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Maven Central Adds Sigstore Signature Validation
Maven Central now validates Sigstore signatures, making it easier for developers to verify the provenance of Java packages.
Advanced tools
The tinycolor2 npm package is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion in JavaScript. It allows for reading, editing, and converting colors between various color formats, as well as checking color properties and performing adjustments.
Color Parsing
Parse a string input to create a tinycolor instance. It accepts various color formats like HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, and names.
var tinycolor = require('tinycolor2');
var color = tinycolor('#f0e');
Color Manipulation
Manipulate colors by chaining methods like lighten, darken, saturate, desaturate, etc., and then output to a desired format.
var newColor = tinycolor('red').lighten(10).desaturate(5).toHexString();
Color Comparison
Check readability and contrast between two colors to ensure that text is readable on a given background color.
var isReadable = tinycolor.isReadable('#000', '#fff');
Color Validation
Validate a color to check if it is a proper color that can be parsed and manipulated.
var isValid = tinycolor('red').isValid();
Color Conversion
Convert colors to different formats like RGB, HEX, HSL, HSV, etc.
var rgbString = tinycolor('red').toRgbString();
Chroma.js is a powerful library for all kinds of color conversions and color scales. It's more feature-rich and has more color scale options compared to tinycolor2.
The 'color' package is another color manipulation library that supports color conversion and manipulation. It has a chainable API similar to tinycolor2 but also includes support for color profiles like Apple's Display P3.
Color-convert is a library that focuses on converting colors between different models. It has a simpler API for conversions without additional color manipulation features.
TinyColor is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion in JavaScript. It allows many forms of input, while providing color conversions and other color utility functions. It has no dependencies.
can be installed from npm:
npm install tinycolor2
Then it can be used in your script like so:
var tinycolor = require("tinycolor2");
var color = tinycolor("red");
Or in a module like so:
import tinycolor from "tinycolor2";
var color = tinycolor("red");
The package can be bundled from npm, but if you prefer to download it locally you have two choices:
It can be used as a module by downloading npm/esm/tinycolor.js or using https://esm.sh/tinycolor2.
<script type='module'>
import tinycolor from "https://esm.sh/tinycolor2";
var color = tinycolor("red");
You can use it directly in a script tag by downloading the UMD file from npm/cjs/tinycolor.js:
<script type='text/javascript' src='tinycolor.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var color = tinycolor("red");
Call tinycolor(input)
or new tinycolor(input)
, and you will have an object with the following properties. See Accepted String Input and Accepted Object Input below for more information about what is accepted.
The string parsing is very permissive. It is meant to make typing a color as input as easy as possible. All commas, percentages, parenthesis are optional, and most input allow either 0-1, 0%-100%, or 0-n (where n is either 100, 255, or 360 depending on the value).
HSL and HSV both require either 0%-100% or 0-1 for the S
properties. The H
(hue) can have values between 0%-100% or 0-360.
RGB input requires either 0-255 or 0%-100%.
If you call tinycolor.fromRatio
, RGB and Hue input can also accept 0-1.
Here are some examples of string input:
tinycolor("rgb (255, 0, 0)");
tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0");
tinycolor("rgba (255, 0, 0, .5)");
tinycolor({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: 1, g: 0, b: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: .5, g: .5, b: .5 });
tinycolor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
tinycolor("hsla(0, 100%, 50%, .5)");
tinycolor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
tinycolor("hsl 0 1.0 0.5");
tinycolor({ h: 0, s: 1, l: .5 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, l: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, l: .5 });
tinycolor("hsv(0, 100%, 100%)");
tinycolor("hsva(0, 100%, 100%, .5)");
tinycolor("hsv (0 100% 100%)");
tinycolor("hsv 0 1 1");
tinycolor({ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, v: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, v: .5 });
Case insenstive names are accepted, using the list of colors in the CSS spec.
If you are calling this from code, you may want to use object input. Here are some examples of the different types of accepted object inputs:
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 }
Returns the format used to create the tinycolor instance
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getFormat(); // "name"
color = tinycolor({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getFormat(); // "rgb"
Returns the input passed into the constructor used to create the tinycolor instance
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getOriginalInput(); // "red"
color = tinycolor({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getOriginalInput(); // "{r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}"
Return a boolean indicating whether the color was successfully parsed. Note: if the color is not valid then it will act like black
when being used with other methods.
var color1 = tinycolor("red");
color1.isValid(); // true
color1.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
var color2 = tinycolor("not a color");
color2.isValid(); // false
color2.toString(); // "#000000"
Returns the perceived brightness of a color, from 0-255
, as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 1.0).
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.getBrightness(); // 255
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.getBrightness(); // 0
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is light.
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.isLight(); // true
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.isLight(); // false
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is dark.
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.isDark(); // false
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.isDark(); // true
Returns the perceived luminance of a color, from 0-1
as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0).
