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@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ /**

* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property (sync version)
* @returns the current task

@@ -501,2 +501,6 @@ * @internal

run(): Promise<Task[]>;
* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method (sync version)
* @returns the tasks array
runSync(): Task[];

@@ -503,0 +507,0 @@ /**


var c1 = Object.defineProperty;
var q = (e) => {
var $ = (e) => {
throw TypeError(e);
var h1 = (e, s, t) => s in e ? c1(e, s, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : e[s] = t;
var M = (e, s, t) => h1(e, typeof s != "symbol" ? s + "" : s, t), K = (e, s, t) => s.has(e) || q("Cannot " + t);
var f = (e, s, t) => (K(e, s, "read from private field"), t ? : s.get(e)), F = (e, s, t) => s.has(e) ? q("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : s instanceof WeakSet ? s.add(e) : s.set(e, t), b = (e, s, t, n) => (K(e, s, "write to private field"), n ?, t) : s.set(e, t), t);
var l1 = (e, s, t) => s in e ? c1(e, s, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : e[s] = t;
var F = (e, s, t) => l1(e, typeof s != "symbol" ? s + "" : s, t), z = (e, s, t) => s.has(e) || $("Cannot " + t);
var d = (e, s, t) => (z(e, s, "read from private field"), t ? : s.get(e)), O = (e, s, t) => s.has(e) ? $("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : s instanceof WeakSet ? s.add(e) : s.set(e, t), b = (e, s, t, n) => (z(e, s, "write to private field"), n ?, t) : s.set(e, t), t);
var P = (e, s, t, n) => ({

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ set _(r) {

get _() {
return f(e, s, n);
return d(e, s, n);

@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ });

constructor(s) {
M(this, "value");
M(this, "next");
F(this, "value");
F(this, "next");
this.value = s;
}, p, v, w, E = class {
}, p, g, w, E = class {
constructor() {
F(this, p);
F(this, v);
F(this, w);
O(this, p);
O(this, g);
O(this, w);

@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ }

let t = new B(s);
f(this, p) ? (f(this, v).next = t, b(this, v, t)) : (b(this, p, t), b(this, v, t)), P(this, w)._++;
d(this, p) ? (d(this, g).next = t, b(this, g, t)) : (b(this, p, t), b(this, g, t)), P(this, w)._++;
dequeue() {
let s = f(this, p);
let s = d(this, p);
if (s)
return b(this, p, f(this, p).next), P(this, w)._--, s.value;
return b(this, p, d(this, p).next), P(this, w)._--, s.value;
peek() {
if (f(this, p))
return f(this, p).value;
if (d(this, p))
return d(this, p).value;
clear() {
b(this, p, void 0), b(this, v, void 0), b(this, w, 0);
b(this, p, void 0), b(this, g, void 0), b(this, w, 0);
get size() {
return f(this, w);
return d(this, w);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let s = f(this, p);
let s = d(this, p);
for (; s; )

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ yield s.value, s =;

p = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap();
p = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap();
// node_modules/.pnpm/p-limit@6.2.0/node_modules/p-limit/index.js
function k(e) {
let s = new E(), t = 0, n = () => {

@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@ t < e && s.size > 0 && (s.dequeue()(), t++);

t--, n();
}, a = async (h, i, c) => {
let g = (async () => h(...c))();
}, a = async (c, i, h) => {
let v = (async () => c(...h))();
try {
await g;
} catch (L1) {
await v;
} catch (P1) {
}, o = (h, i, c) => {
new Promise((g) => {
}, o = (c, i, h) => {
new Promise((v) => {
a.bind(void 0, h, i, c)
a.bind(void 0, c, i, h)
), (async () => (await Promise.resolve(), t < e && n()))();
}, u = (h, ...i) => new Promise((c) => {
o(h, c, i);
}, u = (c, ...i) => new Promise((h) => {
o(c, h, i);

@@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ return Object.defineProperties(u, {

get: () => e,
set(h) {
z(h), e = h, queueMicrotask(() => {
set(c) {
C(c), e = c, queueMicrotask(() => {
for (; t < e && s.size > 0; )

@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ n();

function z(e) {
function C(e) {
if (!((Number.isInteger(e) || e === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) && e > 0))

@@ -1144,3 +1144,3 @@ throw new TypeError("Expected `concurrency` to be a number from 1 and up");

infinity: 1.96
}), C = 1e3, V = 64, W = 250, D = 16, T = Object.freeze(() => {
}), V = 1e3, W = 64, D = 250, H = 16, T = Object.freeze(() => {

