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Comparing version 3.0.0 to 3.1.0



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

import{unpack as e}from"efrt";const t=/^.([0-9]+)/,r=function(e,t){if(r=t.rules,"[object Array]" t.rules;var r;let n=e[e.length-1],o=t.rules[n]||[];return 0===o.length&&(o=t.rules[""]||o),o},n=function(e,n){if(n.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(e))return function(e,r){let n=r.exceptions[e],o=n.match(t);if(null===o)return r.exceptions[e];let l=Number(o[1])||0;return e.substr(0,l)+n.replace(t,"")}(e,n);const o=r(e,n);for(let t=0;t<o.length;t+=1){let r=o[t][0];if(e.endsWith(r)){let n=new RegExp(r+"$");return e.replace(n,o[t][1])}}return e},o=function(e,t={}){let r={},n={};return e=e.filter((e=>void 0!==r[e[0]]?(t.verbose&&(console.warn("Duplicate left side:"),console.log(" 1.",[e[0],r[e[0]]]),console.log(" 2.",e)),!1):void 0!==n[e[1]]?(t.verbose&&(console.warn("Duplicate right side:"),console.log(" 1.",[n[e[1]],e[1]]),console.log(" 2.",e)),!1===t.inverse):(r[e[0]]=e[1],n[e[1]]=e[0],!0)))},l=function(e){let t={};return e.forEach((e=>{let r=e[0]||"",n=r[r.length-1]||"";t[n]=t[n]||[],t[n].push(e)})),t},c=function(e){return e=e.sort(((e,t)=>e[0].length>t[0].length?-1:e[0].length<t[0].length?1:0))},s=/^.([0-9]+)/,u=function(e){return Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{let r=e[t],n=r.match(s);if(null!==n){let o=Number(n[1])||0,l=t.substring(0,o)+r.replace(s,"");e[t]=l}})),e},i=function(t={}){var r;return"string"==typeof t.exceptions&&(t.exceptions=e(t.exceptions),t.exceptions=u(t.exceptions)),"string"==typeof t.rules&&(t.rules=(r=t.rules,r=e(r),r=u(r),r=Object.entries(r),r=c(r),l(r))),t},p=function(e){let t=[];var r;return Object.keys(e.rules).forEach((r=>{t=t.concat(e.rules[r].map((e=>[e[1],e[0]])))})),t=c(t),{rules:l(t),exceptions:(r=e.exceptions,Object.entries(r).reduce(((e,t)=>(e[t[1]]=t[0],e)),{}))}};export{n as convert,p as reverse,i as uncompress,o as validate};
import{unpack as e}from"efrt";const t=/^.([0-9]+)/,n=function(e,n){if(n.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(e))return function(e,n){let r=n.exceptions[e],o=r.match(t);if(null===o)return n.exceptions[e];let l=Number(o[1])||0;return e.substr(0,l)+r.replace(t,"")}(e,n);const r=function(e,t){let n=e[e.length-1],r=t.rules[n]||[];return 0===r.length&&(r=t.rules[""]||r),r}(e,n);for(let t=0;t<r.length;t+=1){let n=r[t][0];if(e.endsWith(n)){let o=new RegExp(n+"$");return e.replace(o,r[t][1])}}return e},r=function(e,t={}){let n={},r={};return e=e.filter((e=>void 0!==n[e[0]]?(t.verbose&&(console.warn("Duplicate left side:"),console.log(" 1.",[e[0],n[e[0]]]),console.log(" 2.",e)),!1):void 0!==r[e[1]]?(t.verbose&&(console.warn("Duplicate right side:"),console.log(" 1.",[r[e[1]],e[1]]),console.log(" 2.",e)),!1===t.inverse):(n[e[0]]=e[1],r[e[1]]=e[0],!0)))},o=function(e){let t={};return e.forEach((e=>{let n=e[0]||"",r=n[n.length-1]||"";t[r]=t[r]||[],t[r].push(e)})),t},l=function(e){return e=e.sort(((e,t)=>e[0].length>t[0].length?-1:e[0].length<t[0].length?1:0))},s=/^.([0-9]+)/,c=function(e){return Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{let n=e[t],r=n.match(s);if(null!==r){let o=Number(r[1])||0,l=t.substring(0,o)+n.replace(s,"");e[t]=l}})),e},i=function(t={}){var n;return"string"==typeof t.exceptions&&(t.exceptions=e(t.exceptions),t.exceptions=c(t.exceptions)),"string"==typeof t.rules&&(t.rules=(n=t.rules)?(n=e(n),n=c(n),n=Object.entries(n),n=l(n),n=o(n)):{}),t},u=function(e){let t=[];var n;return Object.keys(e.rules).forEach((n=>{t=t.concat(e.rules[n].map((e=>[e[1],e[0]])))})),t=l(t),{rules:o(t),exceptions:(n=e.exceptions,Object.entries(n).reduce(((e,t)=>(e[t[1]]=t[0],e)),{}))}};export{n as convert,u as reverse,i as uncompress,r as validate};

