
Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte. Initially inspired by Selectize.js. Also usable as custom element. Usable in forms, behaves very similar to standard <select>
See the latest changes on the Releases page.
📃 Features
- searchable
- multiselect with limit of max selected items
- allow simple array or complex objects as items
- custom item renderer (formatter)
- allow creating new items (and possibly edit them)
- remote data fetch
- virtual list support
- i18n and basic ARIA support
- SSR support
- client-validation support (tested with sveltekit-superforms)
- lazy dropdown rendering
- usable as custom element
- customizable styling
- dnd intergration with
🔧 Installation
npm install svelecte
For Svelte 4 use version 4. Version 5 is svelte 5 only ⚡
Minimalistic example
import Svelecte from 'svelecte';
const list = [{ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Item 2'}, ...];
let myValue = null;
<Svelecte options={list} bind:value={myValue}></Svelecte>
Visit documentation for more details.
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MIT License