@@ -1157,3 +1157,3 @@

}), t;
}, x = (e, s) => {
}, S = (e, s) => {
let t = new Event("error");

@@ -1174,6 +1174,6 @@ return Object.defineProperty(t, "task", {

// src/utils.ts
var Y, G, l1 = !!globalThis.Bun || !!((G = (Y = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : Y.versions) != null && G.bun), m1 = !!globalThis.Deno, U, X, p1 = ((X = (U = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : U.release) == null ? void 0 : === "node", d1 = !!globalThis.HermesInternal, Z, f1 = (
var Y, G, m1 = !!globalThis.Bun || !!((G = (Y = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : Y.versions) != null && G.bun), p1 = !!globalThis.Deno, U, X, f1 = ((X = (U = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : U.release) == null ? void 0 : === "node", d1 = !!globalThis.HermesInternal, Z, b1 = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
((Z = globalThis.navigator) == null ? void 0 : Z.userAgent) === "Cloudflare-Workers"
), t1, A, e1, L, n1, b1 = !!((n1 = (L = (e1 = (A = (t1 = globalThis.navigator) == null ? void 0 : t1.userAgent) == null ? void 0 : A.toLowerCase) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : L.includes) != null &&, "quickjs-ng")), y1 = typeof globalThis.Netlify == "object", g1 = typeof globalThis.EdgeRuntime == "string", v1 = !!globalThis.__lagon__, w1 = !!globalThis.fastly, k1 = (
), t1, A, e1, M, n1, y1 = !!((n1 = (M = (e1 = (A = (t1 = globalThis.navigator) == null ? void 0 : t1.userAgent) == null ? void 0 : A.toLowerCase) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : M.includes) != null &&, "quickjs-ng")), v1 = typeof globalThis.Netlify == "object", g1 = typeof globalThis.EdgeRuntime == "string", w1 = !!globalThis.__lagon__, k1 = !!globalThis.fastly, T1 = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access

@@ -1183,23 +1183,23 @@ !!globalThis.$262 && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access

), T1 = !!globalThis.d8, s1, E1 = (
), E1 = !!globalThis.d8, s1, S1 = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
!!globalThis.inIon && !!((s1 = globalThis.performance) != null && s1.mozMemory)
), x1 = (
), R1 = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
!!globalThis.$ && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @cspell/spellchecker
"IsHTMLDDA" in globalThis.$
), S1 = (
), x1 = (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
!!globalThis.window && !!globalThis.navigator
), y = l1 ? "bun" : m1 ? "deno" : p1 ? "node" : d1 ? "hermes" : y1 ? "netlify" : g1 ? "edge-light" : v1 ? "lagon" : w1 ? "fastly" : f1 ? "workerd" : b1 ? "quickjs-ng" : k1 ? "moddable" : T1 ? "v8" : E1 ? "spidermonkey" : x1 ? "jsc" : S1 ? "browser" : "unknown", o1 = (() => {
var e, s, t, n, r, a, o, u, h, i, c, g;
), y = m1 ? "bun" : p1 ? "deno" : f1 ? "node" : d1 ? "hermes" : v1 ? "netlify" : g1 ? "edge-light" : w1 ? "lagon" : k1 ? "fastly" : b1 ? "workerd" : y1 ? "quickjs-ng" : T1 ? "moddable" : E1 ? "v8" : S1 ? "spidermonkey" : R1 ? "jsc" : x1 ? "browser" : "unknown", o1 = (() => {
var e, s, t, n, r, a, o, u, c, i, h, v;
return y === "bun" ? (e = globalThis.Bun) == null ? void 0 : e.version : y === "deno" ? (t = (s = globalThis.Deno) == null ? void 0 : s.version) == null ? void 0 : t.deno : y === "node" ? (r = (n = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : n.versions) == null ? void 0 : r.node : y === "hermes" ? (u = (o = (a = globalThis.HermesInternal) == null ? void 0 : a.getRuntimeProperties) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : u[
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
"OSS Release Version"
] : y === "v8" ? (h = globalThis.version) == null ? void 0 : : y === "quickjs-ng" ? (g = (c = (i = globalThis.navigator) == null ? void 0 : i.userAgent) == null ? void 0 : c.split) == null ? void 0 :, "/")[1] : "unknown";
})(), a1 = (e) => e / 1e6, R = (e) => e * 1e6, _, r1, i1;
] : y === "v8" ? (c = globalThis.version) == null ? void 0 : : y === "quickjs-ng" ? (v = (h = (i = globalThis.navigator) == null ? void 0 : i.userAgent) == null ? void 0 : h.split) == null ? void 0 :, "/")[1] : "unknown";
})(), a1 = (e) => e / 1e6, L = (e) => e * 1e6, j = (e, s, t) => Math.abs(e) >= 10 ** s ? e.toFixed() : Math.abs(e) < 10 ** (s - t) ? e.toFixed(t) : e.toPrecision(s), _, r1, i1;
typeof ((i1 = (r1 = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : r1.hrtime) == null ? void 0 : i1.bigint) == "function" ? _ = globalThis.process.hrtime.bigint.bind(process.hrtime) : _ = () => {
throw new Error("hrtime.bigint() is not supported in this JS environment");
var R1 = () => a1(Number(_())), O1 =, j = O1, d = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object" && typeof e.then == "function", F1 = (e) => (
var O1 = () => a1(Number(_())), A1 =, J = A1, f = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object" && typeof e.then == "function", M1 = (e) => (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function