@@ -1,1 +0,562 @@

const e=/^.([0-9]+)/,t=function(e,t){if(r=t.rules,"[object Array]" t.rules;var r;let n=e[e.length-1],l=t.rules[n]||[];return 0===l.length&&(l=t.rules[""]||l),l},r=function(r,n){if(n.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(r))return function(t,r){let n=r.exceptions[t],l=n.match(e);if(null===l)return r.exceptions[t];let u=Number(l[1])||0;return t.substr(0,u)+n.replace(e,"")}(r,n);const l=t(r,n);for(let e=0;e<l.length;e+=1){let t=l[e][0];if(r.endsWith(t)){let n=new RegExp(t+"$");return r.replace(n,l[e][1])}}return r};export{r as default};
/* suffix-thumb 3.1.0 MIT */
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('efrt')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'efrt'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.suffixThumb = {}, global.efrt));
})(this, (function (exports, efrt) { 'use strict';
const prefix$1 = /^.([0-9]+)/;
// handle compressed form of key-value pair
const getKeyVal = function (word, model) {
let val = model.exceptions[word];
let m = val.match(prefix$1);
if (m === null) {
// return not compressed form
return model.exceptions[word]
// uncompress it
let num = Number(m[1]) || 0;
let pre = word.substr(0, num);
return pre + val.replace(prefix$1, '')
// get suffix-rules according to last char of word
const getRules$1 = function (word, model) {
let char = word[word.length - 1];
let rules = model.rules[char] || [];
if (rules.length === 0) {
// do we have a generic suffix?
rules = model.rules[''] || rules;
return rules
const convert = function (word, model) {
// check list of irregulars
if (model.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
return getKeyVal(word, model)
// try suffix rules
const rules = getRules$1(word, model);
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i += 1) {
let suffix = rules[i][0];
if (word.endsWith(suffix)) {
let reg = new RegExp(suffix + '$');
return word.replace(reg, rules[i][1])
// return the original word unchanged
return word
const max = 6;
const getSuffixes = function (str = '') {
let list = [];
for (let i = max; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (str.length - 1 <= i) {
let n = str.length - i - 1;
let suffix = str.substring(n, n + str.length - 1);
return list
const getAll = function (arr) {
const suffixes = {};
arr.forEach((a) => {
let [from, to] = a;
let fromList = getSuffixes(from);
fromList.push(''); //add a prepend-only option
fromList.forEach((left) => {
suffixes[left] = suffixes[left] || {};
let toList = getSuffixes(to);
toList.forEach((right) => {
suffixes[left][right] = suffixes[left][right] || 0;
suffixes[left][right] += 1;
return suffixes
const topChange = function (obj, from) {
let keys = Object.keys(obj);
let arr = => {
return {
from: from,
to: to,
yes: obj[to],
arr = arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.yes > b.yes) {
return -1
} else if (a.yes < b.yes) {
return 1
return 0
return arr
const findBest = function (suffixes) {
let good = [];
Object.keys(suffixes).forEach((left) => {
let top = topChange(suffixes[left], left);
if (top[0] && top[0].yes > 1) {
good = good.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.yes > b.yes) {
return -1
} else if (a.yes < b.yes) {
return 1
return 0
return good
const getScores = function (arr, pairs) {
return => {
let yes = 0;
let no = 0;
let exceptions = {};
pairs.forEach((pair) => {
if (pair[0].endsWith(obj.from)) {
let reg = new RegExp(obj.from + '$');//unsafe
let have = pair[0].replace(reg,;
if (have === pair[1]) {
yes += 1;
} else {
no += 1;
exceptions[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return {
from: obj.from,
yes: yes,
no: no,
percent: yes / (yes + no),
exceptions: exceptions,
const rank = function (arr, pairs) {
let scored = getScores(arr, pairs);
// baseline filter
scored = scored.filter((o) => {
return o.yes > 1 && o.yes >
// sort by # of positive
scored = scored.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.yes > b.yes) {
return -1
} else if (a.yes < b.yes) {
return 1
return 0
return scored
// remove any redundant rules
const squeeze = function (arr) {
let redundant = {};
arr.forEach((o, i) => {
let downstream = arr.slice(i + 1, arr.length);
