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Comparing version 4.0.6 to 4.1.0




@@ -55,1 +55,3 @@ export declare type ValueOf<a> = a extends any[] ? a[number] : a[keyof a];

export declare type GuardFunction<input, narrowed> = ((value: input) => value is Cast<narrowed, input>) | ((value: input) => boolean);
export declare type Some<bools extends boolean[]> = true extends bools[number] ? true : false;
export declare type All<bools extends boolean[]> = bools[number] extends true ? true : false;


import { DeepExclude } from './DeepExclude';
import { IsPlainObject, Primitives, IsLiteral, ValueOf, Compute, Cast, Equal } from './helpers';
import type { Matcher, ToExclude } from './Pattern';
import type { Matcher, Pattern, ToExclude } from './Pattern';
declare type OptionalKeys<p> = ValueOf<{

@@ -43,41 +43,44 @@ [k in keyof p]: p[k] extends Matcher<any, any, infer matcherType> ? matcherType extends 'optional' ? k : never : never;

}> : never : p;
export declare type ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tail, i, output & InvertPatternForExclude<p, i, unknown>> : output;
export declare type ReduceUnionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = never> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceUnionForExclude<tail, i, output | InvertPatternForExclude<p, i, never>> : output;
declare type ExcludeIfExists<a, b> = [b] extends [never] ? never : DeepExclude<a, b> extends infer excluded ? Equal<a, excluded> extends true ? unknown : excluded : never;
export declare type ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tail, i, output & InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, unknown>> : output;
export declare type ReduceUnionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = never> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceUnionForExclude<tail, i, output | InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, never>> : output;
declare type ExcludeIfExists<a, b> = [
] extends [never] ? never : unknown extends a ? never : DeepExclude<a, b>;
* ### InvertPatternForExclude
export declare type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i, empty = never> = p extends Matcher<infer matchableInput, infer subpattern, infer matcherType, any, infer excluded> ? {
select: InvertPatternForExclude<subpattern, i, empty>;
array: i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? InvertPatternForExclude<subpattern, ii, empty>[] : empty;
optional: InvertPatternForExclude<subpattern, i, empty> | undefined;
export declare type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i> = Equal<p, Pattern<i>> extends true ? never : InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i>;
declare type InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, empty = never> = p extends Matcher<infer matchableInput, infer subpattern, infer matcherType, any, infer excluded> ? {
select: InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<subpattern, i, empty>;
array: i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<subpattern, ii, empty>[] : empty;
optional: InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<subpattern, i, empty> | undefined;
and: ReduceIntersectionForExclude<Cast<subpattern, any[]>, i>;
or: ReduceUnionForExclude<Cast<subpattern, any[]>, i>;
not: ExcludeIfExists<unknown extends matchableInput ? i : matchableInput, InvertPatternForExclude<subpattern, i>>;
not: ExcludeIfExists<unknown extends matchableInput ? i : matchableInput, InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<subpattern, i>>;
default: excluded;
}[matcherType] : p extends Primitives ? IsLiteral<p> extends true ? p : IsLiteral<i> extends true ? p : empty : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3, infer i4, infer i5] ? readonly [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p3, i3, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p4, i4, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p5, i5, empty>
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p3, i3, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p4, i4, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p5, i5, empty>
] : empty : p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3, infer i4] ? readonly [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p3, i3, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p4, i4, empty>
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p3, i3, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p4, i4, empty>
] : empty : p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3] ? readonly [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p3, i3, empty>
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p2, i2, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p3, i3, empty>
] : empty : p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2] ? readonly [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, i2, empty>
] : empty : p extends readonly [infer p1] ? i extends readonly [infer i1] ? readonly [InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1, empty>] : empty : p extends readonly [] ? [] : InvertPatternForExclude<pp, ii, empty>[] : empty : p extends Map<infer pk, infer pv> ? i extends Map<any, infer iv> ? Map<pk, InvertPatternForExclude<pv, iv, empty>> : empty : p extends Set<infer pv> ? i extends Set<infer iv> ? Set<InvertPatternForExclude<pv, iv, empty>> : empty : IsPlainObject<p> extends true ? i extends object ? [keyof p & keyof i] extends [never] ? empty : OptionalKeys<p> extends infer optKeys ? [optKeys] extends [never] ? {
readonly [k in keyof p]: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExclude<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p1, i1, empty>,
InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p2, i2, empty>
] : empty : p extends readonly [infer p1] ? i extends readonly [infer i1] ? readonly [InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p1, i1, empty>] : empty : p extends readonly [] ? [] : InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<pp, ii, empty>[] : empty : p extends Map<infer pk, infer pv> ? i extends Map<any, infer iv> ? Map<pk, InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<pv, iv, empty>> : empty : p extends Set<infer pv> ? i extends Set<infer iv> ? Set<InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<pv, iv, empty>> : empty : IsPlainObject<p> extends true ? i extends object ? [keyof p & keyof i] extends [never] ? empty : OptionalKeys<p> extends infer optKeys ? [optKeys] extends [never] ? {
readonly [k in keyof p]: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
} : Compute<{
readonly [k in Exclude<keyof p, optKeys>]: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExclude<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
readonly [k in Exclude<keyof p, optKeys>]: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
} & {
readonly [k in Cast<optKeys, keyof p>]?: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExclude<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
readonly [k in Cast<optKeys, keyof p>]?: k extends keyof i ? InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p[k], i[k], empty> : InvertPattern<p[k]>;
}> : empty : empty : empty;
export {};
import type * as symbols from '../internals/symbols';
import type { Pattern, Matcher } from './Pattern';
import type { Pattern } from './Pattern';
import type { ExtractPreciseValue } from './ExtractPreciseValue';