@@ -1212,6 +1212,6 @@ (e == null ? void 0 : e.constructor) === (async () => {

return !1;
if (F1(e))
if (M1(e))
return !0;
try {
let t = e(), n = d(t);
let t = e(), n = f(t);
if (n)

@@ -1230,3 +1230,3 @@ try {

return e.reduce((s, t) => s + t, 0) / e.length || 0;
}, A1 = (e, s = N(e)) => e.reduce((n, r) => n + (r - s) ** 2, 0) / (e.length - 1) || 0, S = (e, s) => {
}, L1 = (e, s = N(e)) => e.reduce((n, r) => n + (r - s) ** 2, 0) / (e.length - 1) || 0, R = (e, s) => {
if (e.length === 0)

@@ -1246,3 +1246,3 @@ throw new Error("samples must not be empty");

) : e[n];
}, H = (e) => S(e, 0.5), Q = (e, s, t = s(e)) => {
}, h1 = (e) => R(e, 0.5), F1 = (e) => h1(e.sort((s, t) => s - t)), Q = (e, s, t = s(e)) => {
let n = [];

@@ -1252,4 +1252,4 @@ for (let r of e)

return s(n);
}, $ = (e) => {
let s = N(e), t = A1(e, s), n = Math.sqrt(t), r = n / Math.sqrt(e.length), a = e.length - 1, o = I[(Math.round(a) || 1).toString()] || I.infinity, u = r * o, h = u / s * 100, i = H(e);
}, q = (e) => {
let s = N(e), t = L1(e, s), n = Math.sqrt(t), r = n / Math.sqrt(e.length), a = e.length - 1, o = I[(Math.round(a) || 1).toString()] || I.infinity, u = r * o, c = u / s * 100, i = h1(e);
return {

@@ -1259,3 +1259,3 @@ aad: Q(e, N, s),

df: a,
mad: Q(e, H, i),
mad: Q(e, F1, i),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion

@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ max: e[a],

p50: i,
p75: S(e, 0.75),
p99: S(e, 0.99),
p995: S(e, 0.995),
p999: S(e, 0.999),
rme: h,
p75: R(e, 0.75),
p99: R(e, 0.99),
p995: R(e, 0.995),
p999: R(e, 0.999),
rme: c,
samples: e,

@@ -1285,3 +1285,3 @@ sd: n,

// src/task.ts
var O = class extends EventTarget {
var x = class extends EventTarget {
constructor(t, n, r, a = {}) {

@@ -1314,3 +1314,3 @@ super();

async run() {
var r, a, o, u, h;
var r, a, o, u, c;
if ((r = this.result) != null && r.error)

@@ -1325,6 +1325,6 @@ return this;

return await ((h = (u = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run")), this.processRunResult({ error: t, latencySamples: n }), this;
return await ((c = (u = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run")), this.processRunResult({ error: t, latencySamples: n }), this;
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property
* run the current task and write the results in `Task.result` object property (sync version)
* @returns the current task

@@ -1334,3 +1334,3 @@ * @internal

runSync() {
var o, u, h, i, c;
var o, u, c, i, h;
if ((o = this.result) != null && o.error)

