Google analytics event tracking module with support for both classic and universal analytics code.
Requires the async version of the Google Analytics to be loaded in the page. See the tracking code quickstart for more infomation:
npm install --save springload-analytics.js
bower install springload-analytics.js
git clone analytics
Basic setup
Just add a data-analytics attribute to a container containing links you want to track. Every link in that container will be tracked using the default category (uri), default action (click), default label (href), and default value (undefined).
<div data-analytics>
<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='/about-us/'>About us</a></li>
<li><a href='/contact-us/'>Contact us</a></li>
Initialise GA once the document is ready.
jQuery example:
$(document).ready(function() {
Vanilla ES6 example:
import GA from 'springload-analytics.js';
Override default options
You can override default options by passing an object to the init method. JQuery example below
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
default_category: "Calculator",
default_action: "Interaction",
default_separator: ":",
default_trackable_attribute: "aly",
default_trackable_event: "mouseenter",
default_trackable_element: "span",
default_label_is_text_content: true
categories: {
buttons: "Buttons"
actions: {
slide_left: "Slide left"
Custom tracking
For more targeted tracking you can specify a category, action or value by populating the data-analytics attribute with pipe separated values.
E.g. Use custom category, custom action, custom label and a custom value
<a data-analytics='Top navigation|Link click|Homepage link|1' href='/'>Home</a>
E.g. Use custom label only
<a data-analytics='||Homepage link' href='/'>Home</a>
E.g. Use custom action only
<a data-analytics='|Slide Next' href='#'>Next</a>
E.g. Use custom value only
<a data-analytics='|||1' href='/'>Home</a>
E.g. Use custom category and custom label only
<a data-analytics='UI Elements||Show data' href='#'>Show</a>
E.g. Use custom category and custom value only
<a data-analytics='UI Elements|||1' href='#'>Show</a>
E.g. Custom track a group of elements with custom category and action
<div data-analytics='Top navigation|Link click'>
<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='/about-us/'>About us</a></li>
<li><a href='/contact-us/'>Contact us</a></li>
Tracking dynamically
You can track within a JavaScript file by calling the track method:
GA.track(label, category, action);
GA.track(label, category, action, value);
Setup additional trackable elements on the fly
You can set up additional/alternative trackable elements on the fly by calling setupTrackables
GA.setupTrackables("analytics", "mouseenter", "span", "data-label");
The markup for this example would be
<div data-analytics>
<span data-label='Viewed on hover'>Read more</span>