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three-pathfinding - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.0 to 0.4.0


"name": "three-pathfinding",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "0.4.0",
"description": "Navigation mesh toolkit for three.js, based on PatrolJS",

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ "main": "src/index.js",

"dev": "budo browser.js:bundle.js --live",
"docs": "documentation build src/index.js --shallow -f md | replace-between --target --token API",
"postversion": "git push && git push --tags && npm publish"

@@ -29,4 +30,6 @@ },

"browserify": "^14.4.0",
"budo": "^10.0.4"
"budo": "^10.0.4",
"documentation": "^5.3.3",
"replace-between": "0.0.8"

@@ -5,4 +5,123 @@ # three-pathfinding

> Work in progress.
## Installation
npm install --save three-pathfinding
## Example
// Create level.
const ZONE = 'level1';
const zone = Path.buildNodes(this.navMesh.geometry);
Path.setZoneData(ZONE, zone);
// Find path from A to B.
const group = Path.getGroup(ZONE, a);
const path = Path.findPath(a, b, ZONE, group);
## API
<!--- API BEGIN --->
<!-- Generated by documentation.js. Update this documentation by updating the source code. -->
### Table of Contents
- [buildNodes](#buildnodes)
- [setZoneData](#setzonedata)
- [getGroup](#getgroup)
- [getRandomNode](#getrandomnode)
- [getClosestNode](#getclosestnode)
- [clampStep](#clampstep)
- [findPath](#findpath)
## buildNodes
Builds a zone/node set from navigation mesh.
- `geometry` **THREE.Geometry**
Returns **Path.Zone**
## setZoneData
Sets data for the given zone.
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `zone` **Path.Zone**
## getGroup
Returns closest node group for given position.
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `position` **THREE.Vector3**
Returns **Path.Group**
## getRandomNode
Returns a random node within a given range of a given position.
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `group` **Path.Group**
- `nearPosition` **THREE.Vector3**
- `nearRange` **[number](**
Returns **Path.Node**
## getClosestNode
Returns the closest node to the target position.
- `position` **THREE.Vector3**
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `group` **Path.Group**
- `checkPolygon` **[boolean](** (optional, default `false`)
Returns **Path.Node**
## clampStep
Clamps a step along the navmesh, given start and desired endpoint. May be
used to constrain first-person / WASD controls.
- `start` **THREE.Vector3**
- `end` **THREE.Vector3** Desired endpoint.
- `node` **Path.Node**
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `group` **Path.Group**
- `endTarget` **THREE.Vector3** Updated endpoint.
Returns **Path.Node** Updated node.
## findPath
Returns a path between given start and end points.
- `startPosition` **THREE.Vector3**
- `targetPosition` **THREE.Vector3**
- `zoneID` **[string](**
- `group` **Path.Group**
Returns **[Array](;THREE.Vector3>**
<!--- API END --->
## Thanks to

@@ -9,0 +128,0 @@

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

/* global THREE */
const utils = require('./utils');

@@ -203,23 +205,34 @@ const AStar = require('./AStar');

module.exports = {
* Builds a zone/node set from navigation mesh.
* @param {THREE.Geometry} geometry
* @return {Path.Zone}
buildNodes: function (geometry) {
var navigationMesh = buildNavigationMesh(geometry);
return groupNavMesh(buildNavigationMesh(geometry));
var zoneNodes = groupNavMesh(navigationMesh);
return zoneNodes;
* Sets data for the given zone.
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {Path.Zone} zone
setZoneData: function (zoneID, zone) {
zoneNodes[zoneID] = zone;
setZoneData: function (zone, data) {
zoneNodes[zone] = data;
getGroup: function (zone, position) {
* Returns closest node group for given position.
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {THREE.Vector3} position
* @return {Path.Group}
getGroup: function (zoneID, position) {
if (!zoneNodes[zoneID]) return null;
if (!zoneNodes[zone]) return null;
let closestNodeGroup = null;
let distance = Math.pow(50, 2);
var closestNodeGroup = null;
var distance = Math.pow(50, 2);
zoneNodes[zone].groups.forEach((group, index) => {
zoneNodes[zoneID].groups.forEach((group, index) => {
group.forEach((node) => {
var measuredDistance = utils.distanceToSquared(node.centroid, position);
const measuredDistance = utils.distanceToSquared(node.centroid, position);
if (measuredDistance < distance) {

@@ -234,6 +247,15 @@ closestNodeGroup = index;

getRandomNode: function (zone, group, nearPosition, nearRange) {
if (!zoneNodes[zone]) return new THREE.Vector3();
* Returns a random node within a given range of a given position.
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {Path.Group} group
* @param {THREE.Vector3} nearPosition
* @param {number} nearRange
* @return {Path.Node}
getRandomNode: function (zoneID, group, nearPosition, nearRange) {
if (!zoneNodes[zoneID]) return new THREE.Vector3();
nearPosition = nearPosition || null;

