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@@ -1,203 +0,3 @@

* Contains the error value
// @ts-ignore
var Err = /** @class */ (function () {
function Err(val) {
if (!(this instanceof Err)) {
return new Err(val);
this.ok = false;
this.err = true;
this.val = val;
Err.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return {
next: function () {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
* @see unwrapOr
Err.prototype.else = function (val) {
return val;
Err.prototype.unwrapOr = function (val) {
return val;
Err.prototype.expect = function (msg) {
throw new Error(msg + " - Error: " + toString(this.val));
Err.prototype.unwrap = function () {
throw new Error("Tried to unwrap Error: " + toString(this.val));
}; = function (_mapper) {
return this;
Err.prototype.andThen = function (op) {
return this;
Err.prototype.mapErr = function (mapper) {
return new Err(mapper(this.val));
/** An empty Err */
Err.EMPTY = new Err(undefined);
return Err;
export { Err };
* Contains the success value
// @ts-ignore
var Ok = /** @class */ (function () {
function Ok(val) {
if (!(this instanceof Ok)) {
return new Ok(val);
this.ok = true;
this.err = false;
this.val = val;
* Helper function if you know you have an Ok<T> and T is iterable
Ok.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
var obj = Object(this.val);
return Symbol.iterator in obj ? obj[Symbol.iterator]() : {
next: function () {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
* @see unwrapOr
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
Ok.prototype.else = function (_val) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.unwrapOr = function (_val) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.expect = function (_msg) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.unwrap = function () {
return this.val;
}; = function (mapper) {
return new Ok(mapper(this.val));
Ok.prototype.andThen = function (mapper) {
return mapper(this.val);
Ok.prototype.mapErr = function (_mapper) {
return this;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value, but never throws.
* Unlike `unwrap()`, this method doesn't throw and is only callable on an Ok<T>
* Therefore, it can be used instead of `unwrap()` as a maintainability safeguard
* that will fail to compile if the error type of the Result is later changed to an error that can actually occur.
* (this is the `into_ok()` in rust)
Ok.prototype.safeUnwrap = function () {
return this.val;
Ok.EMPTY = new Ok(undefined);
return Ok;
export { Ok };
export var Result;
(function (Result) {
* Parse a set of `Result`s, returning an array of all `Ok` values.
* Short circuits with the first `Err` found, if any
function all() {
var results = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
results[_i] = arguments[_i];
var okResult = [];
for (var _a = 0, results_1 = results; _a < results_1.length; _a++) {
var result = results_1[_a];
if (result.ok) {
else {
return result;
return new Ok(okResult);
Result.all = all;
* Parse a set of `Result`s, short-circuits when an input value is `Ok`.
* If no `Ok` is found, returns an `Err` containing the collected error values
function any() {
var results = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
results[_i] = arguments[_i];
var errResult = [];
// short-circuits
for (var _a = 0, results_2 = results; _a < results_2.length; _a++) {
var result = results_2[_a];
if (result.ok) {
return result;
else {
// it must be a Err
return new Err(errResult);
Result.any = any;
* Wrap an operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrap(op) {
try {
return new Ok(op());
catch (e) {
return new Err(e);
Result.wrap = wrap;
* Wrap an async operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrapAsync(op) {
try {
return op().then(function (val) { return new Ok(val); }).catch(function (e) { return new Err(e); });
catch (e) {
return Promise.resolve(new Err(e));
Result.wrapAsync = wrapAsync;
})(Result || (Result = {}));
function toString(val) {
var value = String(val);
if (value === '[object Object]') {
try {
value = JSON.stringify(val);
catch (_a) {
return value;
var x = Result.all(Ok(3), Err(5));
export * from './result';
export * from './option';
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, map, mergeMap, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Err, Ok } from '../index';
import { filter, map, mergeMap, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Ok, Result } from '../index';
export function resultMap(mapper) {

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ return function (source) {

}), map(function (result) {
if (result instanceof Ok || result instanceof Err) {
if (Result.isResult(result)) {
return result;

@@ -78,3 +78,3 @@ }

}), map(function (result) {
if (result instanceof Ok || result instanceof Err) {
if (Result.isResult(result)) {
return result;

