Toastwind is tiny library to show toast on your website.
1. Installation
npm i toastwind
2. Import Project
import Toast from "toastwind"
import "toastwind/dist/style.css"
3. Usage"Success, Data saved!")
4. Option
you can customize toast using option parameter"Error, Data not found",
timeout : 3000,
status : 'error', // success | error
position : 'top right', // top | bottom | left | right
darkMode : false // true | false
5. Demo
Live Demo: Codepen
6. CDN Usage
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script>"Success, Data saved!")
7. Methods
show(text : string, option?) | show toast |
setDefault(option?) | set default of option |
Thank You
This library built using vite, tailwind css, flowbite component and svelte