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tar - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.1 to 3.0.0




@@ -1,94 +0,125 @@

// give it a tarball and a path, and it'll dump the contents
'use strict'
module.exports = Extract
// tar -x
const hlo = require('./high-level-opt.js')
const Unpack = require('./unpack.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
var tar = require("../tar.js")
, fstream = require("fstream")
, inherits = require("inherits")
, path = require("path")
const x = module.exports = (opt_, files, cb) => {
if (typeof opt_ === 'function')
cb = opt_, files = [], opt_ = {}
else if (Array.isArray(opt_))
files = opt_, opt_ = {}
function Extract (opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Extract)) return new Extract(opts)
if (typeof files === 'function')
cb = files, files = []
if (typeof opts !== "object") {
opts = { path: opts }
if (!files)
files = []
// better to drop in cwd? seems more standard.
opts.path = opts.path || path.resolve("node-tar-extract")
opts.type = "Directory"
opts.Directory = true
const opt = hlo(opt_)
// similar to --strip or --strip-components
opts.strip = +opts.strip
if (!opts.strip || opts.strip <= 0) opts.strip = 0
if (opt.sync && typeof cb === 'function')
throw new TypeError('callback not supported for sync tar functions')
this._fst = fstream.Writer(opts)
if (!opt.file && typeof cb === 'function')
throw new TypeError('callback only supported with file option')
var me = this
if (files.length)
filesFilter(opt, files)
// Hardlinks in tarballs are relative to the root
// of the tarball. So, they need to be resolved against
// the target directory in order to be created properly.
me.on("entry", function (entry) {
// if there's a "strip" argument, then strip off that many
// path components.
if (opts.strip) {
var p = entry.path.split("/").slice(opts.strip).join("/")
entry.path = entry.props.path = p
if (entry.linkpath) {
var lp = entry.linkpath.split("/").slice(opts.strip).join("/")
entry.linkpath = entry.props.linkpath = lp
if (entry.type === "Link") {
entry.linkpath = entry.props.linkpath =
path.join(opts.path, path.join("/", entry.props.linkpath))
return opt.file && opt.sync ? extractFileSync(opt)
: opt.file ? extractFile(opt, cb)
: opt.sync ? extractSync(opt)
: extract(opt)
if (entry.type === "SymbolicLink") {
var dn = path.dirname(entry.path) || ""
var linkpath = entry.props.linkpath
var target = path.resolve(opts.path, dn, linkpath)
if (target.indexOf(opts.path) !== 0) {
linkpath = path.join(opts.path, path.join("/", linkpath))
// construct a filter that limits the file entries listed
// include child entries if a dir is included
const filesFilter = (opt, files) => {
const map = new Map( => [f.replace(/\/+$/, ''), true]))
const filter = opt.filter
const mapHas = (file, r) => {
const root = r || path.parse(file).root || '.'
const ret = file === root ? false
: map.has(file) ? map.get(file)
: mapHas(path.dirname(file), root)
map.set(file, ret)
return ret
opt.filter = filter
? (file, entry) => filter(file, entry) && mapHas(file.replace(/\/+$/, ''))
: file => mapHas(file.replace(/\/+$/, ''))
const extractFileSync = opt => {
const u = new Unpack.Sync(opt)
const file = opt.file
let threw = true
let fd
try {
const stat = fs.statSync(file)
const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16*1024*1024
if (stat.size < readSize)
else {
let pos = 0
const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(readSize)
fd = fs.openSync(file, 'r')
while (pos < stat.size) {
let bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, readSize, pos)
pos += bytesRead
u.write(buf.slice(0, bytesRead))
entry.linkpath = entry.props.linkpath = linkpath
threw = false
} finally {
if (threw && fd)
try { fs.closeSync(fd) } catch (er) {}
this._fst.on("ready", function () {
me.pipe(me._fst, { end: false })
const extractFile = (opt, cb) => {
const u = new Unpack(opt)
const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16*1024*1024
this._fst.on('error', function(err) {
me.emit('error', err)
const file = opt.file
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
u.on('error', reject)
u.on('close', resolve)
this._fst.on('drain', function() {
fs.stat(file, (er, stat) => {
if (er)
else if (stat.size < readSize)
fs.readFile(file, (er, data) => {
if (er)
return reject(er)
else {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(file, {
highWaterMark: readSize
stream.on('error', reject)
return cb ? p.then(cb, cb) : p
// this._fst.on("end", function () {
// console.error("\nEEEE Extract End", me._fst.path)
// })
this._fst.on("close", function () {
// console.error("\nEEEE Extract End", me._fst.path)
const extractSync = opt => {
return new Unpack.Sync(opt)
inherits(Extract, tar.Parse)
Extract.prototype._streamEnd = function () {
var me = this
if (!me._ended || me._entry) me.error("unexpected eof")
// my .end() is coming later.
const extract = opt => {
return new Unpack(opt)

@@ -0,385 +1,272 @@

'use strict'
// parse a 512-byte header block to a data object, or vice-versa
// If the data won't fit nicely in a simple header, then generate
// the appropriate extended header file, and return that.
// encode returns `true` if a pax extended header is needed, because
// the data could not be faithfully encoded in a simple header.
// (Also, check header.needPax to see if it needs a pax header.)
module.exports = TarHeader
const types = require('./types.js')
const pathModule = require('path')
const large = require('./large-numbers.js')
var tar = require("../tar.js")
, fields = tar.fields
, fieldOffs = tar.fieldOffs
, fieldEnds = tar.fieldEnds
, fieldSize = tar.fieldSize
, numeric = tar.numeric
, assert = require("assert").ok
, space = " ".charCodeAt(0)
, slash = "/".charCodeAt(0)
, bslash = process.platform === "win32" ? "\\".charCodeAt(0) : null
const TYPE = Symbol('type')
function TarHeader (block) {
if (!(this instanceof TarHeader)) return new TarHeader(block)
if (block) this.decode(block)
class Header {
constructor (data, off) {
this.cksumValid = false
this.needPax = false
this.nullBlock = false
TarHeader.prototype =
{ decode : decode
, encode: encode
, calcSum: calcSum
, checkSum: checkSum
this.block = null
this.path = null
this.mode = null
this.uid = null
this.gid = null
this.size = null
this.mtime = null
this.cksum = null
this[TYPE] = '0'
this.linkpath = null
this.uname = null
this.gname = null
this.devmaj = 0
this.devmin = 0
this.atime = null
this.ctime = null
TarHeader.parseNumeric = parseNumeric
TarHeader.encode = encode
TarHeader.decode = decode
// note that this will only do the normal ustar header, not any kind
// of extended posix header file. If something doesn't fit comfortably,
// then it will set obj.needExtended = true, and set the block to
// the closest approximation.
function encode (obj) {
if (!obj && !(this instanceof TarHeader)) throw new Error(
"encode must be called on a TarHeader, or supplied an object")
obj = obj || this
var block = obj.block = new Buffer(512)
// if the object has a "prefix", then that's actually an extension of
// the path field.
if (obj.prefix) {
// console.error("%% header encoding, got a prefix", obj.prefix)
obj.path = obj.prefix + "/" + obj.path
// console.error("%% header encoding, prefixed path", obj.path)
obj.prefix = ""
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
this.decode(data, off || 0)
} else if (data)
obj.needExtended = false
decode (buf, off) {
if (!off)
off = 0
if (obj.mode) {
if (typeof obj.mode === "string") obj.mode = parseInt(obj.mode, 8)
obj.mode = obj.mode & 0777
if (!buf || !(buf.length >= off + 512))
throw new Error('need 512 bytes for header')
for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
var field = fields[f]
, off = fieldOffs[f]
, end = fieldEnds[f]
, ret
this.path = decString(buf, off, 100)
this.mode = decNumber(buf, off + 100, 8)
this.uid = decNumber(buf, off + 108, 8)
this.gid = decNumber(buf, off + 116, 8)
this.size = decNumber(buf, off + 124, 12)
this.mtime = decDate(buf, off + 136, 12)
this.cksum = decNumber(buf, off + 148, 12)
switch (field) {
case "cksum":
// special, done below, after all the others
// old tar versions marked dirs as a file with a trailing /
this[TYPE] = decString(buf, off + 156, 1)
if (this[TYPE] === '')
this[TYPE] = '0'
if (this[TYPE] === '0' && this.path.substr(-1) === '/')
this[TYPE] = '5'
case "prefix":
// special, this is an extension of the "path" field.
