tcp-background-notifier is a npm package that runs a tcp server as a new background task to recive reqests on port 7070 and creates a windows or mac notification. It uses background-process and node-notifier.
Use the npm package manager to install tcp-background-notifier.
npm install tcp-background-notifier
Following script starts the tcp-server in the background:
const tcpnotifier = require('tcp-background-notifier');
const pid = tcpnotifier.start();
Send following json array over tcp to port 7070 and the ip adress from the machine you've started the node js code from to create a notification:
'action': "notification",
'message': "This is a test titel!"
The response would look like this:
'err': null,
'data': 'canceld',
'PID': '10654'
Be careful when using this package. It starts the tcp server as a background task. That means even if you close or exit your node program, the tcp server will still be running in the background.
If you want to stop the background progress you have to send following json array to your ip adress and port 7070:
'action': "closeServer"
This library also works with electron. Just implement the library as shown in the first example right after the electron imports.
If you want you can donate me so that i can keep working on this projekt. Here is my PayPal link -> Donate
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.