Static Assets for the Default StyleguideKit
These static assets are meant to be used with the default Mustache and Twig StyleguideKits. They control the look, feel, and functionality of the front-end of Pattern Lab PHP.
Pattern Lab PHP uses Composer to manage project dependencies. To install the default static assets run:
composer require pattern-lab/styleguidekit-assets-default
Development Requirements
In order to modify these assets you need to install the following:
Development Set-up
Once you've installed the requirements do the following to set-up for development:
cd /path/to/dev-edition/packages/pattern-lab/styleguidekit-assets-default
git config branch.dev.remote origin
npm install
bower install
Making Changes
To make changes always edit files in src/
. To make sure that these changes are reflected in the front-end and dist/
folder run the following:
gulp --copy-dist=../../../public
To watch for changes you can use:
gulp --watch --copy-dist=../../../public
At this point changes to the static assets should compile to the correct locations in the project as well as dist/