// console.error("%% header encoding, skip prefix later")
// tar implementations sometimes incorrectly put the stat(dir).size
// as the size in the tarball, even though Directory entries are
// not able to have any body at all. In the very rare chance that
// it actually DOES have a body, we weren't going to do anything with
// it anyway, and it'll just be a warning about an invalid header.
if (this[TYPE] === '5')
this.size = 0
case "type":
// convert from long name to a single char.
var type = obj.type || "0"
if (type.length > 1) {
type = tar.types[obj.type]
if (!type) type = "0"
writeText(block, off, end, type)
this.linkpath = decString(buf, off + 157, 100)
if (buf.slice(off + 257, off + 265).toString() === 'ustar\u000000') {
this.uname = decString(buf, off + 265, 32)
this.gname = decString(buf, off + 297, 32)
this.devmaj = decNumber(buf, off + 329, 8)
this.devmin = decNumber(buf, off + 337, 8)
if (buf[off + 475] !== 0) {
// definitely a prefix, definitely >130 chars.
const prefix = decString(buf, off + 345, 155)
this.path = prefix + '/' + this.path
} else {
const prefix = decString(buf, off + 345, 130)
if (prefix)
this.path = prefix + '/' + this.path
this.atime = decDate(buf, off + 476, 12)
this.ctime = decDate(buf, off + 488, 12)
case "path":
// uses the "prefix" field if > 100 bytes, but <= 255
var pathLen = Buffer.byteLength(obj.path)
, pathFSize = fieldSize[fields.path]
, prefFSize = fieldSize[fields.prefix]
// paths between 100 and 255 should use the prefix field.
// longer than 255
if (pathLen > pathFSize &&
pathLen <= pathFSize + prefFSize) {
// need to find a slash somewhere in the middle so that
// path and prefix both fit in their respective fields
var searchStart = pathLen - 1 - pathFSize
, searchEnd = prefFSize
, found = false
, pathBuf = new Buffer(obj.path)
for ( var s = searchStart
; (s <= searchEnd)
; s ++ ) {
if (pathBuf[s] === slash || pathBuf[s] === bslash) {
found = s
if (found !== false) {
prefix = pathBuf.slice(0, found).toString("utf8")
path = pathBuf.slice(found + 1).toString("utf8")
ret = writeText(block, off, end, path)
off = fieldOffs[fields.prefix]
end = fieldEnds[fields.prefix]
// console.error("%% header writing prefix", off, end, prefix)
ret = writeText(block, off, end, prefix) || ret
// paths less than 100 chars don't need a prefix
// and paths longer than 255 need an extended header and will fail
// on old implementations no matter what we do here.
// Null out the prefix, and fallthrough to default.
// console.error("%% header writing no prefix")
var poff = fieldOffs[fields.prefix]
, pend = fieldEnds[fields.prefix]
writeText(block, poff, pend, "")
// fallthrough
// all other fields are numeric or text
ret = numeric[field]
? writeNumeric(block, off, end, obj[field])
: writeText(block, off, end, obj[field] || "")
let sum = 8 * 0x20
for (let i = off; i < off + 148; i++) {
sum += buf[i]
obj.needExtended = obj.needExtended || ret
for (let i = off + 156; i < off + 512; i++) {
sum += buf[i]
this.cksumValid = sum === this.cksum
if (this.cksum === null && sum === 8 * 0x20)
this.nullBlock = true
var off = fieldOffs[fields.cksum]
, end = fieldEnds[fields.cksum]
encode (buf, off) {
if (!buf) {
buf = this.block = Buffer.alloc(512)
off = 0
writeNumeric(block, off, end,, block))
if (!off)
off = 0
return block
if (!(buf.length >= off + 512))
throw new Error('need 512 bytes for header')
// if it's a negative number, or greater than will fit,
// then use write256.
var MAXNUM = { 12: 077777777777
, 11: 07777777777
, 8 : 07777777
, 7 : 0777777 }
function writeNumeric (block, off, end, num) {
var writeLen = end - off
, maxNum = MAXNUM[writeLen] || 0
const prefixSize = this.ctime || this.atime ? 130 : 155
const split = splitPrefix(this.path || '', prefixSize)
const path = split[0]
const prefix = split[1]
this.needPax = split[2]
num = num || 0
// console.error(" numeric", num)
this.needPax = encString(buf, off, 100, path) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 100, 8, this.mode) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 108, 8, this.uid) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 116, 8, this.gid) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 124, 12, this.size) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 136, 12, this.mtime) || this.needPax
buf[off + 156] = this[TYPE].charCodeAt(0)
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 157, 100, this.linkpath) || this.needPax
buf.write('ustar\u000000', off + 257, 8)
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 265, 32, this.uname) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 297, 32, this.gname) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 329, 8, this.devmaj) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 337, 8, this.devmin) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, prefixSize, prefix) || this.needPax
if (buf[off + 475] !== 0)
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, 155, prefix) || this.needPax
else {
this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, 130, prefix) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 476, 12, this.atime) || this.needPax
this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 488, 12, this.ctime) || this.needPax
if (num instanceof Date || === "[object Date]") {
num = num.getTime() / 1000
let sum = 8 * 0x20
for (let i = off; i < off + 148; i++) {
sum += buf[i]
for (let i = off + 156; i < off + 512; i++) {
sum += buf[i]
this.cksum = sum
encNumber(buf, off + 148, 8, this.cksum)
this.cksumValid = true
if (num > maxNum || num < 0) {
write256(block, off, end, num)
// need an extended header if negative or too big.
return true
return this.needPax
// god, tar is so annoying
// if the string is small enough, you should put a space
// between the octal string and the \0, but if it doesn't
// fit, then don't.
var numStr = Math.floor(num).toString(8)
if (num < MAXNUM[writeLen - 1]) numStr += " "
// pad with "0" chars
if (numStr.length < writeLen) {
numStr = (new Array(writeLen - numStr.length).join("0")) + numStr
set (data) {
for (let i in data) {
if (data[i] !== null && data[i] !== undefined)
this[i] = data[i]
if (numStr.length !== writeLen - 1) {
throw new Error("invalid length: " + JSON.stringify(numStr) + "\n" +
"expected: "+writeLen)
get type () {
return[TYPE]) || this[TYPE]
block.write(numStr, off, writeLen, "utf8")
block[end - 1] = 0
function write256 (block, off, end, num) {
var buf = block.slice(off, end)
var positive = num >= 0
buf[0] = positive ? 0x80 : 0xFF
// get the number as a base-256 tuple
if (!positive) num *= -1
var tuple = []
do {
var n = num % 256
num = (num - n) / 256
} while (num)
var bytes = tuple.length
var fill = buf.length - bytes
for (var i = 1; i < fill; i ++) {
buf[i] = positive ? 0 : 0xFF
get typeKey () {
return this[TYPE]
// tuple is a base256 number, with [0] as the *least* significant byte
// if it's negative, then we need to flip all the bits once we hit the
// first non-zero bit. The 2's-complement is (0x100 - n), and the 1's-
// complement is (0xFF - n).
var zero = true
for (i = bytes; i > 0; i --) {
var byte = tuple[bytes - i]
if (positive) buf[fill + i] = byte
else if (zero && byte === 0) buf[fill + i] = 0
else if (zero) {
zero = false
buf[fill + i] = 0x100 - byte
} else buf[fill + i] = 0xFF - byte
set type (type) {
if (types.code.has(type))
this[TYPE] = types.code.get(type)
this[TYPE] = type
function writeText (block, off, end, str) {
// strings are written as utf8, then padded with \0
var strLen = Buffer.byteLength(str)
, writeLen = Math.min(strLen, end - off)
// non-ascii fields need extended headers
// long fields get truncated
, needExtended = strLen !== str.length || strLen > writeLen
const splitPrefix = (p, prefixSize) => {
const pathSize = 100
let pp = p
let prefix = ''
let ret
const root = pathModule.parse(p).root || '.'
// write the string, and null-pad
if (writeLen > 0) block.write(str, off, writeLen, "utf8")
for (var i = off + writeLen; i < end; i ++) block[i] = 0
if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) < pathSize)
ret = [pp, prefix, false]
else {
// first set prefix to the dir, and path to the base
prefix = pathModule.dirname(pp)
pp = pathModule.basename(pp)
return needExtended
do {
// both fit!
if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) <= pathSize &&
Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize)
ret = [pp, prefix, false]
function calcSum (block) {
block = block || this.block
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(block) && block.length === 512)
// prefix fits in prefix, but path doesn't fit in path
else if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) > pathSize &&
Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize)
ret = [pp.substr(0, pathSize - 1), prefix, true]
if (!block) throw new Error("Need block to checksum")
else {
// make path take a bit from prefix
pp = pathModule.join(pathModule.basename(prefix), pp)
prefix = pathModule.dirname(prefix)
} while (prefix !== root && !ret)
// now figure out what it would be if the cksum was " "
var sum = 0
, start = fieldOffs[fields.cksum]
, end = fieldEnds[fields.cksum]
for (var i = 0; i < fieldOffs[fields.cksum]; i ++) {
sum += block[i]
// at this point, found no resolution, just truncate
if (!ret)
ret = [p.substr(0, pathSize - 1), '', true]
for (var i = start; i < end; i ++) {
sum += space
for (var i = end; i < 512; i ++) {
sum += block[i]
return sum
return ret
const decString = (buf, off, size) =>
buf.slice(off, off + size).toString('utf8').replace(/\0.*/, '')
function checkSum (block) {
var sum =, block)
block = block || this.block
const decDate = (buf, off, size) =>
numToDate(decNumber(buf, off, size))
var cksum = block.slice(fieldOffs[fields.cksum], fieldEnds[fields.cksum])
cksum = parseNumeric(cksum)
const numToDate = num => num === null ? null : new Date(num * 1000)
return cksum === sum
const decNumber = (buf, off, size) =>
buf[off] & 0x80 ? large.parse(buf.slice(off, off + size))
: decSmallNumber(buf, off, size)
function decode (block) {
block = block || this.block
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(block) && block.length === 512)
const nanNull = value => isNaN(value) ? null : value
this.block = block
this.cksumValid = this.checkSum()
const decSmallNumber = (buf, off, size) =>
buf.slice(off, off + size)
.toString('utf8').replace(/\0.*$/, '').trim(), 8))
var prefix = null
// slice off each field.