downstream.forEach((d) => {
if (d.from.endsWith(o.from)) {
// also ensure the surviving one has no exceptions
if ( === 0) {
redundant[d.from] = true;
// actually remove any redundant suffixes
arr = arr.filter((o) => {
return redundant.hasOwnProperty(o.from) === false
return arr
function reverse$1(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join('')
const fmtRules = function (rules) {
// sort by length, then by suffix
rules = rules.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.from.length > b.from.length) {
return -1
} else if (a.from.length < b.from.length) {
return 1
a = reverse$1(a.from);
b = reverse$1(b.from);
if (a > b) {
return 1
} else if (a < b) {
return -1
return 0
return => [o.from,])
const format = function (rules, pairs) {
let exceptions = {};
rules.forEach((rule) => {
Object.assign(exceptions, rule.exceptions);
rules = fmtRules(rules);
// find remaining pairs with no rule
let remaining = pairs.filter((pair) => {
if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(pair[0])) {
return false
// console.log(rules.find((rule) => pair[0].endsWith(rule.from)))
if (rules.find((rule) => pair[0].endsWith(rule.from))) {
return false
return true
// add them to exceptions list
remaining.forEach(a => {
exceptions[a[0]] = a[1];
return {
exceptions: exceptions,
const firstPass = function (pairs) {
pairs = pairs.filter((a) => a && a[0] && a[1]);
// look at all patterns
const suffixes = getAll(pairs);
// look for the greatest patterns
let best = findBest(suffixes);
// run pattern against the pairs
let rules = rank(best, pairs);
// console.log(rules)
// remove duplicates
rules = squeeze(rules);
// nice result format
let res = format(rules, pairs);
// console.log(res)
return res
const reduceExceptions = function (res) {
let final = {};
let { rules, exceptions } = res;
Object.keys(exceptions).forEach(k => {
let found = rules.find((rule) => {
return k.endsWith(rule[0])
// no rule applies
if (!found) {
final[k] = exceptions[k];
let tmp = k.replace(found[0], found[1]);
// did we do it wrong?
if (tmp !== exceptions[k]) {
final[k] = exceptions[k]; //still an exception then
return final
const postProcess = function (res) {
// some exceptions are not anymore
res.exceptions = reduceExceptions(res);
return res
// index rules by last-char
const indexRules = function (rules) {
let byChar = {};
rules.forEach((a) => {
let suff = a[0] || '';
let char = suff[suff.length - 1] || '';
byChar[char] = byChar[char] || [];
return byChar
const unIndex = function (byChar) {
let arr = [];
Object.keys(byChar).forEach(k => {
arr = arr.concat(byChar[k]);
return arr
const sortRules = function (rules) {
rules = rules.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[0].length > b[0].length) {
return -1
} else if (a[0].length < b[0].length) {
return 1
return 0
return rules
// add all reverse-exceptions
const addInverse = function (model, pairs) {
// create a reverse model
let tmp = Object.assign({}, model);
tmp.rules = indexRules(model.rules);
let rev = reverse(tmp);
// look for exceptions
pairs.forEach(a => {
let [left, right] = a;
if (convert(right, rev) !== left) {
// console.log(a)
model.exceptions[a[0]] = a[1];
// console.log(convert('relearn', rev))
return model
const secondPass = function (res, pairs, opts) {
// remove redundant exceptions
res = postProcess(res);
// turn some exceptions into singleton suffix-rules
// res = toRules(res, pairs)
if (opts.inverse !== false) {
res = addInverse(res, pairs);
return res
// make sure inputs are not impossible to square-up
const validate = function (pairs, opts = {}) {
let left = {};
let right = {};
pairs = pairs.filter(a => {
if (left[a[0]] !== undefined) {
if (opts.verbose) {
console.warn('Duplicate left side:');
console.log(' 1.', [a[0], left[a[0]]]);
console.log(' 2.', a);
return false
if (right[a[1]] !== undefined) {
if (opts.verbose) {
console.warn('Duplicate right side:');
console.log(' 1.', [right[a[1]], a[1]]);
console.log(' 2.', a);
if (opts.inverse === false) {
return true //allow it
return false
left[a[0]] = a[1];
right[a[1]] = a[0];
return true
return pairs
const learn = function (pairs, opts = {}) {
// ensure input pairs are possible
pairs = validate(pairs, opts);