@@ -98,2 +98,20 @@ }

export function tapResultErr(tapFn) {
return function (source) {
return source.pipe(tap(function (r) {
if (!r.ok) {
export function tapResultOk(tapFn) {
return function (source) {
return source.pipe(tap(function (r) {
if (r.ok) {

@@ -1,142 +0,3 @@

interface BaseResult<T, E> extends Iterable<T extends Iterable<infer U> ? U : never> {
/** `true` when the result is Ok */ readonly ok: boolean;
/** `true` when the result is Err */ readonly err: boolean;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value, if exists. Throws an error if not.
* @param msg the message to throw if no Ok value.
expect(msg: string): T;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value.
* Because this function may throw, its use is generally discouraged.
* Instead, prefer to handle the `Err` case explicitly.
* Throws if the value is an `Err`, with a message provided by the `Err`'s value.
unwrap(): T;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value or a provided default.
* @see unwrapOr
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
else<T2>(val: T2): T | T2;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value or a provided default.
* (This is the `unwrap_or` in rust)
unwrapOr<T2>(val: T2): T | T2;
* Calls `mapper` if the result is `Ok`, otherwise returns the `Err` value of self.
* This function can be used for control flow based on `Result` values.
andThen<T2, E2>(mapper: (val: T) => Result<T2, E2>): Result<T2, E | E2>;
* Maps a `Result<T, E>` to `Result<U, E>` by applying a function to a contained `Ok` value,
* leaving an `Err` value untouched.
* This function can be used to compose the results of two functions.
map<U>(mapper: (val: T) => U): Result<U, E>;
* Maps a `Result<T, E>` to `Result<T, F>` by applying a function to a contained `Err` value,
* leaving an `Ok` value untouched.
* This function can be used to pass through a successful result while handling an error.
mapErr<F>(mapper: (val: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
export declare function Err<E>(val: E): Err<E>;
* Contains the error value
export declare class Err<E> implements BaseResult<never, E> {
/** An empty Err */
static readonly EMPTY: Err<void>;
readonly ok: false;
readonly err: true;
readonly val: E;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<never, never, any>;
constructor(val: E);
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
* @see unwrapOr
else<T2>(val: T2): T2;
unwrapOr<T2>(val: T2): T2;
expect(msg: string): never;
unwrap(): never;
map<T2>(_mapper: (val: never) => T2): Err<E>;
andThen<T2, E2>(op: (val: never) => Result<T2, E2>): Err<E>;
mapErr<E2>(mapper: (err: E) => E2): Err<E2>;
export declare function Ok<T>(val: T): Ok<T>;
* Contains the success value
export declare class Ok<T> implements BaseResult<T, never> {
static readonly EMPTY: Ok<void>;
readonly ok: true;
readonly err: false;
readonly val: T;
* Helper function if you know you have an Ok<T> and T is iterable
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T extends Iterable<infer U> ? U : never>;
constructor(val: T);
* @see unwrapOr
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
else(_val: unknown): T;
unwrapOr(_val: unknown): T;
expect(_msg: string): T;
unwrap(): T;
map<T2>(mapper: (val: T) => T2): Ok<T2>;
andThen<T2, E2>(mapper: (val: T) => Result<T2, E2>): Result<T2, E2>;
mapErr<E2>(_mapper: (err: never) => E2): Ok<T>;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value, but never throws.
* Unlike `unwrap()`, this method doesn't throw and is only callable on an Ok<T>
* Therefore, it can be used instead of `unwrap()` as a maintainability safeguard
* that will fail to compile if the error type of the Result is later changed to an error that can actually occur.
* (this is the `into_ok()` in rust)
safeUnwrap(): T;
export declare type Result<T, E> = (Ok<T> | Err<E>) & BaseResult<T, E>;
export declare type ResultOkType<T extends Result<any, any>> = T extends Result<infer U, any> ? U : never;
export declare type ResultErrType<T extends Result<any, any>> = T extends Result<any, infer U> ? U : never;
export declare type ResultOkTypes<T extends Result<any, any>[]> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends Result<infer U, any> ? U : never;
export declare type ResultErrTypes<T extends Result<any, any>[]> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends Result<any, infer U> ? U : never;
export declare namespace Result {
* Parse a set of `Result`s, returning an array of all `Ok` values.
* Short circuits with the first `Err` found, if any
function all<T extends Result<any, any>[]>(...results: T): Result<ResultOkTypes<T>, ResultErrTypes<T>[number]>;
* Parse a set of `Result`s, short-circuits when an input value is `Ok`.
* If no `Ok` is found, returns an `Err` containing the collected error values
function any<T extends Result<any, any>[]>(...results: T): Result<ResultOkTypes<T>[number], ResultErrTypes<T>>;
* Wrap an operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrap<T, E = unknown>(op: () => T): Result<T, E>;
* Wrap an async operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrapAsync<T, E = unknown>(op: () => Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, E>>;
export {};
export * from './result';
export * from './option';