for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
var field = fields[f]
, val = block.slice(fieldOffs[f], fieldEnds[f])
switch (field) {
case "ustar":
// if not ustar, then everything after that is just padding.
if (val.toString() !== "ustar\0") {
this.ustar = false
} else {
// console.error("ustar:", val, val.toString())
this.ustar = val.toString()
// prefix is special, since it might signal the xstar header
case "prefix":
var atime = parseNumeric(val.slice(131, 131 + 12))
, ctime = parseNumeric(val.slice(131 + 12, 131 + 12 + 12))
if ((val[130] === 0 || val[130] === space) &&
typeof atime === "number" &&
typeof ctime === "number" &&
val[131 + 12] === space &&
val[131 + 12 + 12] === space) {
this.atime = atime
this.ctime = ctime
val = val.slice(0, 130)
prefix = val.toString("utf8").replace(/\0+$/, "")
// console.error("%% header reading prefix", prefix)
// all other fields are null-padding text
// or a number.
if (numeric[field]) {
this[field] = parseNumeric(val)
} else {
this[field] = val.toString("utf8").replace(/\0+$/, "")
// if we got a prefix, then prepend it to the path.
if (prefix) {
this.path = prefix + "/" + this.path
// console.error("%% header got a prefix", this.path)
// the maximum encodable as a null-terminated octal, by field size
const MAXNUM = {
12: 0o77777777777,
8 : 0o7777777
function parse256 (buf) {
// first byte MUST be either 80 or FF
// 80 for positive, FF for 2's comp
var positive
if (buf[0] === 0x80) positive = true
else if (buf[0] === 0xFF) positive = false
else return null
const encNumber = (buf, off, size, number) =>
number === null ? false :
number > MAXNUM[size] || number < 0
? (large.encode(number, buf.slice(off, off + size)), true)
: (encSmallNumber(buf, off, size, number), false)
// build up a base-256 tuple from the least sig to the highest
var zero = false
, tuple = []
for (var i = buf.length - 1; i > 0; i --) {
var byte = buf[i]
if (positive) tuple.push(byte)
else if (zero && byte === 0) tuple.push(0)
else if (zero) {
zero = false
tuple.push(0x100 - byte)
} else tuple.push(0xFF - byte)
const encSmallNumber = (buf, off, size, number) =>
buf.write(octalString(number, size), off, size, 'ascii')
for (var sum = 0, i = 0, l = tuple.length; i < l; i ++) {
sum += tuple[i] * Math.pow(256, i)
const octalString = (number, size) =>
padOctal(Math.floor(number).toString(8), size)
return positive ? sum : -1 * sum
const padOctal = (string, size) =>
(string.length === size - 1 ? string
: new Array(size - string.length - 1).join('0') + string + ' ') + '\0'
function parseNumeric (f) {
if (f[0] & 0x80) return parse256(f)
const encDate = (buf, off, size, date) =>
date === null ? false :
encNumber(buf, off, size, date.getTime() / 1000)
var str = f.toString("utf8").split("\0")[0].trim()
, res = parseInt(str, 8)
// enough to fill the longest string we've got
const NULLS = new Array(156).join('\0')
// pad with nulls, return true if it's longer or non-ascii
const encString = (buf, off, size, string) =>
string === null ? false :
(buf.write(string + NULLS, off, size, 'utf8'),
string.length !== Buffer.byteLength(string) || string.length > size)
return isNaN(res) ? null : res
module.exports = Header

@@ -1,236 +0,356 @@

// pipe in an fstream, and it'll make a tarball.
// key-value pair argument is global extended header props.
'use strict'
module.exports = Pack
// A readable tar stream creator
// Technically, this is a transform stream that you write paths into,
// and tar format comes out of.
// The `add()` method is like `write()` but returns this,
// and end() return `this` as well, so you can
// do `new Pack(opt).add('files').add('dir').end().pipe(output)
// You could also do something like:
// streamOfPaths().pipe(new Pack()).pipe(new fs.WriteStream('out.tar'))
var EntryWriter = require("./entry-writer.js")
, Stream = require("stream").Stream
, path = require("path")
, inherits = require("inherits")
, GlobalHeaderWriter = require("./global-header-writer.js")
, collect = require("fstream").collect
, eof = new Buffer(512)
class PackJob {
constructor (path, absolute) {
this.path = path || './'
this.absolute = absolute
this.realpath = null
this.stat = null
this.readdir = null
this.pending = false
this.ignore = false
this.piped = false
for (var i = 0; i < 512; i ++) eof[i] = 0
const MiniPass = require('minipass')
const zlib = require('minizlib')
const WriteEntry = require('./write-entry.js')
const WriteEntrySync = WriteEntry.Sync
const Yallist = require('yallist')
const EOF = Buffer.alloc(1024)
const ONSTAT = Symbol('onStat')
const ENDED = Symbol('ended')
const QUEUE = Symbol('queue')
const CURRENT = Symbol('current')
const PROCESS = Symbol('process')
const PROCESSING = Symbol('processing')
const PROCESSJOB = Symbol('processJob')
const JOBS = Symbol('jobs')
const JOBDONE = Symbol('jobDone')
const ADDENTRY = Symbol('addEntry')
const STAT = Symbol('stat')
const READDIR = Symbol('readdir')
const ONREADDIR = Symbol('onreaddir')
const PIPE = Symbol('pipe')
const ENTRY = Symbol('entry')
const WRITEENTRYCLASS = Symbol('writeEntryClass')
const WRITE = Symbol('write')
const ONDRAIN = Symbol('ondrain')
inherits(Pack, Stream)
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
function Pack (props) {
// console.error("-- p ctor")
var me = this
if (!(me instanceof Pack)) return new Pack(props)
class Pack extends MiniPass {
constructor (opt) {
opt = opt || Object.create(null)
this.opt = opt
this.cwd = opt.cwd || process.cwd()
this.maxReadSize = opt.maxReadSize
this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths
this.strict = !!opt.strict
this.prefix = (opt.prefix || '').replace(/(\\|\/)+$/, '')
this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || new Map()
this.statCache = opt.statCache || new Map()
this.readdirCache = opt.readdirCache || new Map()
this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntry
if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)
if (props) me._noProprietary = props.noProprietary
else me._noProprietary = false = null
if (opt.gzip) {
if (typeof opt.gzip !== 'object')
opt.gzip = {} = new zlib.Gzip(opt.gzip)'data', chunk => super.write(chunk))'end', _ => super.end())'drain', _ => {
} else
this.on('drain', this[ONDRAIN])
me._global = props
this.portable = !!opt.portable
this.noDirRecurse = !!opt.noDirRecurse
this.follow = !!opt.follow
me.readable = true
me.writable = true
me._buffer = []
// console.error("-- -- set current to null in ctor")
me._currentEntry = null
me._processing = false
this.filter = typeof opt.filter === 'function' ? opt.filter : _ => true
me._pipeRoot = null
me.on("pipe", function (src) {
if (src.root === me._pipeRoot) return
me._pipeRoot = src
src.on("end", function () {
me._pipeRoot = null
this[QUEUE] = new Yallist
this[JOBS] = 0 = || 4
this[PROCESSING] = false
this[ENDED] = false
Pack.prototype.addGlobal = function (props) {
// console.error("-- p addGlobal")
if (this._didGlobal) return
this._didGlobal = true
[WRITE] (chunk) {
return super.write(chunk)
var me = this
.on("data", function (c) {
me.emit("data", c)
add (path) {
return this
Pack.prototype.add = function (stream) {
if (this._global && !this._didGlobal) this.addGlobal(this._global)
end (path) {
if (path)
this[ENDED] = true
return this
if (this._ended) return this.emit("error", new Error("add after end"))
write (path) {
if (this[ENDED])
throw new Error('write after end')
this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0
return !this._needDrain
return this.flowing
Pack.prototype.pause = function () {
this._paused = true
if (this._currentEntry) this._currentEntry.pause()
[ADDENTRY] (p) {
const absolute = path.resolve(this.cwd, p)
if (this.prefix)
p = this.prefix + '/' + p
this[QUEUE].push(new PackJob(p, absolute))
Pack.prototype.resume = function () {
this._paused = false
if (this._currentEntry) this._currentEntry.resume()
[STAT] (job) {
job.pending = true
this[JOBS] += 1
const stat = this.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
fs[stat](job.absolute, (er, stat) => {
job.pending = false
this[JOBS] -= 1
if (er)
return this.emit('error', er)
this[ONSTAT](job, stat)
Pack.prototype.end = function () {
this._ended = true
[ONSTAT] (job, stat) {
this.statCache.set(job.absolute, stat)
job.stat = stat
Pack.prototype._process = function () {
var me = this
if (me._paused || me._processing) {
// now we have the stat, we can filter it.
if (!this.filter(job.path, stat))
job.ignore = true
var entry = me._buffer.shift()
if (!entry) {
if (me._needDrain) {
if (entry.ready === false) {
// console.error("-- entry is not ready", entry)
entry.on("ready", function () {
// console.error("-- -- ready!", entry)
[READDIR] (job) {
job.pending = true
this[JOBS] += 1
fs.readdir(job.absolute, (er, entries) => {
job.pending = false
this[JOBS] -= 1
if (er)
return this.emit('error', er)
this[ONREADDIR](job, entries)
me._processing = true
[ONREADDIR] (job, entries) {
this.readdirCache.set(job.absolute, entries)
job.readdir = entries
if (entry === eof) {
// need 2 ending null blocks.
me.emit("data", eof)
me.emit("data", eof)
[PROCESS] () {
if (this[PROCESSING])
this[PROCESSING] = true
for (let w = this[QUEUE].head;
w !== null && this[JOBS] <;
w = {
this[PROCESSING] = false
if (this[ENDED] && !this[QUEUE].length && this[JOBS] === 0) {
if (
else {
// Change the path to be relative to the root dir that was
// added to the tarball.