@@ -244,3 +266,3 @@ nearRange = nearRange || 0;

var polygons = zoneNodes[zone].groups[group];
var polygons = zoneNodes[zoneID].groups[group];

@@ -259,5 +281,14 @@ polygons.forEach((p) => {

getClosestNode: function (position, zone, group, checkPolygon = false) {
const nodes = zoneNodes[zone].groups[group];
const vertices = zoneNodes[zone].vertices;
* Returns the closest node to the target position.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} position
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {Path.Group} group
* @param {boolean} checkPolygon
* @return {Path.Node}
getClosestNode: function (position, zoneID, group, checkPolygon = false) {
const nodes = zoneNodes[zoneID].groups[group];
const vertices = zoneNodes[zoneID].vertices;
let closestNode = null;

@@ -278,74 +309,96 @@ let closestDistance = Infinity;

* Given start- and end-points for a path, and the current Node, returns
* a new end-point along the path that does not leave the nav mesh.
* Clamps a step along the navmesh, given start and desired endpoint. May be
* used to constrain first-person / WASD controls.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} start
* @param {THREE.Vector3} end
* @param {Node} node
* @param {string} zone
* @param {THREE.Vector3} endTarget
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
* @param {THREE.Vector3} end Desired endpoint.
* @param {Path.Node} node
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {Path.Group} group
* @param {THREE.Vector3} endTarget Updated endpoint.
* @return {Path.Node} Updated node.
projectPathOnNode: (function () {
clampStep: (function () {
const point = new THREE.Vector3();
const plane = new THREE.Plane();
const line = new THREE.Line3();
const point = new THREE.Vector3();
const triangle = new THREE.Triangle();
// Decay factor that slows the player down while traversing along an edge,
// and prevents precision errors from causing an overstep.
const decayFactor = 0.9;
let closestNode;
let closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
let closestDistance;
const projectedPath = new THREE.Vector3();
return function (start, end, node, zoneID, group, endTarget) {
const vertices = zoneNodes[zoneID].vertices;
const nodes = zoneNodes[zoneID].groups[group];
return function (start, end, node, zone, endTarget) {
endTarget = endTarget || new THREE.Vector3();
const nodeQueue = [node];
const nodeDepth = {};
nodeDepth[] = 0;
const vertices = zoneNodes[zone].vertices;
closestNode = undefined;
closestPoint.set(0, 0, 0);
closestDistance = Infinity;
// Only handle paths starting within the node and
// ending outside it.
if (!utils.isVectorInPolygon(start, node, vertices)
|| utils.isVectorInPolygon(end, node, vertices)) {
return null;
// Project the step along the current node.
plane.projectPoint(end, point);
line.set(start, end);
for (let currentNode = nodeQueue.pop(); currentNode; currentNode = nodeQueue.pop()) {
// For each edge in the node:
// (1) Create plane from co-planar points, assuming +Y up.
// (2) Intersect path against the plane.
// (3) If they intersect, project the path against the plane.
for (let i = 0; i < node.vertexIds.length; i++) {
point.y += 1;
vertices[node.vertexIds[(i + 1) % node.vertexIds.length]],
if (plane.intersectLine(line, point)) {
if (triangle.containsPoint(end)) {
return currentNode;
// Add re-projected path to starting point.
triangle.closestPointToPoint(end, point);
// TODO: Why does this happen?
if (!utils.isVectorInPolygon(endTarget, node, vertices)) {
return start;
if (point.distanceToSquared(end) < closestDistance) {
closestNode = currentNode;
closestDistance = point.distanceToSquared(end);
const depth = nodeDepth[currentNode];
if (depth > 2) continue;
for (let i = 0; i < currentNode.neighbours.length; i++) {
const neighbour = nodes[currentNode.neighbours[i]];
if ( in nodeDepth) continue;
nodeDepth[] = depth + 1;
return endTarget;
return closestNode;
findPath: function (startPosition, targetPosition, zone, group) {
const nodes = zoneNodes[zone].groups[group];
const vertices = zoneNodes[zone].vertices;
const closestNode = this.getClosestNode(startPosition, zone, group);
const farthestNode = this.getClosestNode(targetPosition, zone, group, true);
* Returns a path between given start and end points.
* @param {THREE.Vector3} startPosition
* @param {THREE.Vector3} targetPosition
* @param {string} zoneID
* @param {Path.Group} group
* @return {Array<THREE.Vector3>}
findPath: function (startPosition, targetPosition, zoneID, group) {
const nodes = zoneNodes[zoneID].groups[group];
const vertices = zoneNodes[zoneID].vertices;
const closestNode = this.getClosestNode(startPosition, zoneID, group);
const farthestNode = this.getClosestNode(targetPosition, zoneID, group, true);
// If we can't find any node, just go straight to the target

@@ -352,0 +405,0 @@ if (!closestNode || !farthestNode) {

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