@@ -1342,5 +1342,5 @@ return this;

), this.dispatchEvent(l("start", this));
let t = (h = (u = this.bench.opts).setup) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run");
let t = (c = (u = this.bench.opts).setup) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run");
"`setup` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1353,5 +1353,5 @@ );

), a = (c = (i = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run");
), a = (h = (i = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "run");
return m(
"`teardown` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1382,3 +1382,3 @@ ), this.processRunResult({ error: n, latencySamples: r }), this;

warmupSync() {
var a, o, u, h, i;
var a, o, u, c, i;
if ((a = this.result) != null && a.error)

@@ -1389,3 +1389,3 @@ return;

"`setup` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1398,5 +1398,5 @@ );

), r = (i = (h = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "warmup");
), r = (i = (c = this.bench.opts).teardown) == null ? void 0 :, this, "warmup");
"`teardown` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1406,3 +1406,3 @@ ), this.postWarmup(n);

async benchmark(t, n) {
var u, h;
var u, c;
if (this.fnOpts.beforeAll != null)

@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ try {

if (this.async) {
let c =;
await, i = - c;
let h =;
await, i = - h;
} else {
let c =;, i = - c;
let h =;, i = - h;

@@ -1428,3 +1428,3 @@ a.push(i), r += i, this.fnOpts.afterEach != null && await;

try {
let i = k(this.bench.threshold), c = [];
let i = k(this.bench.threshold), h = [];
for (

@@ -1435,4 +1435,4 @@ ;

this.bench.concurrency === "task" ? c.push(i(o)) : await o();
!((h = this.bench.opts.signal) != null && h.aborted) && c.length > 0 && await Promise.all(c);
this.bench.concurrency === "task" ? h.push(i(o)) : await o();
!((c = this.bench.opts.signal) != null && c.aborted) && h.length > 0 && await Promise.all(h);
} catch (i) {

@@ -1454,3 +1454,3 @@ return { error: i };

"`beforeAll` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1463,16 +1463,16 @@ );

if (this.fnOpts.beforeEach != null) {
let c =;
let h =;
"`beforeEach` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"
let u = 0, h =, i =;
if (u = - h, m(
let u = 0, c =, i =;
if (u = - c, m(
"task function must be sync when using `runSync()`"
), a.push(u), r += u, this.fnOpts.afterEach != null) {
let c =;
let h =;
"`afterEach` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1496,3 +1496,3 @@ );

"`afterAll` function must be sync when using `runSync()`"

@@ -1516,3 +1516,3 @@ );

postWarmup(t) {
if (t && (this.mergeTaskResult({ error: t }), this.dispatchEvent(x(this, t)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(x(this, t)), this.bench.opts.throws))
if (t && (this.mergeTaskResult({ error: t }), this.dispatchEvent(S(this, t)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(S(this, t)), this.bench.opts.throws))
throw t;

@@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ }

this.runs = n.length;
let a = n.reduce((i, c) => i + c, 0), o = $(
n.sort((i, c) => i - c)
let a = n.reduce((i, h) => i + h, 0), o = q(
n.sort((i, h) => i - h)
), u =
(i) => i !== 0 ? 1e3 / i : 1e3 / o.mean
).sort((i, c) => i - c), h = $(u);
).sort((i, h) => i - h), c = q(u);
if ((r = this.bench.opts.signal) != null && r.aborted)

@@ -1538,3 +1538,3 @@ return;

df: o.df,
hz: h.mean,
hz: c.mean,
latency: o,

@@ -1556,3 +1556,3 @@ max: o.max,

sem: o.sem,
throughput: h,
throughput: c,
totalTime: a,

@@ -1562,3 +1562,3 @@ variance: o.variance

if (t && (this.mergeTaskResult({ error: t }), this.dispatchEvent(x(this, t)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(x(this, t)), this.bench.opts.throws))
if (t && (this.mergeTaskResult({ error: t }), this.dispatchEvent(S(this, t)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(S(this, t)), this.bench.opts.throws))
throw t;

@@ -1570,3 +1570,3 @@ this.dispatchEvent(l("cycle", this)), this.bench.dispatchEvent(l("cycle", this)), this.dispatchEvent(l("complete", this));

// src/bench.ts
var J = class extends EventTarget {
var K = class extends EventTarget {
constructor(t = {}) {