// create basic {rules, exceptions}
let res = firstPass(pairs);
// optimize it further
res = secondPass(res, pairs, opts);
// organize rules by their suffix char
res.rules = indexRules(res.rules);
return res
// longest common prefix
const findOverlap = (from, to) => {
let all = [];
for (let i = 0; i < from.length; i += 1) {
if (from[i] === to[i]) {
} else {
return all.join('')
// remove shared data in key-val pairs
// uses an ad-hoc run-length encoding format
// {walk: walking} -> {walk: '.4ing'}
const pressObj = function (obj) {
let res = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach((k) => {
let val = obj[k];
let prefix = findOverlap(k, val);
if (prefix.length < 2) {
res[k] = val;
let out = '.' + prefix.length + val.substr(prefix.length);
res[k] = out;
return res
const toObj = (rules) => {
return rules.reduce((h, a) => {
h[a[0]] = a[1];
return h
}, {})
const packRules = function (rules) {
rules = unIndex(rules);
rules = toObj(rules);
rules = pressObj(rules);
rules = efrt.pack(rules);
return rules
const compress = function (model = {}) {
model.rules = packRules(model.rules);
// compress exceptions
model.exceptions = pressObj(model.exceptions);
model.exceptions = efrt.pack(model.exceptions);
return model
const prefix = /^.([0-9]+)/;
const unEncode = function (obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
let val = obj[k];
let m = val.match(prefix);
if (m !== null) {
let num = Number(m[1]) || 0;
let pre = k.substring(0, num);
let full = pre + val.replace(prefix, '');
obj[k] = full;
return obj
const unpackRules = function (rules) {
if (!rules) {
return {}
// un-do our trie compression
rules = efrt.unpack(rules);
// un-do our run-length encoding
rules = unEncode(rules);
// turn into an array
rules = Object.entries(rules);
// ensure they are longest-first order
rules = sortRules(rules);
// index by end-char
rules = indexRules(rules);
return rules
const uncompress = function (model = {}) {
if (typeof model.exceptions === 'string') {
model.exceptions = efrt.unpack(model.exceptions);
model.exceptions = unEncode(model.exceptions);
if (typeof model.rules === 'string') {
model.rules = unpackRules(model.rules);
return model
const reverseObj = function (obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((h, a) => {
h[a[1]] = a[0];
return h
}, {})
const reverseArr = function (arr) {
return => [a[1], a[0]])
const reverse = function (model) {
let allRules = [];
Object.keys(model.rules).forEach(k => {
allRules = allRules.concat(reverseArr(model.rules[k]));
allRules = sortRules(allRules);
let rules = indexRules(allRules);
let exceptions = reverseObj(model.exceptions);
return {
// get suffix-rules according to last char of word
const getRules = function (word, model) {
let char = word[word.length - 1];
let rules = model.rules[char] || [];
if (rules.length === 0) {
// do we have a generic suffix?
rules = model.rules[''] || rules;
return rules
const debug = function (word, model) {
if (model.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
let obj = {};
obj[word] = model.exceptions[word];
return { found: 'exception', exception: obj }
const rules = getRules(word, model);
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i += 1) {
let suffix = rules[i][0];
if (word.endsWith(suffix)) {
return { found: 'rule', rule: rules[i] }
return { found: null }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'pack', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return efrt.pack; }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'unpack', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return efrt.unpack; }
exports.compress = compress;
exports.convert = convert;
exports.debug = debug;
exports.learn = learn;
exports.reverse = reverse;
exports.uncompress = uncompress;
exports.validate = validate;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
"name": "suffix-thumb",
"description": "learn transformations between two sets of words",
"version": "3.0.0",
"version": "3.1.0",
"author": "Spencer Kelly <> (",
"main": "./builds/suffix-thumb.mjs",
"unpkg": "./builds/suffix-thumb.min.js",
"unpkg": "./builds/suffix-thumb-client.js",
"module": "./builds/suffix-thumb.mjs",

