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Comparing version 4.1.0 to 4.2.0-js-only




@@ -44,2 +44,3 @@ // Karma configuration

coverageReporter: {
type : 'html',
dir : 'coverage/without_jquery/',

@@ -102,2 +103,2 @@ reporters: [

"name": "symfony-collection-js",
"version": "4.1.0",
"version": "4.2.0-js-only",
"description": "A plugin working with and without jquery to dynamically create elements of a symfony form collection.",

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "main": "symfonyCollectionJs.js",

"devDependencies": {
"karma": "^6.3.2",
"karma": "^6.3.4",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ "karma-coverage": "^2.0.3",

"karma-qunit": "^4.1.2",
"qunit": "^2.15.0"
"qunit": "^2.16.0"

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# symfonyCollectionJs ![GitHub]( ![Maintenance]( ![GitHub last commit]( [![](]( [![codecov](]( ![npm bundle size]( ![Dependencies]( ![Badge count](
# symfonyCollectionJs ![GitHub]( ![Maintenance]( ![GitHub last commit]( ![npm]( [![](]( [![codecov](]( ![npm bundle size]( ![Dependencies]( ![Badge count](
A plugin working with and without jquery to dynamically create elements of a symfony form collection.

@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
# Basic usage
# Basic usage (Check [here](#can-i-use-this-package-without-symfony-) to use without symfony)

@@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ Your collection container should have the prototype mentioned in the symfony documentation, and an id or a class. So in your form type:

call_post_add_on_init: false,
post_add: function(new_elem, context) { return true; },
post_delete: function(delete_elem, context) { return true; },
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem) { return true; },
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem) { return true; },
post_add: function(new_elem, context, index) { return true; },
post_delete: function(delete_elem, context, index) { return true; },
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem, index) { return true; },
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem, index) { return true; },
other_btn_add: null,

@@ -117,8 +117,13 @@ btn_add_selector: '.collection-add',

Yes ! in the example folder, with and without jQuery, without and without loader.
Yes ! in the example folder, with and without jQuery, with and without loader.
# Requirement
Symfony (2 or more)
Symfony 2 or more (For a normal usage, but you can use this without)
# Can I use this package without symfony ?
Absolutely, you only need to have the data-prototype attribute properly set.
We provide you with [this example](./example/simple_collection_example_without_symfony.php) in php, but you can do this in every language, and most likely with most frameworks.
# Notes

@@ -125,0 +130,0 @@ If you're using this without jQuery, but with a loader (AMD, CommonJS, or anything), you MUST use a version on a branch / tag with "js-only" in the name! Otherwise it WILL NOT BUILD! (I didn't want to make several versions but tests ended showing that it was the best choice... Unless you have a better idea?)

@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ // Polyfill from

call_post_add_on_init: false,
post_add: function(new_elem, context) {
post_add: function(new_elem, context, index) {
return true;
post_delete: function(delete_elem, context) {
post_delete: function(delete_elem, context, index) {
return true;
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem) {
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
return true;
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem) {
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
return true;

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ },

settings.post_delete(elem, formCollection.POST_DELETE_CONTEXT.DELETE_METHOD);
settings.post_delete(elem, formCollection.POST_DELETE_CONTEXT.DELETE_METHOD, param);

@@ -196,2 +196,3 @@

// note : don't calculate the index outside the listeners
var init_elem_listeners = function(elem) {

@@ -202,3 +203,3 @@ var btnAdds = elem.querySelectorAll(settings.btn_add_selector);

var new_elem = add_elem_down(elem);
settings.post_add(new_elem, formCollection.POST_ADD_CONTEXT.BTN_ADD);
settings.post_add(new_elem, formCollection.POST_ADD_CONTEXT.BTN_ADD, sibling_index(new_elem));

@@ -209,4 +210,5 @@ }

btnDeletes[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var index = sibling_index(elem);
settings.post_delete(elem, formCollection.POST_DELETE_CONTEXT.BTN_DELETE);
settings.post_delete(elem, formCollection.POST_DELETE_CONTEXT.BTN_DELETE, index);

@@ -217,5 +219,6 @@ }

btnUps[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var index = sibling_index(elem);
var switched_elem = move_elem_up(elem);
if (switched_elem) {
settings.post_up(elem, switched_elem);
settings.post_up(elem, switched_elem, index);

@@ -227,5 +230,6 @@ });

btnDowns[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var index = sibling_index(elem);
var switched_elem = move_elem_down(elem);
if (switched_elem) {
settings.post_down(elem, switched_elem);
settings.post_down(elem, switched_elem, index);

@@ -323,3 +327,3 @@ });

settings.post_add(new_elem, context);
settings.post_add(new_elem, context, n - 1);

@@ -363,3 +367,3 @@

if (settings.call_post_add_on_init)
settings.post_add(child, formCollection.POST_ADD_CONTEXT.INIT);
settings.post_add(child, formCollection.POST_ADD_CONTEXT.INIT, i);

