What is temp-dir?
The temp-dir npm package provides a simple way to get the path to the system's temporary directory. This can be useful for creating temporary files or directories that you don't need to persist between sessions.
What are temp-dir's main functionalities?
Get Temporary Directory Path
This feature allows you to retrieve the path to the system's temporary directory. This is useful for creating temporary files or directories.
const tempDir = require('temp-dir');
Other packages similar to temp-dir
The os-tmpdir package provides a similar functionality by returning the path of the operating system's default directory for temporary files. It is a lightweight package and can be used as an alternative to temp-dir.
The tmp package offers more advanced functionality for working with temporary files and directories. It can create temporary files and directories, and it also handles cleanup automatically. This makes it more feature-rich compared to temp-dir.
The temp package provides utilities for creating temporary files and directories, similar to tmp. It also includes features for tracking and cleaning up temporary files, making it a more comprehensive solution compared to temp-dir.
Get the real path of the system temp directory
The os.tmpdir()
built-in doesn't return the real path. That can cause problems when the returned path is a symlink, which is the case on macOS. Use this module to get the resolved path.
npm install temp-dir
import temporaryDirectory from 'temp-dir';
import os from 'node:os';