// XXX This should be more like how -C works, so you can
// explicitly set a root dir, and also explicitly set a pathname
// in the tarball to use. That way we can skip a lot of extra
// work when resolving symlinks for bundled dependencies in npm.
get [CURRENT] () {
return this[QUEUE] && this[QUEUE].head && this[QUEUE].head.value
var root = path.dirname((entry.root || entry).path);
if (me._global && me._global.fromBase && entry.root && entry.root.path) {
// user set 'fromBase: true' indicating tar root should be directory itself
root = entry.root.path;
[JOBDONE] (job) {
this[JOBS] -= 1
var wprops = {}
[PROCESSJOB] (job) {
if (job.pending)
Object.keys(entry.props || {}).forEach(function (k) {
wprops[k] = entry.props[k]
if (!job.stat) {
if (this.statCache.has(job.absolute))
this[ONSTAT](job, this.statCache.get(job.absolute))
if (!job.stat)
if (me._noProprietary) wprops.noProprietary = true
// filtered out!
if (job.ignore) {
if (job === this[CURRENT])
wprops.path = path.relative(root, entry.path || '')
if (!this.noDirRecurse && job.stat.isDirectory() && !job.readdir) {
if (this.readdirCache.has(job.absolute))
this[ONREADDIR](job, this.readdirCache.get(job.absolute))
if (!job.readdir)
// actually not a matter of opinion or taste.
if (process.platform === "win32") {
wprops.path = wprops.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")
if (!job.entry) {
job.entry = this[ENTRY](job)
if (!job.entry) {
job.ignore = true
if (job === this[CURRENT] && !job.piped)
if (!wprops.type)
wprops.type = 'Directory'
warn (msg, data) {
return this.emit('warn', msg, data)
switch (wprops.type) {
// sockets not supported
case "Socket":
[ENTRY] (job) {
this[JOBS] += 1
try {
return new this[WRITEENTRYCLASS](job.path, {
onwarn: (msg, data) => {
this.warn(msg, data)
cwd: this.cwd,
absolute: job.absolute,
preservePaths: this.preservePaths,
maxReadSize: this.maxReadSize,
strict: this.strict,
portable: this.portable,
linkCache: this.linkCache,
statCache: this.statCache
}).on('end', _ => {
} catch (er) {
this.emit('error', er)
case "Directory":
wprops.path += "/"
wprops.size = 0
[ONDRAIN] () {
if (this[CURRENT] && this[CURRENT].entry)
case "Link":
var lp = path.resolve(path.dirname(entry.path), entry.linkpath)
wprops.linkpath = path.relative(root, lp) || "."
wprops.size = 0
// like .pipe() but using super, because our write() is special
[PIPE] (job) {
job.piped = true
case "SymbolicLink":
var lp = path.resolve(path.dirname(entry.path), entry.linkpath)
wprops.linkpath = path.relative(path.dirname(entry.path), lp) || "."
wprops.size = 0
if (job.readdir)
job.readdir.forEach(entry => {
const base = job.path === './' ? '' : job.path.replace(/\/*$/, '/')
this[ADDENTRY](base + entry)
// console.error("-- new writer", wprops)
// if (!wprops.type) {
// // console.error("-- no type?",, entry)
// }
const source = job.entry
const zip =
// console.error("-- -- set current to new writer", wprops.path)
var writer = me._currentEntry = EntryWriter(wprops)
if (zip)
source.on('data', chunk => {
if (!zip.write(chunk))
source.on('data', chunk => {
if (!super.write(chunk))
writer.parent = me
resume () {
if (
return super.resume()
// writer.on("end", function () {
// // console.error("-- -- writer end", writer.path)
// })
pause () {
if (
return super.pause()
writer.on("data", function (c) {
me.emit("data", c)
class PackSync extends Pack {
constructor (opt) {
this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntrySync
writer.on("header", function () {
Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.toString().split(/\0/).join(".")
// console.error("-- -- writer header %j", writer.props)
if (writer.props.size === 0) nextEntry()
writer.on("close", nextEntry)
// pause/resume are no-ops in sync streams.
pause () {}
resume () {}
var ended = false
function nextEntry () {
if (ended) return
ended = true
[STAT] (job) {
const stat = this.follow ? 'statSync' : 'lstatSync'
this[ONSTAT](job, fs[stat](job.absolute))
// console.error("-- -- writer close", writer.path)
// console.error("-- -- set current to null", wprops.path)
me._currentEntry = null
me._processing = false
[READDIR] (job, stat) {
this[ONREADDIR](job, fs.readdirSync(job.absolute))
writer.on("error", function (er) {
// console.error("-- -- writer error", writer.path)
me.emit("error", er)
// gotta get it all in this tick
[PIPE] (job) {
const source = job.entry
const zip =
// if it's the root, then there's no need to add its entries,
// or data, since they'll be added directly.
if (entry === me._pipeRoot) {
// console.error("-- is the root, don't auto-add")
writer.add = null
if (job.readdir)
job.readdir.forEach(entry => {
this[ADDENTRY](job.path + '/' + entry)
if (zip)
source.on('data', chunk => {
source.on('data', chunk => {
Pack.prototype.destroy = function () {}
Pack.prototype.write = function () {}
Pack.Sync = PackSync
module.exports = Pack

@@ -0,275 +1,412 @@

'use strict'
// A writable stream.
// It emits "entry" events, which provide a readable stream that has
// header info attached.
// this[BUFFER] is the remainder of a chunk if we're waiting for
// the full 512 bytes of a header to come in. We will Buffer.concat()
// it to the next write(), which is a mem copy, but a small one.
// this[QUEUE] is a Yallist of entries that haven't been emitted
// yet this can only get filled up if the user keeps write()ing after
// a write() returns false, or does a write() with more than one entry
// We don't buffer chunks, we always parse them and either create an
// entry, or push it into the active entry. The ReadEntry class knows
// to throw data away if .ignore=true
// Shift entry off the buffer when it emits 'end', and emit 'entry' for
// the next one in the list.
// At any time, we're pushing body chunks into the entry at WRITEENTRY,
// and waiting for 'end' on the entry at READENTRY
// ignored entries get .resume() called on them straight away
module.exports = Parse.create = Parse
const path = require('path')
const Header = require('./header.js')
const EE = require('events')
const Yallist = require('yallist')
const maxMetaEntrySize = 1024 * 1024
const Entry = require('./read-entry.js')
const Pax = require('./pax.js')
const zlib = require('minizlib')
var stream = require("stream")
, Stream = stream.Stream
, BlockStream = require("block-stream")
, tar = require("../tar.js")
, TarHeader = require("./header.js")
, Entry = require("./entry.js")
, BufferEntry = require("./buffer-entry.js")
, ExtendedHeader = require("./extended-header.js")
, assert = require("assert").ok
, inherits = require("inherits")
, fstream = require("fstream")
const gzipHeader = new Buffer([0x1f, 0x8b])
const STATE = Symbol('state')
const WRITEENTRY = Symbol('writeEntry')
const READENTRY = Symbol('readEntry')
const NEXTENTRY = Symbol('nextEntry')
const PROCESSENTRY = Symbol('processEntry')
const EX = Symbol('extendedHeader')
const GEX = Symbol('globalExtendedHeader')
const META = Symbol('meta')
const EMITMETA = Symbol('emitMeta')
const BUFFER = Symbol('buffer')
const QUEUE = Symbol('queue')
const ENDED = Symbol('ended')
const EMITTEDEND = Symbol('emittedEnd')
const EMIT = Symbol('emit')
const UNZIP = Symbol('unzip')
const CONSUMECHUNK = Symbol('consumeChunk')
const CONSUMECHUNKSUB = Symbol('consumeChunkSub')
const CONSUMEBODY = Symbol('consumeBody')
const CONSUMEMETA = Symbol('consumeMeta')
const CONSUMEHEADER = Symbol('consumeHeader')
const CONSUMING = Symbol('consuming')
const BUFFERCONCAT = Symbol('bufferConcat')
const MAYBEEND = Symbol('maybeEnd')
const WRITING = Symbol('writing')
const ABORTED = Symbol('aborted')
// reading a tar is a lot like reading a directory
// However, we're actually not going to run the ctor,
// since it does a stat and various other stuff.