@@ -402,33 +406,16 @@ };

formCollection.jQuery = null;
// UMD : Uses CommonJS, AMD or browser globals to create a jQuery plugin (if jQuery is there)
// UMD : Uses CommonJS, AMD or browser globals
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals
if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined')
root.returnExports = factory(jQuery);
root.returnExports = factory();
root.returnExports = factory();
}(this, function($) {
if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && jQuery) {
formCollection.jQuery = $; // jQuery is not necessarily global so it's better to know easily if it's available
$.fn.formCollection = function (options, param) {
var nodeArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var ret = formCollection(nodeArray, options, param);
if (!Array.isArray(ret))
return ret;
return $(this);
}(this, function() {
return formCollection;

@@ -26,2 +26,5 @@ # symfonyCollectionJs tests

You can find the test coverage informations in the 'coverage' folder.
You can find the test coverage informations in the 'coverage' folder.
# Notes for Internet explorer
Some of the tests fail on Internet explorer (tested on IE11, works fine on Edge). It's because the tests are particularly stricts, and IE seems to render things slightly differently (different order of attributes, and different encoding on quotes); but it still works fine.

@@ -41,3 +41,2 @@ var extend = function (a, b) {

prototype_name: '__subname__',
call_post_add_on_init: true,
post_add: function(new_elem, context) {

@@ -486,2 +485,26 @@ µ(new_elem).find('.sub-sub-collection-root').formCollection({

QUnit.test('the post_add index should have the right value', function(assert) {
µ('#collection-root').append(guessCollectionElementResult(0)); // to preinit the content
var test = [];
call_post_add_on_init: true,
post_add: function(µnew_elem, context, index) {
assert.equal(test.length, 2, 'for a collection with 2 preinit elements, two indexes were given');
assert.equal(test[0], 0, 'the given index for the first preinit element is correct');
assert.equal(test[1], 1, 'the given index for the second preinit element is correct');
test = []; // reset
µ('#collection-add-btn').click(); //other_btn_add
assert.equal(test[0], 2, 'correct index on other_btn_add');
test = []; // reset
µ('.collection-elem-add').eq(0).click(); //btn_add_selector
assert.equal(test[0], 1, 'correct index on btn_add_selector');
test = []; // reset
assert.equal(test[0], 4, 'correct index with add method');

@@ -525,4 +548,138 @@

QUnit.test('the post_delete index has the right value', function(assert) {
var test = false;
post_delete: function(µdelete_elem, context, index) {
test = index;
assert.false(test); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
// now we have 2 elements
µ('.collection-elem-remove').eq(1).click(); // btn_delete_selector
assert.equal(test, 1, 'correct index on btn_delete_selector');
test = false; // reset
µ('#collection-root').formCollection('delete', 0); // delete method
assert.equal(test, 0, 'correct index on delete method');
QUnit.module('post_up', function() {
QUnit.test('post_up is triggered after clicking on btn_up_selector', function(assert) {
var test = false;
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
test = true;
// now we have 2 elements
assert.false(test); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
µ('.collection-elem-up').eq(1).click(); // btn_up_selector
assert.true(test, 'post_up called after click on btn_up_selector');
QUnit.test('the post_up elem and switched_elem are correct', function(assert) {
var testElem = false;
var testSwitchedElem = false;
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
testElem = elem;
testSwitchedElem = switched_elem;
// now we have 4 elements
assert.false(testElem); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
assert.false(testSwitchedElem); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason again
var node2 = µ('#collection-root').children()[1];
var node3 = µ('#collection-root').children()[2];
µ('.collection-elem-up').eq(2).click(); // btn_up_selector
assert.true(node3.isSameNode(testElem), 'correct elem on btn_up_selector');
assert.true(node2.isSameNode(testSwitchedElem), 'correct elem on btn_up_selector');
QUnit.test('the post_up index has the right value', function(assert) {
var test = false;
post_up: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
test = index;
assert.false(test); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
// now we have 4 elements
µ('.collection-elem-up').eq(2).click(); // btn_up_selector
assert.equal(test, 2, 'correct index with btn_up_selector');
QUnit.module('post_down', function() {
QUnit.test('post_down is triggered after clicking on btn_down_selector', function(assert) {
var test = false;
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
test = true;
// now we have 2 elements
assert.false(test); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
µ('.collection-elem-down').eq(0).click(); // btn_down_selector
assert.true(test, 'post_down called after click on btn_down_selector');
QUnit.test('the post_down elem and switched_elem are correct', function(assert) {
var testElem = false;
var testSwitchedElem = false;
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
testElem = elem;
testSwitchedElem = switched_elem;
// now we have 4 elements
assert.false(testElem); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
assert.false(testSwitchedElem); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason again
var node2 = µ('#collection-root').children()[1];
var node3 = µ('#collection-root').children()[2];
µ('.collection-elem-down').eq(1).click(); // btn_down_selector
assert.true(node2.isSameNode(testElem), 'correct elem on btn_down_selector');
assert.true(node3.isSameNode(testSwitchedElem), 'correct elem on btn_down_selector');
QUnit.test('the post_down index has the right value', function(assert) {
var test = false;
post_down: function(elem, switched_elem, index) {
test = index;
assert.false(test); // to check that the callback isn't triggered without reason
// now we have 4 elements
µ('.collection-elem-down').eq(2).click(); // btn_down_selector
assert.equal(test, 2, 'correct index with btn_down_selector');
QUnit.module('max_elems', function() {

@@ -529,0 +686,0 @@ QUnit.test('max_elems should limit the number of child elements', function(assert) {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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