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ (function (factory) {

else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["require", "exports"], factory);
define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "./result", "./option"], factory);

@@ -13,206 +13,6 @@ })(function (require, exports) {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Result = exports.Ok = exports.Err = void 0;
* Contains the error value
// @ts-ignore
var Err = /** @class */ (function () {
function Err(val) {
if (!(this instanceof Err)) {
return new Err(val);
this.ok = false;
this.err = true;
this.val = val;
Err.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return {
next: function () {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
* @see unwrapOr
Err.prototype.else = function (val) {
return val;
Err.prototype.unwrapOr = function (val) {
return val;
Err.prototype.expect = function (msg) {
throw new Error(msg + " - Error: " + toString(this.val));
Err.prototype.unwrap = function () {
throw new Error("Tried to unwrap Error: " + toString(this.val));
}; = function (_mapper) {
return this;
Err.prototype.andThen = function (op) {
return this;
Err.prototype.mapErr = function (mapper) {
return new Err(mapper(this.val));
/** An empty Err */
Err.EMPTY = new Err(undefined);
return Err;
exports.Err = Err;
* Contains the success value
// @ts-ignore
var Ok = /** @class */ (function () {
function Ok(val) {
if (!(this instanceof Ok)) {
return new Ok(val);
this.ok = true;
this.err = false;
this.val = val;
* Helper function if you know you have an Ok<T> and T is iterable
Ok.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
var obj = Object(this.val);
return Symbol.iterator in obj ? obj[Symbol.iterator]() : {
next: function () {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
* @see unwrapOr
* @deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
Ok.prototype.else = function (_val) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.unwrapOr = function (_val) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.expect = function (_msg) {
return this.val;
Ok.prototype.unwrap = function () {
return this.val;
}; = function (mapper) {
return new Ok(mapper(this.val));
Ok.prototype.andThen = function (mapper) {
return mapper(this.val);
Ok.prototype.mapErr = function (_mapper) {
return this;
* Returns the contained `Ok` value, but never throws.
* Unlike `unwrap()`, this method doesn't throw and is only callable on an Ok<T>
* Therefore, it can be used instead of `unwrap()` as a maintainability safeguard
* that will fail to compile if the error type of the Result is later changed to an error that can actually occur.
* (this is the `into_ok()` in rust)
Ok.prototype.safeUnwrap = function () {
return this.val;
Ok.EMPTY = new Ok(undefined);
return Ok;
exports.Ok = Ok;
var Result;
(function (Result) {
* Parse a set of `Result`s, returning an array of all `Ok` values.
* Short circuits with the first `Err` found, if any
function all() {
var results = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
results[_i] = arguments[_i];
var okResult = [];
for (var _a = 0, results_1 = results; _a < results_1.length; _a++) {
var result = results_1[_a];
if (result.ok) {
else {
return result;
return new Ok(okResult);
Result.all = all;
* Parse a set of `Result`s, short-circuits when an input value is `Ok`.
* If no `Ok` is found, returns an `Err` containing the collected error values
function any() {
var results = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
results[_i] = arguments[_i];
var errResult = [];
// short-circuits
for (var _a = 0, results_2 = results; _a < results_2.length; _a++) {
var result = results_2[_a];
if (result.ok) {
return result;
else {
// it must be a Err
return new Err(errResult);
Result.any = any;
* Wrap an operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrap(op) {
try {
return new Ok(op());
catch (e) {
return new Err(e);
Result.wrap = wrap;