// This inheritance gives us the pause/resume/pipe
// behavior that is desired.
inherits(Parse, fstream.Reader)
function noop () { return true }
function Parse () {
var me = this
if (!(me instanceof Parse)) return new Parse()
module.exports = class Parser extends EE {
constructor (opt) {
const start = process.hrtime()
opt = opt || {}
// doesn't apply fstream.Reader ctor?
// no, becasue we don't want to stat/etc, we just
// want to get the entry/add logic from .pipe()
this.strict = !!opt.strict
this.maxMetaEntrySize = opt.maxMetaEntrySize || maxMetaEntrySize
this.filter = typeof opt.filter === 'function' ? opt.filter : noop
me.writable = true
me.readable = true
me._stream = new BlockStream(512)
me.position = 0
me._ended = false
this[QUEUE] = new Yallist()
this[BUFFER] = null
this[READENTRY] = null
this[WRITEENTRY] = null
this[STATE] = 'begin'
this[META] = ''
this[EX] = null
this[GEX] = null
this[ENDED] = false
this[UNZIP] = null
this[ABORTED] = false
if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)
if (typeof opt.onentry === 'function')
this.on('entry', opt.onentry)
me._stream.on("error", function (e) {
me.emit("error", e)
[CONSUMEHEADER] (chunk, position) {
const header = new Header(chunk, position)
me._stream.on("data", function (c) {
if (header.nullBlock)
else if (!header.cksumValid)
this.warn('invalid entry', header)
else if (!header.path)
this.warn('invalid: path is required', header)
else {
const type = header.type
if (/^(Symbolic)?Link$/.test(type) && !header.linkpath)
this.warn('invalid: linkpath required', header)
else if (!/^(Symbolic)?Link$/.test(type) && header.linkpath)
this.warn('invalid: linkpath forbidden', header)
else {
const entry = this[WRITEENTRY] = new Entry(header, this[EX], this[GEX])
me._stream.on("end", function () {
if (entry.meta) {
if (entry.size > this.maxMetaEntrySize) {
entry.ignore = true
this[EMIT]('ignoredEntry', entry)
this[STATE] = 'ignore'
} else if (entry.size > 0) {
this[META] = ''
entry.on('data', c => this[META] += c)
this[STATE] = 'meta'
} else {
me._stream.on("drain", function () {
this[EX] = null
entry.ignore = entry.ignore || !this.filter(entry.path, entry)
if (entry.ignore) {
this[EMIT]('ignoredEntry', entry)
this[STATE] = entry.remain ? 'ignore' : 'begin'
} else {
if (entry.remain)
this[STATE] = 'body'
else {
this[STATE] = 'begin'
// overridden in Extract class, since it needs to
// wait for its DirWriter part to finish before
// emitting "end"
Parse.prototype._streamEnd = function () {
var me = this
if (!me._ended || me._entry) me.error("unexpected eof")
if (!this[READENTRY]) {
} else
// a tar reader is actually a filter, not just a readable stream.
// So, you should pipe a tarball stream into it, and it needs these
// write/end methods to do that.
Parse.prototype.write = function (c) {
if (this._ended) {
// gnutar puts a LOT of nulls at the end.
// you can keep writing these things forever.
// Just ignore them.
for (var i = 0, l = c.length; i > l; i ++) {
if (c[i] !== 0) return this.error("write() after end()")
[PROCESSENTRY] (entry) {
let go = true
if (!entry) {
this[READENTRY] = null
go = false
} else if (Array.isArray(entry))
this.emit.apply(this, entry)
else {
this[READENTRY] = entry
this.emit('entry', entry)
if (!entry.emittedEnd) {
entry.on('end', _ => this[NEXTENTRY]())
go = false
return go
return this._stream.write(c)
Parse.prototype.end = function (c) {
this._ended = true
return this._stream.end(c)
do {} while (this[PROCESSENTRY](this[QUEUE].shift()))
// don't need to do anything, since we're just
// proxying the data up from the _stream.
// Just need to override the parent's "Not Implemented"
// error-thrower.
Parse.prototype._read = function () {}
if (!this[QUEUE].length) {
// At this point, there's nothing in the queue, but we may have an
// entry which is being consumed (readEntry).
// If we don't, then we definitely can handle more data.
// If we do, and either it's flowing, or it has never had any data
// written to it, then it needs more.
// The only other possibility is that it has returned false from a
// write() call, so we wait for the next drain to continue.
const re = this[READENTRY]
const drainNow = !re || re.flowing || re.size === re.remain
if (drainNow) {
if (!this[WRITING])
} else
re.once('drain', _ => this.emit('drain'))
Parse.prototype._process = function (c) {
assert(c && c.length === 512, "block size should be 512")
[CONSUMEBODY] (chunk, position) {
// write up to but no more than writeEntry.blockRemain
const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]
const br = entry.blockRemain
const c = (br >= chunk.length && position === 0) ? chunk
: chunk.slice(position, position + br)
// one of three cases.
// 1. A new header
// 2. A part of a file/extended header
// 3. One of two or more EOF null blocks
if (this._entry) {
var entry = this._entry
if(!entry._abort) entry.write(c)
else {
entry._remaining -= c.length
if(entry._remaining < 0) entry._remaining = 0
if (entry._remaining === 0) {
if (!entry.blockRemain) {
this[STATE] = 'begin'
this[WRITEENTRY] = null
this._entry = null
} else {
// either zeroes or a header
var zero = true
for (var i = 0; i < 512 && zero; i ++) {
zero = c[i] === 0
// eof is *at least* 2 blocks of nulls, and then the end of the
// file. you can put blocks of nulls between entries anywhere,
// so appending one tarball to another is technically valid.
// ending without the eof null blocks is not allowed, however.
if (zero) {
if (this._eofStarted)
this._ended = true
this._eofStarted = true
} else {
this._eofStarted = false
return c.length
this.position += 512
[CONSUMEMETA] (chunk, position) {
const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]
const ret = this[CONSUMEBODY](chunk, position)
// take a header chunk, start the right kind of entry.
Parse.prototype._startEntry = function (c) {
var header = new TarHeader(c)
, self = this
, entry
, ev
, EntryType
, onend
, meta = false
// if we finished, then the entry is reset
if (!this[WRITEENTRY])
if (null === header.size || !header.cksumValid) {
var e = new Error("invalid tar file")
e.header = header
e.tar_file_offset = this.position
e.tar_block = this.position / 512
return this.emit("error", e)
return ret
switch (tar.types[header.type]) {
case "File":
case "OldFile":
case "Link":
case "SymbolicLink":
case "CharacterDevice":
case "BlockDevice":
case "Directory":
case "FIFO":
case "ContiguousFile":
case "GNUDumpDir":
// start a file.
// pass in any extended headers
// These ones consumers are typically most interested in.
EntryType = Entry
ev = "entry"
[EMIT] (ev, data, extra) {
if (!this[QUEUE].length && !this[READENTRY])
this.emit(ev, data, extra)
this[QUEUE].push([ev, data, extra])
case "GlobalExtendedHeader":
// extended headers that apply to the rest of the tarball
EntryType = ExtendedHeader
onend = function () {
self._global = self._global || {}
Object.keys(entry.fields).forEach(function (k) {
self._global[k] = entry.fields[k]
[EMITMETA] (entry) {
this[EMIT]('meta', this[META])
switch (entry.type) {
case 'ExtendedHeader':
case 'OldExtendedHeader':
this[EX] = Pax.parse(this[META], this[EX], false)
case 'GlobalExtendedHeader':
this[GEX] = Pax.parse(this[META], this[GEX], true)
case 'NextFileHasLongPath':
case 'OldGnuLongPath':
this[EX] = this[EX] || Object.create(null)
this[EX].path = this[META]
case 'NextFileHasLongLinkpath':
this[EX] = this[EX] || Object.create(null)
this[EX].linkpath = this[META]
/* istanbul ignore next */
default: throw new Error('unknown meta: ' + entry.type)
abort (msg, error) {
this[ABORTED] = true
this.warn(msg, error)
write (chunk) {
if (this[ABORTED])
// first write, might be gzipped
if (this[UNZIP] === null && chunk) {
if (this[BUFFER]) {
chunk = Buffer.concat([this[BUFFER], chunk])
this[BUFFER] = null
if (chunk.length < gzipHeader.length) {
this[BUFFER] = chunk
return true
for (let i = 0; this[UNZIP] === null && i < gzipHeader.length; i++) {
if (chunk[i] !== gzipHeader[i])
this[UNZIP] = false
if (this[UNZIP] === null) {
const ended = this[ENDED]
this[ENDED] = false
this[UNZIP] = new zlib.Unzip()
this[UNZIP].on('data', chunk => this[CONSUMECHUNK](chunk))
this[UNZIP].on('error', er =>
this.abort('zlib error: ' + er.message, er))
this[UNZIP].on('end', _ => {
this[ENDED] = true
return ended ? this[UNZIP].end(chunk) : this[UNZIP].write(chunk)
ev = "globalExtendedHeader"
meta = true
case "ExtendedHeader":
case "OldExtendedHeader":
// extended headers that apply to the next entry
EntryType = ExtendedHeader
onend = function () {
self._extended = entry.fields
ev = "extendedHeader"
meta = true
this[WRITING] = true
if (this[UNZIP])
this[WRITING] = false
case "NextFileHasLongLinkpath":
// set linkpath=<contents> in extended header
EntryType = BufferEntry
onend = function () {
self._extended = self._extended || {}
self._extended.linkpath = entry.body
ev = "longLinkpath"
meta = true
// return false if there's a queue, or if the current entry isn't flowing
const ret =
this[QUEUE].length ? false :
this[READENTRY] ? this[READENTRY].flowing :
case "NextFileHasLongPath":
case "OldGnuLongPath":
// set path=<contents> in file-extended header
EntryType = BufferEntry
onend = function () {
self._extended = self._extended || {}
self._extended.path = entry.body
ev = "longPath"
meta = true
// if we have no queue, then that means a clogged READENTRY
if (!ret && !this[QUEUE].length)
this[READENTRY].once('drain', _ => this.emit('drain'))
// all the rest we skip, but still set the _entry
// member, so that we can skip over their data appropriately.
