What is toggle-selection?
The toggle-selection npm package is designed to enable and disable text selection on web pages. It provides a simple API to programmatically control the user's ability to select text within the document, which can be useful in various user interface scenarios where text selection might interfere with other interactions or where it needs to be controlled for security or aesthetic reasons.
What are toggle-selection's main functionalities?
Disable text selection
This feature allows developers to disable text selection on the entire web page. It is useful in scenarios where text selection could interfere with drag-and-drop interactions or other UI elements.
const toggleSelection = require('toggle-selection');
function disableSelection() {
Enable text selection
This feature allows developers to re-enable text selection if it has been previously disabled. This is useful for toggling text selection dynamically based on certain user actions or application states.
const toggleSelection = require('toggle-selection');
function enableSelection() {
Toggle Selection
Simple module exposing function that deselects current browser selection and returns function that restores selection.
var deselect = require('toggle-selection');
var reselect = deselect(); // remove all selection
// …
// do something with current selection, text, etc;
// …
reselect(); // restore selection
All credits go to @shvaikalesh.