@@ -1591,11 +1591,11 @@ super(); =, delete, this.runtime = y, this.runtimeVersion = o1, this.opts = {
iterations: V,
now: j,
iterations: W,
now: J,
setup: T,
teardown: T,
throws: !1,
time: C,
time: V,
warmup: !0,
warmupIterations: D,
warmupTime: W,
warmupIterations: H,
warmupTime: D,

@@ -1636,3 +1636,3 @@ }, this.opts.signal && this.opts.signal.addEventListener(

let a = new O(this, t, n, r);
let a = new x(this, t, n, r);
this._tasks.set(t, a), this.dispatchEvent(l("add", a));

@@ -1690,2 +1690,6 @@ }

* run the added tasks that were registered using the {@link add} method (sync version)
* @returns the tasks array
runSync() {

@@ -1716,8 +1720,8 @@ m(

"Task name":,
"Latency average (ns)": `${R(n.result.latency.mean).toFixed(2)} \xB1 ${n.result.latency.rme.toFixed(2)}%`,
"Latency avg (ns)": `${j(L(n.result.latency.mean), 5, 2)} \xB1 ${n.result.latency.rme.toFixed(2)}%`,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
"Latency median (ns)": `${R(n.result.latency.p50).toFixed(2)}${Number.parseFloat(R(n.result.latency.mad).toFixed(2)) > 0 ? ` \xB1 ${R(n.result.latency.mad).toFixed(2)}` : ""}`,
"Throughput average (ops/s)": `${n.result.throughput.mean.toFixed(0)} \xB1 ${n.result.throughput.rme.toFixed(2)}%`,
"Latency med (ns)": `${j(L(n.result.latency.p50), 5, 2)} \xB1 ${L(n.result.latency.mad).toFixed(2)}`,
"Throughput avg (ops/s)": `${Math.round(n.result.throughput.mean).toString()} \xB1 ${n.result.throughput.rme.toFixed(2)}%`,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
"Throughput median (ops/s)": `${n.result.throughput.p50.toFixed(0)}${Number.parseInt(n.result.throughput.mad.toFixed(0), 10) > 0 ? ` \xB1 ${n.result.throughput.mad.toFixed(0)}` : ""}`,
"Throughput med (ops/s)": `${Math.round(n.result.throughput.p50).toString()} \xB1 ${Math.round(n.result.throughput.mad).toString()}`,
Samples: n.result.latency.samples.length

@@ -1750,7 +1754,7 @@ } : null;

export {
J as Bench,
O as Task,
R1 as hrtimeNow,
K as Bench,
x as Task,
O1 as hrtimeNow,
a1 as nToMs,
j as now
J as now
"name": "tinybench",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.1.1",
"type": "module",
"volta": {
"node": "22.12.0",
"pnpm": "9.15.1"
"node": "22.13.1",
"pnpm": "9.15.4"

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ "engines": {

@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ # Tinybench 🔎

// simple benchmark
// ┌─────────┬───────────────┬────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────┬──────────────────────┬─────────────────────┬─────────┐
// │ (index) │ Task name │ Throughput average (ops/s) │ Throughput median (ops/s) │ Latency average (ns) │ Latency median (ns) │ Samples │
// ├─────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────┤
// │ 0 │ 'faster task' │ '102906 ± 0.89%' │ '82217 ± 14' │ '11909.14 ± 3.95%' │ '12163.00 ± 2.00' │ 8398 │
// │ 1 │ 'slower task' │ '988 ± 26.26%' │ '710' │ '1379560.47 ± 6.72%' │ '1408552.00' │ 73 │
// └─────────┴───────────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┴──────────────────────┴─────────────────────┴─────────┘
// ┌─────────┬───────────────┬───────────────────┬───────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬─────────┐
// │ (index) │ Task name │ Latency avg (ns) │ Latency med (ns) │ Throughput avg (ops/s) │ Throughput med (ops/s) │ Samples │
// ├─────────┼───────────────┼───────────────────┼───────────────────────┼────────────────────────┼────────────────────────┼─────────┤
// │ 0 │ 'faster task' │ '63768 ± 4.02%' │ '58954 ± 15255.00' │ '18562 ± 1.67%' │ '16962 ± 4849' │ 1569 │
// │ 1 │ 'slower task' │ '1542543 ± 7.14%' │ '1652502 ± 167851.00' │ '808 ± 19.65%' │ '605 ± 67' │ 65 │
// └─────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────┴───────────────────────┴────────────────────────┴────────────────────────┴─────────┘

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