* Wrap an async operation that may throw an Error (`try-catch` style) into checked exception style
* @param op The operation function
function wrapAsync(op) {
try {
return op().then(function (val) { return new Ok(val); }).catch(function (e) { return new Err(e); });
catch (e) {
return Promise.resolve(new Err(e));
Result.wrapAsync = wrapAsync;
})(Result = exports.Result || (exports.Result = {}));
function toString(val) {
var value = String(val);
if (value === '[object Object]') {
try {
value = JSON.stringify(val);
catch (_a) {
return value;
var x = Result.all(Ok(3), Err(5));
var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./result"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./option"), exports);
"name": "ts-results",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "A typescript implementation of Rust's Result object.",
"version": "3.1.0",
"description": "A typescript implementation of Rust's Result and Option objects.",
"main": "index.js",
"module": "./esm/index.js",
"types": "index.d.ts",
"keywords": ["typescript", "rust", "errors", "result"],
"author": "Aidan Grant",
"keywords": [
"author": "Vultix",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"readme": ""
# ts-results
A typescript implementation of [Rust's Result]( object. Brings compile-time error checking to typescript.
*Note: This is the documentation for the newly released `ts-results@2.0.0` with breaking changes. To see breaking changes, go to [](*
A typescript implementation of Rust's [Result](
and [Option]( objects.
Brings compile-time error checking and optional values to typescript.
## Contents
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Example](#example)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Creation](#creation)
* [Type Safety](#type-safety)
* [Unwrap](#unwrap)
* [Expect](#expect)
* [Map, MapErr](#map-and-maperr)
* [Else](#else)
* [UnwrapOr](#unwrapor)
* [Empty](#empty)
* [Combining Results](#combining-results)
* [Result.all](#result-all)
* [Result.any](#result-any)
* [Usage with rxjs](#usage-with-rxjs)
* [resultMap](#resultmap)
* [resultMapErr](#resultmaperr)
* [resultMapTo](#resultmapto)
* [resultMapErrTo](#resultmapto)
* [elseMap](#elsemap)
* [elseMapTo](#elsemapto)
* [resultSwitchMap, resultMergeMap](#resultswitchmap-and-resultmergemap)
* [filterResultOk](#filterresultok)
* [filterResultErr](#filterresulterr)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Example](#example)
- [Result Example](#result-example)
- [Option Example](#option-example)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Creation](#creation)
- [Type Safety](#type-safety)
- [Unwrap](#unwrap)
- [Expect](#expect)
- [Map, MapErr](#map-and-maperr)
- [Else](#else)
- [UnwrapOr](#unwrapor)
- [Empty](#empty)
- [Combining Results](#combining-results)
- [Result.all](#result-all)
- [Result.any](#result-any)
- [Usage with rxjs](#usage-with-rxjs)
- [resultMap](#resultmap)
- [resultMapErr](#resultmaperr)
- [resultMapTo](#resultmapto)
- [resultMapErrTo](#resultmapto)
- [elseMap](#elsemap)
- [elseMapTo](#elsemapto)
- [resultSwitchMap, resultMergeMap](#resultswitchmap-and-resultmergemap)
- [filterResultOk](#filterresultok)
- [filterResultErr](#filterresulterr)
## Installation
$ npm install ts-results

@@ -42,5 +50,9 @@ $ yarn add ts-results

## Example
### Result Example
Convert this:
import {existsSync, readFileSync} from 'fs';
import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs';

@@ -55,2 +67,3 @@ function readFile(path: string): string {

// This line may fail unexpectedly without warnings from typescript

@@ -61,5 +74,6 @@ const text = readFile('test.txt');

To this:
import {existsSync, readFileSync} from 'fs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';

@@ -70,3 +84,3 @@ function readFile(path: string): Result<string, 'invalid path'> {

} else {
return new Err("invalid path"); // new is optional here
return new Err('invalid path'); // new is optional here