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ import type { InvertPatternForExclude, InvertPattern } from './InvertPattern';

export declare type Match<i, o, patternValueTuples extends [any, any][] = [], inferredOutput = never> = {
export declare type Match<i, o, patternValueTuples extends any[] = [], inferredOutput = never> = {

@@ -25,8 +25,14 @@ * `.with(pattern, handler)` Registers a pattern and an handler function which

with<p extends Pattern<i>, c, value extends MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<p>>>(pattern: p, handler: (selections: FindSelected<value, p>, value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): Match<i, o, [...patternValueTuples, [p, value]], Union<inferredOutput, c>>;
with<p1 extends Pattern<i>, p2 extends Pattern<i>, c, p extends p1 | p2, value extends p extends any ? MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<p>> : never>(p1: p1, p2: p2, handler: (value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): Match<i, o, [
with<p extends Pattern<i>, c, value extends MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<p>>, x = InvertPatternForExclude<p, value>>(pattern: p, handler: (selections: FindSelected<value, p>, value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): [InvertPatternForExclude<p, value>] extends [infer excluded] ? Match<Exclude<i, excluded>, o, [
[p1, value],
[p2, value]
], Union<inferredOutput, c>>;
], Union<inferredOutput, c>> : never;
with<p1 extends Pattern<i>, p2 extends Pattern<i>, c, p extends p1 | p2, value extends p extends any ? MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<p>> : never>(p1: p1, p2: p2, handler: (value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, value>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, value>
] extends [infer excluded1, infer excluded2] ? Match<Exclude<i, excluded1 | excluded2>, o, [
], Union<inferredOutput, c>> : never;
with<p1 extends Pattern<i>, p2 extends Pattern<i>, p3 extends Pattern<i>, ps extends Pattern<i>[], c, p extends p1 | p2 | p3 | ps[number], value extends p extends any ? MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<p>> : never>(...args: [

@@ -38,19 +44,23 @@ p1: p1,

handler: (value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>
]): Match<i, o, [
]): [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, value>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p2, value>,
InvertPatternForExclude<p3, value>,
MakeTuples<ps, value>
] extends [
infer excluded1,
infer excluded2,
infer excluded3,
infer excludedRest extends any[]
] ? Match<Exclude<i, excluded1 | excluded2 | excluded3 | excludedRest[number]>, o, [
...MakeTuples<ps, value>
], Union<inferredOutput, c>>;
with<pat extends Pattern<i>, pred extends (value: MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<pat>>) => unknown, c, value extends GuardValue<pred>>(pattern: pat, predicate: pred, handler: (selections: FindSelected<value, pat>, value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): Match<i, o, pred extends (value: any) => value is infer narrowed ? [...patternValueTuples, [Matcher<unknown, narrowed>, value]] : patternValueTuples, Union<inferredOutput, c>>;
], Union<inferredOutput, c>> : never;
with<pat extends Pattern<i>, pred extends (value: MatchedValue<i, InvertPattern<pat>>) => unknown, c, value extends GuardValue<pred>>(pattern: pat, predicate: pred, handler: (selections: FindSelected<value, pat>, value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): pred extends (value: any) => value is infer narrowed ? Match<Exclude<i, narrowed>, o, [
], Union<inferredOutput, c>> : Match<i, o, patternValueTuples, Union<inferredOutput, c>>;

@@ -62,3 +72,6 @@ * `.when(predicate, handler)` Registers a predicate function and an handler function.

when<pred extends (value: i) => unknown, c, value extends GuardValue<pred>>(predicate: pred, handler: (value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): Match<i, o, pred extends (value: any) => value is infer narrowed ? [...patternValueTuples, [Matcher<unknown, narrowed>, value]] : patternValueTuples, Union<inferredOutput, c>>;
when<pred extends (value: i) => unknown, c, value extends GuardValue<pred>>(predicate: pred, handler: (value: value) => PickReturnValue<o, c>): pred extends (value: any) => value is infer narrowed ? Match<Exclude<i, narrowed>, o, [
], Union<inferredOutput, c>> : Match<i, o, patternValueTuples, Union<inferredOutput, c>>;

@@ -107,12 +120,6 @@ * `.otherwise()` takes a function returning the **default value**, and

declare type DeepExcludeAll<a, tupleList extends any[]> = tupleList extends [
infer p,
infer v
...infer tail
] ? DeepExcludeAll<DeepExclude<a, InvertPatternForExclude<p, v>>, tail> : a;
declare type DeepExcludeAll<a, tupleList extends any[]> = [a] extends [never] ? never : tupleList extends [infer matched, ...infer tail] ? DeepExcludeAll<DeepExclude<a, matched>, tail> : a;
declare type MakeTuples<ps extends any[], value> = {
-readonly [index in keyof ps]: [ps[index], value];
-readonly [index in keyof ps]: InvertPatternForExclude<ps[index], value>;
export {};
"name": "ts-pattern",
"version": "4.0.6",
"version": "4.1.0",
"description": " The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript.",

@@ -27,2 +27,3 @@ "type": "module",

"dev": "microbundle watch",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run test && npm run build",
"test": "jest",

@@ -29,0 +30,0 @@ "clear-test": "jest --clearCache",

@@ -93,4 +93,2 @@ <h1 align="center">TS-Pattern</h1>

#### ⚠️ This is the docs for **TS-Pattern v4**. Find the docs for [**TS-Pattern v3 here**](
- [Code Sandbox Examples](#code-sandbox-examples)

@@ -97,0 +95,0 @@ - [Getting Started](#getting-started)

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