// emit an event to say that this is an ignored entry type?
EntryType = Entry
ev = "ignoredEntry"
return ret
var global, extended
if (meta) {
global = extended = null
} else {
var global = this._global
var extended = this._extended
if (c && !this[ABORTED])
this[BUFFER] = this[BUFFER] ? Buffer.concat([this[BUFFER], c]) : c
// extendedHeader only applies to one entry, so once we start
// an entry, it's over.
this._extended = null
if (this[ENDED] && !this[EMITTEDEND] && !this[ABORTED]) {
this[EMITTEDEND] = true
const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]
if (entry && entry.blockRemain) {
const have = this[BUFFER] ? this[BUFFER].length : 0
this.warn('Truncated input (needed ' + entry.blockRemain +
' more bytes, only ' + have + ' available)', entry)
if (this[BUFFER])
entry = new EntryType(header, extended, global)
entry.meta = meta
// only proxy data events of normal files.
if (!meta) {
entry.on("data", function (c) {
me.emit("data", c)
[CONSUMECHUNK] (chunk) {
if (this[CONSUMING]) {
} else if (!chunk && !this[BUFFER]) {
} else {
this[CONSUMING] = true
if (this[BUFFER]) {
const c = this[BUFFER]
this[BUFFER] = null
} else {
while (this[BUFFER] && this[BUFFER].length >= 512 && !this[ABORTED]) {
const c = this[BUFFER]
this[BUFFER] = null
this[CONSUMING] = false
if (!this[BUFFER] || this[ENDED])
if (onend) entry.on("end", onend)
// we know that we are in CONSUMING mode, so anything written goes into
// the buffer. Advance the position and put any remainder in the buffer.
let position = 0
let length = chunk.length
while (position + 512 <= length && !this[ABORTED]) {
switch (this[STATE]) {
case 'begin':
this[CONSUMEHEADER](chunk, position)
position += 512
this._entry = entry
var me = this
case 'ignore':
case 'body':
position += this[CONSUMEBODY](chunk, position)
entry.on("pause", function () {
case 'meta':
position += this[CONSUMEMETA](chunk, position)
entry.on("resume", function () {
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error('invalid state: ' + this[STATE])
if (this.listeners("*").length) {
this.emit("*", ev, entry)
if (position < length) {
if (this[BUFFER])
this[BUFFER] = Buffer.concat([chunk.slice(position), this[BUFFER]])
this[BUFFER] = chunk.slice(position)
this.emit(ev, entry)
warn (msg, data) {
if (!this.strict)
this.emit('warn', msg, data)
else if (data instanceof Error)
this.emit('error', data)
else {
const er = new Error(msg) = data
this[EMIT]('error', er)
// Zero-byte entry. End immediately.
if (entry.props.size === 0) {
this._entry = null
end (chunk) {
if (!this[ABORTED]) {
if (this[UNZIP])
else {
this[ENDED] = true

@@ -5,23 +5,36 @@ {

"description": "tar for node",
"version": "2.2.1",
"version": "3.0.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"url": ""
"main": "tar.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "tap test/*.js"
"test": "tap test/*.js --100 -J --coverage-report=text",
"preversion": "npm test",
"postversion": "npm publish",
"postpublish": "git push origin --all; git push origin --tags",
"genparse": "node scripts/generate-parse-fixtures.js",
"bench": "for i in benchmarks/*/*.js; do echo $i; for j in {1..5}; do node $i || break; done; done"
"dependencies": {
"block-stream": "*",
"fstream": "^1.0.2",
"inherits": "2"
"minipass": "^2.0.1",
"minizlib": "^1.0.3",
"mkdirp": "^0.5.0",
"yallist": "^3.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"graceful-fs": "^4.1.2",
"chmodr": "^1.0.2",
"events-to-array": "^1.1.2",
"mutate-fs": "^1.1.0",
"rimraf": "1.x",
"tap": "0.x",
"mkdirp": "^0.5.0"
"tap": "^10.3.1",
"tar-fs": "^1.15.2",
"tar-stream": "^1.5.2"
"license": "ISC"
"license": "ISC",
"files": [
# node-tar
Tar for Node.js.
[Fast](./benchmarks) and full-featured Tar for Node.js
The API is designed to mimic the behavior of `tar(1)` on unix systems.
If you are familiar with how tar works, most of this will hopefully be
straightforward for you. If not, then hopefully this module can teach
you useful unix skills that may come in handy someday :)
## API
## Background
See `examples/` for usage examples.
A "tar file" or "tarball" is an archive of file system entries
(directories, files, links, etc.) The name comes from "tape archive".
If you run `man tar` on almost any Unix command line, you'll learn
quite a bit about what it can do, and its history.
### var tar = require('tar')
Tar has 5 main top-level commands:
Returns an object with `.Pack`, `.Extract` and `.Parse` methods.
* `c` Create an archive
* `r` Replace entries within an archive
* `u` Update entries within an archive (ie, replace if they're newer)
* `t` List out the contents of an archive
* `x` Extract an archive to disk
### tar.Pack([properties])
The other flags and options modify how this top level function works.
Returns a through stream. Use
[fstream]( to write files into the
pack stream and you will receive tar archive data from the pack
## High-Level API
This only works with directories, it does not work with individual files.
These 5 functions are the high-level API. All of them have a
single-character name (for unix nerds familiar with `tar(1)`) as well
as a long name (for everyone else).
The optional `properties` object are used to set properties in the tar
'Global Extended Header'. If the `fromBase` property is set to true,
the tar will contain files relative to the path passed, and not with
the path included.
All the high-level functions take the following arguments, all three
of which are optional and may be omitted.
### tar.Extract([options])
1. `options` - An optional object specifying various options
2. `paths` - An array of paths to add or extract
3. `callback` - Called when the command is completed, if async. (If
sync or no file specified, providing a callback throws a
Returns a through stream. Write tar data to the stream and the files
in the tarball will be extracted onto the filesystem.
If the command is sync (ie, if `options.sync=true`), then the
callback is not allowed, since the action will be completed immediately.
`options` can be:
If a `file` argument is specified, and the command is async, then a
`Promise` is returned. In this case, if async, a callback may be
provided which is called when the command is completed.
If a `file` option is not specified, then a stream is returned. For
`create`, this is a readable stream of the generated archive. For
`list` and `extract` this is a writable stream that an archive should
be written into. If a file is not specified, then a callback is not
allowed, because you're already getting a stream to work with.
`replace` and `update` only work on existing archives, and so require
a `file` argument.
Sync commands without a file argument return a stream that acts on its
input immediately in the same tick. For readable streams, this means
that all of the data is immediately available by calling
``. For writable streams, it will be acted upon as soon
as it is provided, but this can be at any time.
### Warnings
Some things cause tar to emit a warning, but should usually not cause
the entire operation to fail. There are three ways to handle
1. **Ignore them** (default) Invalid entries won't be put in the
archive, and invalid entries won't be unpacked. This is usually
fine, but can hide failures that you might care about.
2. **Notice them** Add an `onwarn` function to the options, or listen
to the `'warn'` event on any tar stream. The function will get
called as `onwarn(message, data)`. Handle as appropriate.
3. **Explode them.** Set `strict: true` in the options object, and
`warn` messages will be emitted as `'error'` events instead. If
there's no `error` handler, this causes the program to crash. If
used with a promise-returning/callback-taking method, then it'll
send the error to the promise/callback.
### Examples
The API mimics the `tar(1)` command line functionality, with aliases
for more human-readable option and function names. The goal is that
if you know how to use `tar(1)` in Unix, then you know how to use
`require('tar')` in JavaScript.
To replicate `tar czf my-tarball.tgz files and folders`, you'd do:
path: '/path/to/extract/tar/into',
strip: 0, // how many path segments to strip from the root when extracting
gzip: <true|gzip options>,
file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
).then(_ => { .. tarball has been created .. })
`options` also get passed to the `fstream.Writer` instance that `tar`
uses internally.