@@ -86,7 +100,55 @@ }

### Option Example
Convert this:
declare function getLoggedInUsername(): string | undefined;
declare function getImageURLForUsername(username: string): string | undefined;
function getLoggedInImageURL(): string | undefined {
const username = getLoggedInUsername();
if (!username) {
return undefined;
return getImageURLForUsername(username);
const stringUrl = getLoggedInImageURL();
const optionalUrl = stringUrl ? new URL(stringUrl) : undefined;
To this:
import { Option, Some, None } from 'ts-results';
declare function getLoggedInUsername(): Option<string>;
declare function getImageForUsername(username: string): Option<string>;
function getLoggedInImage(): Option<string> {
return getLoggedInUsername().andThen(getImageForUsername);
const optionalUrl = getLoggedInImage().map((url) => new URL(stringUrl));
console.log(optionalUrl); // Some(URL('...'))
// To extract the value, do this:
if (optionalUrl.some) {
const url: URL = optionalUrl.val;
## Usage
import { Result, Err, Ok } from 'ts-results';
#### Creation

@@ -98,6 +160,6 @@ let okResult: Result<number, Error> = Ok(10);

let errorResult2 = Ok<number, Error>(new Error('bad number!')); // Exact same as above
#### Type Safety

@@ -123,5 +185,6 @@ let result = Ok<number, Error>(1);

#### Unwrap
let goodResult = new Ok(1);
let badResult = new Err(new Error("something went wrong"));
let badResult = new Err(new Error('something went wrong'));

@@ -133,5 +196,6 @@ goodResult.unwrap(); // 1

#### Expect
let goodResult = Ok<number, Error>(1);
let badResult = Err<number, Error>(new Error("something went wrong"));
let badResult = Err<number, Error>(new Error('something went wrong'));

@@ -143,20 +207,29 @@ goodResult.expect('goodResult should be a number'); // 1

#### Map and MapErr
let goodResult = Ok(1);
let badResult = Err(new Error("something went wrong"));
let badResult = Err(new Error('something went wrong')); => num + 1).unwrap(); // 2 => num + 1).unwrap(); // throws Error("something went wrong") => num + 1).unwrap(); // 2 => num + 1).unwrap(); // throws Error("something went wrong") => num + 1).mapErr(err => new Error('mapped')).unwrap(); // 2 => num + 1).mapErr(err => new Error('mapped')).unwrap(); // throws Error("mapped")
.map((num) => num + 1)
.mapErr((err) => new Error('mapped'))
.unwrap(); // 2
.map((num) => num + 1)
.mapErr((err) => new Error('mapped'))
.unwrap(); // throws Error("mapped")
#### Else
Deprecated in favor of unwrapOr
#### UnwrapOr
let goodResult = Ok(1);
let badResult = Err(new Error("something went wrong"));
let badResult = Err(new Error('something went wrong'));

@@ -168,2 +241,3 @@ goodResult.unwrapOr(5); // 1

#### Empty

@@ -174,3 +248,3 @@ function checkIsValid(isValid: boolean): Result<void, Error> {

} else {
return new Err(new Error("Not valid"))
return new Err(new Error('Not valid'));

@@ -181,6 +255,9 @@ }

#### Combining Results
`ts-results` has two helper functions for operating over n `Result` objects.
##### Result.all
Either returns all of the `Ok` values, or the first `Err` value

@@ -193,6 +270,8 @@ let pizzaResult: Result<Pizza, GetPizzaError> = getPizzaSomehow();

let [pizza, toppings] = result.unwrap(); // pizza is a Pizza, toppings is a Toppings. Could throw GetPizzaError or GetToppingsError.
##### Result.any
Either returns the first `Ok` value, or all `Err` values

@@ -203,15 +282,18 @@ let url1: Result<string, Error1> = attempt1();

let result = Result.all(url1, url2, url3); // Result<string, Error1 | Error2 | Error3>
let result = Result.any(url1, url2, url3); // Result<string, Error1 | Error2 | Error3>
let url = result.unwrap(); // At least one attempt gave us a successful url
## Usage with rxjs
#### resultMap
Allows you to do the same actions as the normal [rxjs map]( operator on a stream of Result objects.
#### resultMap
Allows you to do the same actions as the normal [rxjs map](
operator on a stream of Result objects.
import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import {resultMap} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';
import { resultMap } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';

