Strapi built-in admin panel
The admin panel is developed with Angular.js, using the John PAPA styleguide.
You can customize the admin from ./api/admin/public
in your generated application.
To build the admin panel:
- You need to install
and gulp
with $ npm install gulp bower -g
- Run
$ npm install
in this directory.
- Run
$ gulp serve
- Visit http://localhost:3002 from your web browser.
- When you are ready to use your customized admin panel, run
$ gulp dist
That will update the files in the following folder: ./api/admin/public/dist
- Visit http://localhost:1337/admin/.
If you change the default port (1337) of your server, you will have to update
and then run $ npm install && gulp dist
in ./api/admin/public
NOTE: You can create your own admin
generator using the .strapirc
Learn more how to use custom generators.
As you may imagine, we look forward to have new contributors for the admin panel.
If you detect any bug or if your need a new feature, feel free to post an issue on GitHub.
You also can directly develop new features or fix bugs. In order to do that,
fork the Strapi admin panel repository, make changes and then submit a pull request.