName = "ForStatement";
ForStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ForStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Union(VariableDeclaration, Expression)) },
{ name: "test", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "update", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
IfStatement.typeName = "IfStatement";
IfStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "IfStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: Statement },
{ name: "alternate", type: Maybe(Statement) },
LabeledStatement.typeName = "LabeledStatement";
LabeledStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "LabeledStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "label", type: STRING },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
ReturnStatement.typeName = "ReturnStatement";
ReturnStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ReturnStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Maybe(Expression) },
SwitchStatement.typeName = "SwitchStatement";
SwitchStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "discriminant", type: Expression },
{ name: "cases", type: List(SwitchCase) },
{ name: "cases", type: List(SwitchCase) }

@@ -704,14 +743,30 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchStatementWithDefault" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "discriminant", type: Expression },
{ name: "preDefaultCases", type: List(SwitchCase) },
{ name: "defaultCase", type: SwitchDefault },
{ name: "postDefaultCases", type: List(SwitchCase) },
{ name: "postDefaultCases", type: List(SwitchCase) }
TemplateElement.typeName = "TemplateElement";
TemplateElement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TemplateElement" },
{ name: "rawValue", type: STRING }
TemplateExpression.typeName = "TemplateExpression";
TemplateExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TemplateExpression" },
{ name: "tag", type: Maybe(Expression) },
{ name: "elements", type: List(Union(Expression, TemplateElement)) }
ThisExpression.typeName = "ThisExpression";
ThisExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ThisExpression" }
ThrowStatement.typeName = "ThrowStatement";
ThrowStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "ThrowStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }

@@ -722,5 +777,4 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TryCatchStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "body", type: Block },
{ name: "catchClause", type: CatchClause },
{ name: "catchClause", type: CatchClause }

@@ -731,21 +785,47 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TryFinallyStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "body", type: Block },
{ name: "catchClause", type: Maybe(CatchClause) },
{ name: "finalizer", type: Block },
{ name: "finalizer", type: Block }
UnaryExpression.typeName = "UnaryExpression";
UnaryExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "UnaryExpression" },
{ name: "operator", type: UnaryOperator },
{ name: "operand", type: Expression }
UpdateExpression.typeName = "UpdateExpression";
UpdateExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "UpdateExpression" },
{ name: "isPrefix", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "operator", type: UpdateOperator },
{ name: "operand", type: Union(AssignmentTargetIdentifier, MemberAssignmentTarget) }
VariableDeclaration.typeName = "VariableDeclaration";
VariableDeclaration.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "VariableDeclaration" },
{ name: "kind", type: VariableDeclarationKind },
{ name: "declarators", type: List(VariableDeclarator) }
VariableDeclarationStatement.typeName = "VariableDeclarationStatement";
VariableDeclarationStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "VariableDeclarationStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "declaration", type: VariableDeclaration },
{ name: "declaration", type: VariableDeclaration }
VariableDeclarator.typeName = "VariableDeclarator";
VariableDeclarator.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "VariableDeclarator" },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(BindingIdentifier, Union(ArrayBinding, ObjectBinding)) },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Expression) }
WhileStatement.typeName = "WhileStatement";
WhileStatement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "WhileStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }

@@ -756,115 +836,19 @@

{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "WithStatement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "object", type: Expression },
{ name: "body", type: Statement },
{ name: "body", type: Statement }
Block.typeName = "Block";
Block.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Block" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) },
YieldExpression.typeName = "YieldExpression";
YieldExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "YieldExpression" },
{ name: "expression", type: Maybe(Expression) }
CatchClause.typeName = "CatchClause";
CatchClause.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "CatchClause" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "body", type: Block },
YieldGeneratorExpression.typeName = "YieldGeneratorExpression";
YieldGeneratorExpression.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "YieldGeneratorExpression" },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression }
Directive.typeName = "Directive";
Directive.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Directive" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "rawValue", type: STRING },
FormalParameters.typeName = "FormalParameters";
FormalParameters.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FormalParameters" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "items", type: List(Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression, BindingWithDefault)) },
{ name: "rest", type: Maybe(BindingIdentifier) },
FunctionBody.typeName = "FunctionBody";
FunctionBody.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionBody" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) },
FunctionDeclaration.typeName = "FunctionDeclaration";
FunctionDeclaration.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "FunctionDeclaration" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "isGenerator", type: BOOLEAN },
{ name: "name", type: BindingIdentifier },
{ name: "params", type: FormalParameters },
{ name: "body", type: FunctionBody },
Script.typeName = "Script";
Script.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Script" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "directives", type: List(Directive) },
{ name: "statements", type: List(Statement) },
SpreadElement.typeName = "SpreadElement";
SpreadElement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SpreadElement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "expression", type: Expression },
Super.typeName = "Super";
Super.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "Super" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
SwitchCase.typeName = "SwitchCase";
SwitchCase.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchCase" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "test", type: Expression },
{ name: "consequent", type: List(Statement) },
SwitchDefault.typeName = "SwitchDefault";
SwitchDefault.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "SwitchDefault" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "consequent", type: List(Statement) },
TemplateElement.typeName = "TemplateElement";
TemplateElement.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "TemplateElement" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "rawValue", type: STRING },
VariableDeclaration.typeName = "VariableDeclaration";
VariableDeclaration.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "VariableDeclaration" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "kind", type: VariableDeclarationKind },
{ name: "declarators", type: List(VariableDeclarator) },
VariableDeclarator.typeName = "VariableDeclarator";
VariableDeclarator.fields = [
{ name: "type", type: Const(TYPE_INDICATOR), value: "VariableDeclarator" },
{ name: "loc", type: Maybe(SourceSpan) },
{ name: "binding", type: Union(ObjectBinding, ArrayBinding, BindingIdentifier, MemberExpression) },
{ name: "init", type: Maybe(Expression) },
return SPEC;
"name": "shift-spec",
"version": "2015.2.1",
"version": "2016.0.0",
"description": "JavaScript representation of the Shift AST specification",

@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ "author": "Shape Security Labs",

"devDependencies": {
"shift-spec-idl": "2015.1.x"
"shift-spec-consumer": "1.0.0",
"shift-spec-idl": "2016.0.x"

@@ -33,0 +34,0 @@ "bugs": {

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