@@ -221,20 +303,22 @@ const obs$: Observable<Result<number, Error>> = of(Ok(5), Err('uh oh'));

const greaterThanZero = obs$.pipe(
resultMap(number => number > 0), // Doubles the value
resultMap((number) => number > 0), // Doubles the value
); // Has type Observable<Result<boolean, 'uh oh'>>
greaterThanZero.subscribe(result => {
if (result.ok) {
console.log('Was greater than zero: ' + result.val);
} else {
console.log('Got Error Message: ' + result.val);
greaterThanZero.subscribe((result) => {
if (result.ok) {
console.log('Was greater than zero: ' + result.val);
} else {
console.log('Got Error Message: ' + result.val);
// Logs the following:
// Logs the following:
// Got number: 10
// Got Error Message: uh oh
#### resultMapErr
import {resultMapErr} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { resultMapErr } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';

@@ -245,21 +329,27 @@

#### resultMapTo
import {resultMapTo} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { resultMapTo } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
Behaves the same as [resultMap](#resultmap), but takes a value instead of a function.
#### resultMapErrTo
import {resultMapErrTo} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { resultMapErrTo } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
Behaves the same as [resultMapErr](#resultmaperr), but takes a value instead of a function.
#### elseMap
Allows you to turn a stream of Result objects into a stream of values, transforming any errors into a value.
Similar to calling the [else](#else) function, but works on a stream of Result objects.
Similar to calling the [else](#else) function, but works on a stream of Result objects.
import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import {elseMap} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';
import { elseMap } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';

@@ -269,11 +359,11 @@ const obs$: Observable<Result<number, Error>> = of(Ok(5), Err(new Error('uh oh')));

const doubled = obs$.pipe(
elseMap(err => {
console.log('Got error: ' + err.message);
return -1;
elseMap((err) => {
console.log('Got error: ' + err.message);
return -1;
); // Has type Observable<number>
doubled.subscribe(number => {
console.log('Got number: ' + number);
doubled.subscribe((number) => {
console.log('Got number: ' + number);

@@ -288,17 +378,26 @@

#### elseMapTo
import {elseMapTo} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { elseMapTo } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
Behaves the same as [elseMap](#elsemap), but takes a value instead of a function.
#### resultSwitchMap and resultMergeMap
Allows you to do the same actions as the normal [rxjs switchMap]( and [rxjs switchMap]( operator on a stream of Result objects.
Merging or switching from a stream of `Result<T, E>` objects onto a stream of `<T2>` objects turns the stream into a stream of `Result<T2, E>` objects.
Allows you to do the same actions as the
normal [rxjs switchMap](
and [rxjs switchMap]( operator on a stream of Result
Merging or switching from a stream of `Result<T, E>` objects onto a stream of `Result<T2, E2>` objects turn the stream into a stream of `Result<T2, E | T2>` objects.
Merging or switching from a stream of `Result<T, E>` objects onto a stream of `<T2>` objects turns the stream into a
stream of `Result<T2, E>` objects.
Merging or switching from a stream of `Result<T, E>` objects onto a stream of `Result<T2, E2>` objects turn the stream
into a stream of `Result<T2, E | T2>` objects.
import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import {resultMergeMap} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';
import { resultMergeMap } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';

@@ -310,15 +409,15 @@ const obs$: Observable<Result<number, Error>> = of(new Ok(5), new Err(new Error('uh oh')));

const test$ = obs$.pipe(
resultMergeMap(number => {
console.log('Got number: ' + number);
resultMergeMap((number) => {
console.log('Got number: ' + number);
return obs2$;
return obs2$;
); // Has type Observable<Result<string, CustomError | Error>>
test$.subscribe(result => {
if (result.ok) {
console.log('Got string: ' + result.val);
} else {
console.log('Got error: ' + result.val.message);
test$.subscribe((result) => {
if (result.ok) {
console.log('Got string: ' + result.val);
} else {
console.log('Got error: ' + result.val.message);

