Terminal weather is a minimal, flexible command-line tool for displaying the current weather in your location, optimized for rapid re-rendering in your terminal prompt.
- Run
npm install -g terminal-weather
- Run
terminal-weather configure
to set it up. You will be prompted for your open weathermap.org API key as well the default temperature unit.
Which Services It Uses
uses the following APIs:
Caching and Module loading
adheres to openweathermap.org's limit of 1 http call per ten-minute interval. The rest of the time it prints a cached value.
loads in a progressive way. Because the most frequent case is retrieving cached data, only the modules required for that are loaded. In case of a cache expiration, the additional modules required to retreive new weather data are loaded. The point is to maintain a seamless terminal experience when embedding terminal-weather in your prompt (see below).
Usage: terminal-weather
or: terminal-weather [options], ex: terminal-weather -p
or: terminal-weather configure, ex: terminal-weather configure
or: terminal-weather show (display | config), ex: terminal-weather show display
or: terminal-weather uninstall, ex: terminal-weather uninstall
-h, --help print this usage page
-n, --no-cache invalidate cache before printing weather string
-p, --prompt print weather string with no trailing new line. Useful for embedding in your terminal prompt.
-d, --display=DISPLAY_MODE get or set display mode.
-f, --format=FORMAT_STRING get or set the format string determining the weather string output.
-u, --units=UNIT_TYPE get or set temp unit type.
If you update your display, units and/or format string, the update will not be visible until the cache expires. To make the effects immediately visible, pass the -n
flag to explicitly invalidate the cache at the same time. E.g.:
terminal-weather -n --display=icon
terminal-weather -nd=icon
Controlling the Output
To configure the order of terminal-weather's information, pass a string of characters from the list below to the format
T: Temperature
D: Display
The default format string is 'T D '
, which renders something like '73° F clouds ', assuming that your display setting is text. The format string is space-sensitive, so you can control the spacing how you want.
Example: $ terminal-weather format 'D T '
Note: the following weather information is forthcoming for the openweathermap.org api:
H: Humidity
P: Atmospheric Pressure
R: Range (hi/lo)
- Run
terminal-weather configure
and give terminal-weather
the values it needs to store so it can continually query the api.
- This configuration file is stored in the application's root directory (run
terminal-weather show config
to see the location of this file).
Getting terminal-weather
into your terminal prompt
If you want to include terminal-weather in your bash prompt, there are a couple things you need to do:
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH so that your shell can locate it. If after installing terminal weather, you can't run terminal-weather
from your terminal, you may have not installed it globally (using the -g
Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:
# a function to insert the terminal-weather bash fn inside the PS1 variable
set_bash_prompt() {
PS1="$(terminal-weather -p)\u@[\h]$ $(history -n)"
# include above fn in prompt command variable so the prompt is reset each time it is rendered
Known Issues
Terminal weather's responsiveness seems to degrade if you source your ~/.bashrc multiple times from within a shell. Try running exec $SHELL -l
Removing terminal-weather
- First (definitely do this first!!!), remove terminal weather call from the bash prompt in your
- run
terminal-weather uninstall
. This is equivalent to running npm uninstall -g terminal-weather