To replicate `tar cz files and folders > my-tarball.tgz`, you'd do:
### tar.Parse()
tar.c( // or tar.create
gzip: <true|gzip options>
['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
Returns a writable stream. Write tar data to it and it will emit
`entry` events for each entry parsed from the tarball. This is used by
To replicate `tar xf my-tarball.tgz` you'd do:
tar.x( // or tar.extract(
file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
).then(_=> { .. tarball has been dumped in cwd .. })
To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar x -C some-dir --strip=1`:
strip: 1,
C: 'some-dir' // alias for cwd:'some-dir', also ok
To replicate `tar tf my-tarball.tgz`, do this:
file: 'my-tarball.tgz',
onentry: entry => { .. do whatever with it .. }
To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar t` do:
.on('entry', entry => { .. do whatever with it .. })
To do anything synchronous, add `sync: true` to the options. Note
that sync functions don't take a callback and don't return a promise.
When the function returns, it's already done. Sync methods without a
file argument return a sync stream, which flushes immediately. But,
of course, it still won't be done until you `.end()` it.
To filter entries, add `filter: <function>` to the options.
Tar-creating methods call the filter with `filter(path, stat)`.
Tar-reading methods (including extraction) call the filter with
`filter(path, entry)`. The filter is called in the `this`-context of
the `Pack` or `Unpack` stream object.
The arguments list to `tar t` and `tar x` specify a list of filenames
to extract or list, so they're equivalent to a filter that tests if
the file is in the list.
For those who _aren't_ fans of tar's single-character command names:
tar.c === tar.create
tar.r === tar.replace (appends to archive, file is required)
tar.u === tar.update (appends if newer, file is required)
tar.x === tar.extract
tar.t === tar.list
Keep reading for all the command descriptions and options, as well as
the low-level API that they are built on.
### tar.c(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.create]
Create a tarball archive.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a
directory also adds its children recursively.
The following options are supported:
- `file` Write the tarball archive to the specified filename. If this
is specified, then the callback will be fired when the file has been
written, and a promise will be returned that resolves when the file
is written. If a filename is not specified, then a Readable Stream
will be returned which will emit the file data. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file
will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`. If this is set,
and a file is not provided, then the resulting stream will already
have the data ready to `read` or `emit('data')` as soon as you
request it.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
or `false` to omit it.
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive. [Alias: `P`]
- `mode` The mode to set on the created file archive
- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
directories. [Alias: `n`]
- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without
this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some
advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs.
- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
- `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`.
- `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run.
Defaults to 4.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 1 MB.
### tar.x(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.extract]
Extract a tarball archive.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to extract from the tarball. If
no paths are provided, then all the entries are extracted.
If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be
writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where
a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its
The following options are supported:
- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults
to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `file` The archive file to extract. If not specified, then a
Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be
written. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Create files and directories synchronously.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
entry being unpacked. Return `true` to unpack the entry from the
archive, or `false` to skip it.
- `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer
than the file in the archive. [Alias: `keep-newer`,
- `keep` Do not overwrite existing files. In particular, if a file
appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not
overwrite earlier copies. [Alias: `k`, `keep-existing`]
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
extracting through symbolic links. By default, `/` is stripped from
absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose
location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted.
[Alias: `P`]
- `unlink` Unlink files before creating them. Without this option,
tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks.
With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any
symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file. [Alias:
- `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements.
Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped. Note that
the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before
security checks. [Alias: `strip-components`, `stripComponents`]
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of
extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive.
This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise. If
false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and
group of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in
`tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked
in this implementation, and modes are set by default already.
[Alias: `p`]
The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some
advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 16 MB.
- `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`.
- `dmode` Default mode for directories
- `fmode` Default mode for files
- `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist.
- `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is
supported. Defaults to 1 MB.
### tar.t(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.list]
List the contents of a tarball archive.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to list from the tarball. If
no paths are provided, then all the entries are listed.
If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with
`tar.ReadEntry` objects. However, they don't emit `'data'` or `'end'`
events. (If you want to get actual readable entries, use the
`tar.Parse` class instead.)
The following options are supported:
- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults
to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `file` The archive file to list. If not specified, then a
Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be
written. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Read the specified file synchronously. (This has no effect
when a file option isn't specified, because entries are emitted as
fast as they are parsed from the stream anyway.)
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
entry being listed. Return `true` to emit the entry from the
archive, or `false` to skip it.
- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
that passes the filter. This is important for when both `file` and
`sync` are set, because it will be called synchronously.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 16 MB.
### tar.u(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.update]
Add files to an archive if they are newer than the entry already in
the tarball archive.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a
directory also adds its children recursively.
The following options are supported:
- `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified
filename. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file
will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the
archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
or `false` to omit it.
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive. [Alias: `P`]
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 16 MB.
- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
directories. [Alias: `n`]
- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without
this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
### tar.r(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.replace]
Add files to an existing archive. Because later entries override
earlier entries, this effectively replaces any existing entries.
The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball. Adding a
directory also adds its children recursively.
The following options are supported:
- `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified
filename. [Alias: `f`]
- `sync` Act synchronously. If this is set, then any provided file
will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the
archive. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
or `false` to omit it.
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive. [Alias: `P`]
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 16 MB.
- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
directories. [Alias: `n`]
- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without
this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
## Low-Level API
### class tar.Pack
A readable tar stream.
Has all the standard readable stream interface stuff. `'data'` and
`'end'` events, `read()` method, `pause()` and `resume()`, etc.
#### constructor(options)
The following options are supported:
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()`
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
entry being added. Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
or `false` to omit it.
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive.
- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
- `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`.
- `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run.
Defaults to 4.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 16 MB.
- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links. Without
this option, symbolic links are archived as such.
#### add(path)
Adds an entry to the archive. Returns the Pack stream.
#### write(path)
Adds an entry to the archive. Returns true if flushed.
#### end()
Finishes the archive.
### class tar.Pack.Sync
Synchronous version of `tar.Pack`.
### class tar.Unpack
A writable stream that unpacks a tar archive onto the file system.
All the normal writable stream stuff is supported. `write()` and
`end()` methods, `'drain'` events, etc.
Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be
writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where
a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its
`'close'` is emitted when it's done writing stuff to the file system.
#### constructor(options)
- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults
to `process.cwd()`.
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
entry being unpacked. Return `true` to unpack the entry from the
archive, or `false` to skip it.
- `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer
than the file in the archive.
- `keep` Do not overwrite existing files. In particular, if a file
appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not
overwrite earlier copies.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
extracting through symbolic links. By default, `/` is stripped from
absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose
location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted.
- `unlink` Unlink files before creating them. Without this option,
tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks.
With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any
symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file.
- `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements.
Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped. Note that
the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before
security checks.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
- `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`.
- `dmode` Default mode for directories
- `fmode` Default mode for files
- `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist.
- `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is
supported. Defaults to 1 MB.
- `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of
extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive.
This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise. If
false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and
group of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in
`tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked
in this implementation, and modes are set by default already.
### class tar.Unpack.Sync
Synchronous version of `tar.Unpack`.
### class tar.Parse
A writable stream that parses a tar archive stream. All the standard
writable stream stuff is supported.
If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
Emits `'entry'` events with `tar.ReadEntry` objects, which are
themselves readable streams that you can pipe wherever.
Each `entry` will not emit until the one before it is flushed through,
so make sure to either consume the data (with `on('data', ...)` or
`.pipe(...)`) or throw it away with `.resume()` to keep the stream
#### constructor(options)
Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with
`tar.ReadEntry` objects.
The following options are supported:
- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory. Defaults
to `process.cwd()`.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
entry being listed. Return `true` to emit the entry from the
archive, or `false` to skip it.
- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
that passes the filter.
#### abort(message, error)
Stop all parsing activities. This is called when there are zlib
errors. It also emits a warning with the message and error provided.
### class tar.ReadEntry extends [MiniPass](
A representation of an entry that is being read out of a tar archive.
It has the following fields:
- `extended` The extended metadata object provided to the constructor.
- `globalExtended` The global extended metadata object provided to the
- `remain` The number of bytes remaining to be written into the
- `blockRemain` The number of 512-byte blocks remaining to be written
into the stream.
- `ignore` Whether this entry should be ignored.
- `meta` True if this represents metadata about the next entry, false
if it represents a filesystem object.
- All the fields from the header, extended header, and global extended
header are added to the ReadEntry object. So it has `path`, `type`,
`size, `mode`, and so on.
#### constructor(header, extended, globalExtended)
Create a new ReadEntry object with the specified header, extended
header, and global extended header values.
### class tar.WriteEntry extends [MiniPass](
A representation of an entry that is being written from the file
system into a tar archive.
Emits data for the Header, and for the Pax Extended Header if one is
required, as well as any body data.
Creating a WriteEntry for a directory does not also create
WriteEntry objects for all of the directory contents.
It has the following fields:
- `path` The path field that will be written to the archive. By
default, this is also the path from the cwd to the file system
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `myuid` If supported, the uid of the user running the current
- `myuser` The `env.USER` string if set, or `''`. Set as the entry
`uname` field if the file's `uid` matches `this.myuid`.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 1 MB.
- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive.
- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
- `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem. By
default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be
overridden explicitly.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `win32` True if on a windows platform. Causes behavior where paths
replace `\` with `/`.
#### constructor(path, options)
`path` is the path of the entry as it is written in the archive.