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ "types": "types/index.d.ts",

"import": "./builds/suffix-thumb.mjs",
"require": "./builds/suffix-thumb.cjs"
"require": "./builds/suffix-thumb.js"

@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ "./learn": {

"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "21.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "13.1.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "13.1.2",
"amble": "1.3.0",
"efrt": "^2.3.2",
"rollup": "2.62.0",
"rollup": "2.63.0",
"rollup-plugin-filesize-check": "0.0.1",

@@ -64,2 +64,2 @@ "rollup-plugin-terser": "7.0.2",

"license": "MIT"
<div align="center">
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<img height="15px" src=""/>
<img src="" />

@@ -26,14 +30,18 @@

`suffix-thumb` tries to discover the way two sets of words map to one another, according to changes in their suffix.
discover the minimal rules for mapping two sets of words to one another, according to changes in their suffix.
It was built to learn rules about verb conjugations, but in a way, it is just a generic compression algorithm.
It was built for learning rules about verb conjugations, but in a way, it is just a generic compression algorithm.
The assumption is that a word's _suffix_ is the most-changed part of a word.
The assumption is that a word's _suffix_ is the most-often changed part of a word.
<!-- ![carbon(1)]( -->
### Learn → Convert
<!-- spacer -->
<img height="50px" src=""/>
### Learn → Convert

@@ -53,18 +61,4 @@ import { learn, convert } from 'suffix-thumb'

let pairs = [
['aail', 'aael'],
['bbil', 'bbel'],
['cil', 'cel'],
['snafoo', 'snabar'],
['poofoo', 'poobar'],
let model = learn(pairs)
/* {
rules: { o: [ [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ], l: [ [ 'il', 'el' ] ] },
exceptions: {},
let out = convert('snafoo', model)
// 'snabar'
let out = convert('walk', model)
// 'walked'

@@ -168,8 +162,19 @@ <!-- spacer -->

if you find an issue, you can use debug():
import { debug } from 'suffix-thumb'
let out = debug('walk', model)
// --which rule/exception was triggered--
<!-- spacer -->
<img height="50px" src=""/>
### See also
* [efrt]( - trie-based JSON compression
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<img height="50px" src=""/>

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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