Solid Lazy Plus
This is a drop-in replacement for Solids lazy
utility specifically to be used in SolidStart projects. Compared to the original, this has the ability to properly register css assets of lazy loaded components during server-side rendering, in production builds.
This is experimental, third-party functionality and hopefully will be integrated into an official solid package, if it proves useful.
Vinxi configuration (app.config.ts)
import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
import lazyPlusPlugin from "solid-lazy-plus/vite";
export default defineConfig({
vite(options) {
return {
plugins: [lazyPlusPlugin({ router: options.router })],
import { lazy } from "solid-lazy-plus";
const ComponentA = lazy(() => import("./ComponentA"));
<ComponentA title={props.title} />;