The following options are supported:
- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
`uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`. Note
that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
time-based operations.
- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `` operations.
Defaults to 1 MB.
- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths and paths containing `..`. By
default, `/` is stripped from absolute paths, `..` paths are not
added to the archive.
- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
- `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem. By
default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be
overridden explicitly.
- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Default false.
- `win32` True if on a windows platform. Causes behavior where paths
replace `\` with `/`.
- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
any warnings encountered.
#### warn(message, data)
If strict, emit an error with the provided message.
Othewise, emit a `'warn'` event with the provided message and data.
### class tar.WriteEntry.Sync
Synchronous version of tar.WriteEntry
### class tar.Header
A class for reading and writing header blocks.
It has the following fields:
- `nullBlock` True if decoding a block which is entirely composed of
`0x00` null bytes. (Useful because tar files are terminated by
at least 2 null blocks.)
- `cksumValid` True if the checksum in the header is valid, false
- `needPax` True if the values, as encoded, will require a Pax
extended header.
- `path` The path of the entry.
- `mode` The 4 lowest-order octal digits of the file mode. That is,
read/write/execute permissions for world, group, and owner, and the
setuid, setgid, and sticky bits.
- `uid` Numeric user id of the file owner
- `gid` Numeric group id of the file owner
- `size` Size of the file in bytes
- `mtime` Modified time of the file
- `cksum` The checksum of the header. This is generated by adding all
the bytes of the header block, treating the checksum field itself as
all ascii space characters (that is, `0x20`).
- `type` The human-readable name of the type of entry this represents,
or the alphanumeric key if unknown.
- `typeKey` The alphanumeric key for the type of entry this header
- `linkpath` The target of Link and SymbolicLink entries.
- `uname` Human-readable user name of the file owner
- `gname` Human-readable group name of the file owner
- `devmaj` The major portion of the device number. Always `0` for
files, directories, and links.
- `devmin` The minor portion of the device number. Always `0` for
files, directories, and links.
- `atime` File access time.
- `ctime` File change time.
#### constructor(data, [offset=0])
`data` is optional. It is either a Buffer that should be interpreted
as a tar Header starting at the specified offset and continuing for
512 bytes, or a data object of keys and values to set on the header
object, and eventually encode as a tar Header.
#### decode(block, offset)
Decode the provided buffer starting at the specified offset.
Buffer length must be greater than 512 bytes.
#### set(data)
Set the fields in the data object.
#### encode(buffer, offset)
Encode the header fields into the buffer at the specified offset.
Returns `this.needPax` to indicate whether a Pax Extended Header is
required to properly encode the specified data.
### class tar.Pax
An object representing a set of key-value pairs in an Pax extended
header entry.
It has the following fields. Where the same name is used, they have
the same semantics as the tar.Header field of the same name.
- `global` True if this represents a global extended header, or false
if it is for a single entry.
- `atime`
- `charset`
- `comment`
- `ctime`
- `gid`
- `gname`
- `linkpath`
- `mtime`
- `path`
- `size`
- `uid`
- `uname`
- `dev`
- `ino`
- `nlink`
#### constructor(object, global)
Set the fields set in the object. `global` is a boolean that defaults
to false.
#### encode()
Return a Buffer containing the header and body for the Pax extended
header entry, or `null` if there is nothing to encode.
#### encodeBody()
Return a string representing the body of the pax extended header
#### encodeField(fieldName)
Return a string representing the key/value encoding for the specified
fieldName, or `''` if the field is unset.
### tar.Pax.parse(string, extended, global)
Return a new Pax object created by parsing the contents of the string
If the `extended` object is set, then also add the fields from that
object. (This is necessary because multiple metadata entries can
occur in sequence.)
### tar.types
A translation table for the `type` field in tar headers.
Get the human-readable name for a given alphanumeric code.
#### tar.types.code.get(name)
Get the alphanumeric code for a given human-readable name.

@@ -1,173 +0,18 @@

// field paths that every tar file must have.
// header is padded to 512 bytes.
var f = 0
, fields = {}
, path = fields.path = f++
, mode = fields.mode = f++
, uid = fields.uid = f++
, gid = fields.gid = f++
, size = fields.size = f++
, mtime = fields.mtime = f++
, cksum = fields.cksum = f++
, type = fields.type = f++
, linkpath = fields.linkpath = f++
, headerSize = 512
, blockSize = 512
, fieldSize = []
'use strict'
fieldSize[path] = 100
fieldSize[mode] = 8
fieldSize[uid] = 8
fieldSize[gid] = 8
fieldSize[size] = 12
fieldSize[mtime] = 12
fieldSize[cksum] = 8
fieldSize[type] = 1
fieldSize[linkpath] = 100
// high-level commands
exports.c = exports.create = require('./lib/create.js')
exports.r = exports.replace = require('./lib/replace.js')
exports.t = exports.list = require('./lib/list.js')
exports.u = exports.update = require('./lib/update.js')
exports.x = exports.extract = require('./lib/extract.js')
// "ustar\0" may introduce another bunch of headers.
// these are optional, and will be nulled out if not present.
var ustar = fields.ustar = f++
, ustarver = fields.ustarver = f++
, uname = fields.uname = f++
, gname = fields.gname = f++
, devmaj = fields.devmaj = f++
, devmin = fields.devmin = f++
, prefix = fields.prefix = f++
, fill = fields.fill = f++
// terminate fields.
fields[f] = null
fieldSize[ustar] = 6
fieldSize[ustarver] = 2
fieldSize[uname] = 32
fieldSize[gname] = 32
fieldSize[devmaj] = 8
fieldSize[devmin] = 8
fieldSize[prefix] = 155
fieldSize[fill] = 12
// nb: prefix field may in fact be 130 bytes of prefix,
// a null char, 12 bytes for atime, 12 bytes for ctime.
// To recognize this format:
// 1. prefix[130] === ' ' or '\0'
// 2. atime and ctime are octal numeric values
// 3. atime and ctime have ' ' in their last byte
var fieldEnds = {}
, fieldOffs = {}
, fe = 0
for (var i = 0; i < f; i ++) {
fieldOffs[i] = fe
fieldEnds[i] = (fe += fieldSize[i])
// build a translation table of field paths.
Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (f) {
if (fields[f] !== null) fields[fields[f]] = f
// different values of the 'type' field
// paths match the values of Stats.isX() functions, where appropriate
var types =
{ 0: "File"
, "\0": "OldFile" // like 0
, "": "OldFile"
, 1: "Link"
, 2: "SymbolicLink"
, 3: "CharacterDevice"
, 4: "BlockDevice"
, 5: "Directory"
, 6: "FIFO"
, 7: "ContiguousFile" // like 0
// posix headers
, g: "GlobalExtendedHeader" // k=v for the rest of the archive
, x: "ExtendedHeader" // k=v for the next file
// vendor-specific stuff
, A: "SolarisACL" // skip
, D: "GNUDumpDir" // like 5, but with data, which should be skipped
, I: "Inode" // metadata only, skip
, K: "NextFileHasLongLinkpath" // data = link path of next file
, L: "NextFileHasLongPath" // data = path of next file
, M: "ContinuationFile" // skip
, N: "OldGnuLongPath" // like L
, S: "SparseFile" // skip
, V: "TapeVolumeHeader" // skip
, X: "OldExtendedHeader" // like x
Object.keys(types).forEach(function (t) {
types[types[t]] = types[types[t]] || t
// values for the mode field
var modes =
{ suid: 04000 // set uid on extraction
, sgid: 02000 // set gid on extraction
, svtx: 01000 // set restricted deletion flag on dirs on extraction
, uread: 0400
, uwrite: 0200
, uexec: 0100
, gread: 040
, gwrite: 020
, gexec: 010
, oread: 4
, owrite: 2
, oexec: 1
, all: 07777
var numeric =
{ mode: true
, uid: true
, gid: true
, size: true
, mtime: true
, devmaj: true
, devmin: true
, cksum: true
, atime: true
, ctime: true
, dev: true
, ino: true
, nlink: true
Object.keys(modes).forEach(function (t) {
modes[modes[t]] = modes[modes[t]] || t
var knownExtended =
{ atime: true
, charset: true
, comment: true
, ctime: true
, gid: true
, gname: true
, linkpath: true
, mtime: true
, path: true
, realtime: true
, security: true
, size: true
, uid: true
, uname: true }
exports.fields = fields
exports.fieldSize = fieldSize
exports.fieldOffs = fieldOffs
exports.fieldEnds = fieldEnds
exports.types = types
exports.modes = modes
exports.numeric = numeric
exports.headerSize = headerSize
exports.blockSize = blockSize
exports.knownExtended = knownExtended
exports.Pack = require("./lib/pack.js")
exports.Parse = require("./lib/parse.js")
exports.Extract = require("./lib/extract.js")
// classes
exports.Pack = require('./lib/pack.js')
exports.Unpack = require('./lib/unpack.js')
exports.Parse = require('./lib/parse.js')
exports.ReadEntry = require('./lib/read-entry.js')
exports.WriteEntry = require('./lib/write-entry.js')
exports.Header = require('./lib/header.js')
exports.Pax = require('./lib/pax.js')
exports.types = require('./lib/types.js')

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