@@ -333,19 +432,17 @@

#### filterResultOk
#### filterResultOk
Converts an `Observable<Result<T, E>>` to an `Observble<T>` by filtering out the Errs and mapping to the Ok values.
import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import {filterResultOk} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';
import { filterResultOk } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
const obs$: Observable<Result<number, Error>> = of(new Ok(5), new Err(new Error('uh oh')));
const test$ = obs$.pipe(
); // Has type Observable<number>
const test$ = obs$.pipe(filterResultOk()); // Has type Observable<number>
test$.subscribe(result => {
console.log('Got number: ' + result);
test$.subscribe((result) => {
console.log('Got number: ' + result);

@@ -355,21 +452,19 @@

// Got number: 5
#### filterResultErr
Converts an `Observable<Result<T, E>>` to an `Observble<T>` by filtering out the Oks and mapping to the error values.
import {of, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Ok, Err, Result} from 'ts-results';
import {filterResultOk} from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
import { of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Ok, Err, Result } from 'ts-results';
import { filterResultOk } from 'ts-results/rxjs-operators';
const obs$: Observable<Result<number, Error>> = of(new Ok(5), new Err(new Error('uh oh')));
const test$ = obs$.pipe(
); // Has type Observable<number>
const test$ = obs$.pipe(filterResultOk()); // Has type Observable<number>
test$.subscribe(result => {
console.log('Got number: ' + result);
test$.subscribe((result) => {
console.log('Got number: ' + result);

@@ -379,3 +474,2 @@

// Got number: 5

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ObservableInput, OperatorFunction } from 'rxjs';
import { MonoTypeOperatorFunction, ObservableInput, OperatorFunction } from 'rxjs';
import { Result } from '../index';

@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@ export declare function resultMap<T, T2, E>(mapper: (val: T) => T2): OperatorFunction<Result<T, E>, Result<T2, E>>;

export declare function resultMergeMap<T, T2, E>(mapper: (val: T) => ObservableInput<T2>): OperatorFunction<Result<T, E>, Result<T2, E>>;
export declare function filterResultOk<T>(): OperatorFunction<Result<T, unknown>, T>;
export declare function filterResultErr<E>(): OperatorFunction<Result<unknown, E>, E>;
export declare function filterResultOk<T, E>(): OperatorFunction<Result<T, E>, T>;
export declare function filterResultErr<T, E>(): OperatorFunction<Result<T, E>, E>;
export declare function tapResultErr<T, E>(tapFn: (err: E) => void): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<Result<T, E>>;
export declare function tapResultOk<T, E>(tapFn: (val: T) => void): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<Result<T, E>>;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ (function (factory) {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.filterResultErr = exports.filterResultOk = exports.resultMergeMap = exports.resultSwitchMap = exports.elseMapTo = exports.elseMap = exports.resultMapErrTo = exports.resultMapTo = exports.resultMapErr = exports.resultMap = void 0;
exports.tapResultOk = exports.tapResultErr = exports.filterResultErr = exports.filterResultOk = exports.resultMergeMap = exports.resultSwitchMap = exports.elseMapTo = exports.elseMap = exports.resultMapErrTo = exports.resultMapTo = exports.resultMapErr = exports.resultMap = void 0;
var rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");

@@ -77,3 +77,3 @@ var operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");

}), (result) {
if (result instanceof index_1.Ok || result instanceof index_1.Err) {
if (index_1.Result.isResult(result)) {
return result;

@@ -98,3 +98,3 @@ }

}), (result) {
if (result instanceof index_1.Ok || result instanceof index_1.Err) {
if (index_1.Result.isResult(result)) {
return result;

@@ -121,3 +121,23 @@ }

exports.filterResultErr = filterResultErr;
function tapResultErr(tapFn) {
return function (source) {
return source.pipe(operators_1.tap(function (r) {
if (!r.ok) {
exports.tapResultErr = tapResultErr;
function tapResultOk(tapFn) {
return function (source) {
return source.pipe(operators_1.tap(function (r) {
if (r.ok) {
exports.tapResultOk = tapResultOk;

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