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.getLuminance(); // 1
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.getLuminance(); // 0
Returns the alpha value of a color, from 0-1
var color1 = tinycolor("rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)");
color1.getAlpha(); // 0.5
var color2 = tinycolor("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.getAlpha(); // 1
var color3 = tinycolor("transparent");
color3.getAlpha(); // 0
Sets the alpha value on a current color. Accepted range is in between 0-1
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getAlpha(); // 1
color.getAlpha(); // .5
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)"
The following methods will return a property for the alpha
value, which can be ignored: toHsv
, toHsl
, toRgb
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsv(); // { h: 0, s: 1, v: 1, a: 1 }
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsvString(); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
color.toHsvString(); // "hsva(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsl(); // { h: 0, s: 1, l: 0.5, a: 1 }
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
color.toHslString(); // "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5)"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex(); // "ff0000"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex8(); // "ff0000ff"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex8String(); // "#ff0000ff"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toRgb(); // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toRgbString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toPercentageRgb() // { r: "100%", g: "0%", b: "0%", a: 1 }
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)"
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.5)"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toName(); // "red"
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toFilter(); // "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffff0000,endColorstr=#ffff0000)"
Print to a string, depending on the input format. You can also override this by passing one of "rgb", "prgb", "hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "name", "hsl", "hsv"
into the function.
var color1 = tinycolor("red");
color1.toString(); // "red"
color1.toString("hsv"); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
var color2 = tinycolor("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.toString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
These methods manipulate the current color, and return it for chaining. For instance:
tinycolor("red").lighten().desaturate().toHexString() // "#f53d3d"
lighten: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor
. Lighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return white.
tinycolor("#f00").lighten().toString(); // "#ff3333"
tinycolor("#f00").lighten(100).toString(); // "#ffffff"
brighten: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor
. Brighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
tinycolor("#f00").brighten().toString(); // "#ff1919"
darken: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor
. Darken the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return black.
tinycolor("#f00").darken().toString(); // "#cc0000"
tinycolor("#f00").darken(100).toString(); // "#000000"
desaturate: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor
. Desaturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will is the same as calling greyscale
tinycolor("#f00").desaturate().toString(); // "#f20d0d"
tinycolor("#f00").desaturate(100).toString(); // "#808080"
saturate: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor
. Saturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
tinycolor("hsl(0, 10%, 50%)").saturate().toString(); // "hsl(0, 20%, 50%)"
greyscale: function() -> TinyColor
. Completely desaturates a color into greyscale. Same as calling desaturate(100)
tinycolor("#f00").greyscale().toString(); // "#808080"
spin: function(amount = 0) -> TinyColor
. Spin the hue a given amount, from -360 to 360. Calling with 0, 360, or -360 will do nothing (since it sets the hue back to what it was before).
tinycolor("#f00").spin(180).toString(); // "#00ffff"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(-90).toString(); // "#7f00ff"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(90).toString(); // "#80ff00"
// spin(0) and spin(360) do nothing
tinycolor("#f00").spin(0).toString(); // "#ff0000"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(360).toString(); // "#ff0000"
Combination functions return an array of TinyColor objects unless otherwise noted.
analogous: function(, results = 6, slices = 30) -> array<TinyColor>
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").analogous();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ff0066", "#ff0033", "#ff0000", "#ff3300", "#ff6600" ]
monochromatic: function(, results = 6) -> array<TinyColor>
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").monochromatic();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#2a0000", "#550000", "#800000", "#aa0000", "#d40000" ]
splitcomplement: function() -> array<TinyColor>
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").splitcomplement();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ccff00", "#0066ff" ]
triad: function() -> array<TinyColor>
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").triad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff" ]
tetrad: function() -> array<TinyColor>
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").tetrad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#80ff00", "#00ffff", "#7f00ff" ]
complement: function() -> TinyColor
tinycolor("#f00").complement().toHexString(); // "#00ffff"
tinycolor.equals(color1, color2)
tinycolor.mix(color1, color2, amount = 50)
Returns a random color.
var color = tinycolor.random();
color.toRgb(); // "{r: 145, g: 40, b: 198, a: 1}"
TinyColor assesses readability based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0).
readability: function(TinyColor, TinyColor) -> Object
Returns the contrast ratio between two colors.
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#000"); // 1
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#111"); // 1.1121078324840545
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#fff"); // 21
Use the values in your own calculations, or use one of the convenience functions below.
isReadable: function(TinyColor, TinyColor, Object) -> Boolean
. Ensure that foreground and background color combinations meet WCAG guidelines. Object
is optional, defaulting to {level: "AA",size: "small"}
. level
can be "AA"
or "AAA" and size
can be "small"
or "large"
Here are links to read more about the AA and AAA requirements.
tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111", {}); // false
tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"small"}); //false
tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), //true
mostReadable: function(TinyColor, [TinyColor, Tinycolor ...], Object) -> Boolean
Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background colors for that base, returns the most readable color.
If none of the colors in the list is readable, mostReadable
will return the better of black or white if includeFallbackColors:true
tinycolor.mostReadable("#000", ["#f00", "#0f0", "#00f"]).toHexString(); // "#00ff00"
tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255"
tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString() // "#2e0c3a",
tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString() // "#000000",
See index.html in the project for a demo.
clone: function() -> TinyColor
Instantiate a new TinyColor object with the same color. Any changes to the new one won't affect the old one.
var color1 = tinycolor("#F00");
var color2 = color1.clone();
color1.toString(); // "#ff0000"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
Fast Color Parsing and Manipulation
The npm package tinycolor2 receives a total of 3,346,126 weekly downloads. As such, tinycolor2 popularity was classified as popular.
We found that tinycolor2 demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Maven Central now validates Sigstore signatures, making it easier for developers to verify the provenance of Java packages.
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