What is svgpath?
The svgpath npm package is a tool for transforming and manipulating SVG path data. It allows you to perform various operations such as scaling, translating, rotating, and more on SVG path strings.
What are svgpath's main functionalities?
This feature allows you to scale the SVG path data. In the example, the path is scaled by a factor of 2 in both the x and y directions.
const svgpath = require('svgpath');
const pathData = 'M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z';
const scaledPath = svgpath(pathData).scale(2, 2).toString();
This feature allows you to translate (move) the SVG path data. In the example, the path is moved 10 units to the right and 20 units down.
const svgpath = require('svgpath');
const pathData = 'M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z';
const translatedPath = svgpath(pathData).translate(10, 20).toString();
This feature allows you to rotate the SVG path data. In the example, the path is rotated by 45 degrees.
const svgpath = require('svgpath');
const pathData = 'M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z';
const rotatedPath = svgpath(pathData).rotate(45).toString();
Matrix Transformation
This feature allows you to apply a matrix transformation to the SVG path data. In the example, a transformation matrix is applied to the path.
const svgpath = require('svgpath');
const pathData = 'M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z';
const matrixTransformedPath = svgpath(pathData).matrix([1, 0, 0, 1, 30, 30]).toString();
Converting to Absolute Coordinates
This feature allows you to convert relative coordinates in the SVG path data to absolute coordinates. In the example, the relative commands are converted to absolute commands.
const svgpath = require('svgpath');
const pathData = 'M10 10 h 80 v 80 h -80 Z';
const absolutePath = svgpath(pathData).abs().toString();
Other packages similar to svgpath
The svg-transform package provides similar functionalities for transforming SVG path data, including scaling, translating, and rotating. It is more focused on applying transformations directly to SVG elements rather than just path data.
The svg-path-parser package is used for parsing SVG path data into a more manipulable format. While it doesn't provide transformation functions directly, it can be used in conjunction with other libraries to achieve similar results.
The path-data-polyfill package provides a polyfill for the SVGPathElement API, allowing you to manipulate SVG path data using native browser methods. It is useful for environments where the native API is not available.

Low level toolkit for SVG paths transformations.
Sometimes you can't use transform
attributes and have to apply changes to svg paths directly.
Then this package is for you :) !
Note: this package works with path data strings,
not with full svg xml sources.
npm install svgpath
var svgpath = require('svgpath');
var transformed = svgpath(__your_path__)
All methods are chainable (return self).
new SvgPath(path) -> self
Constructor. Creates new SvgPath
class instance with chainable methods.
can be omited.
SvgPath.from(path|SvgPath) -> self
Similar to Array.from()
. Creates SvgPath
instance from string or another
instance (data will be cloned).
.abs() -> self
Converts all path commands to absolute.
.rel() -> self
Converts all path commands to relative. Useful to reduce output size.
.scale(sx [, sy]) -> self
Rescale path (the same as SVG scale
transformation). sy
= sx
by default.
.translate(x [, y]) -> self
Rescale path (the same as SVG translate
transformation). y
= 0 by default.
.rotate(angle [, rx, ry]) -> self
Rotate path to angle
degrees around (rx, ry) point. If rotation center not set,
(0, 0) used. The same as SVG rotate
.skewX(degrees) -> self
Skew path along the X axis by degrees
.skewY(degrees) -> self
Skew path along the Y axis by degrees
.matrix([ m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 ]) -> self
Apply 2x3 affine transform matrix to path. Params - array. The same as SVG
.transform(string) -> self
Any SVG transform or their combination. For example rotate(90) scale(2,3)
The same format, as described in SVG standard for transform
.unshort() -> self
Converts smooth curves T
with "missed" control point to
generic curves (Q
.unarc() -> self
Replaces all arcs with bezier curves.
.toString() -> string
Returns final path string.
.round(precision) -> self
Round all coordinates to given decimal precision. By default round to integer.
Useful to reduce resulting output string size.
.iterate(function(segment, index, x, y) [, keepLazyStack]) -> self
Apply iterator to all path segments.
- Each iterator receives
, index
, x
and y
Where (x, y) - absolute coordinates of segment start point. - Iterator can modify current segment directly (return nothing in this case).
- Iterator can return array of new segments to replace current one (
that current segment should be delated).
If second param keepLazyStack
set to true
, then iterator will not evaluate
stacked transforms prior to run. That can be useful to optimize calculations.
Support svgpath
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