Passport Extension for Twee.IO Framework - Modular Framework for Node.js and io.js based on Express.js.
Supported Strategies
- Google
- Twitter
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- ... all the usual
Also supports BasicStrategy
and DigestStrategy
for passport-http
All the other strategies could be added in future or added in middleware functions.
Before Installing into application twee-passport-extension
emmits event:
// ...
twee.emit('twee-passport-extension.strategiesInstalled'); // <- HERE
// Initializing Passport
// ...
So you can subscribe to this event and wait until twee-passport-extension
will install it's strategies. And add your specific strategies to application.
Just like:
twee.once('twee-passport-extension.strategiesInstalled', function(){
// Add your custom strategies here
To install extension use this command:
npm install twee-passport-extension --save
Also if you need to support some passport strategies just add them in package.json
too by editing package.json
of your application:
"dependencies": {
"twee-passport-extension": "*",
"express-session": "*", // This is for storing returned data into session
"passport": "*",
"passport-twitter": "*",
"passport-facebook": "*",
"passport-google": "*",
"passport-linkedin": "*",
"passport-http": "*",
Turning extension ON
in application/configs/twee.js
module.exports = {
"extensions": {
"Passport": {
"module": "twee-passport-extension"
Here is typical config regarding using this extension application/configs/twee.js
module.exports = {
"extensions": {
"i18n": {
"module": "twee-i18n-extension",
"dependencies": {
"Cookies": {
"module": "twee-cookies-extension"
"Passport": {
"module": "twee-passport-extension"
"HTML Compressor": {
dependencies: {
"Session": {
"disabled": true
"options": {
"errorPages": {
"404": {
"viewTemplate": __dirname + "/../views/common/pages/404.html"
"extension": {
// Here is our config setup
"twee-passport": {
// we can disable all the twee-passport here
"disabled": false,
// Redirects for twitter, google, facebook, linkedin etc
"redirects": {
"successRedirect": "/login",
"failureRedirect": "/login"
// Strategies list
"strategies": {
// Keys of strategies names should be lowercased and are used to initialize `passport.athenticate` method
"google": {
// Module in which our strategy exists
"module": "passport-google",
// We can disable this specific strategy
"disabled": false,
// If we need credentials they should be here
"credentials": {
"returnURL": "",
"realm": "",
"iis": ""
// These urls are used for express app.all(urls.redirect, ...)
"urls": {
"redirect": "/auth/google",
"callback": "/auth/google/return"
// These options are used to pass them to `passport.authenticate` as second param
"options": {
"scope": ""
"twitter": {
"module": "passport-twitter",
"disabled": false,
"credentials": {
"consumerKey": "YOUR-CONSUMER-KEY",
"consumerSecret": "YOUR-CONSUMER-SECRET",
"callbackURL": ""
"urls": {
"redirect": "/auth/twitter",
"callback": "/auth/twitter/callback/*"
"facebook": {
"module": "passport-facebook",
"disabled": false,
"credentials": {
"clientID": "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
"clientSecret": "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET",
"callbackURL": ""
"urls": {
"redirect": "/auth/facebook",
"callback": "/auth/facebook/callback"
"options": {
"scope": "email"
"linkedin": {
"module": "passport-linkedin",
"disabled": false,
"credentials": {
"consumerKey": "YOUR-CONSUMER-KEY",
"consumerSecret": "YOUR-CONSUMER-SECRET",
"callbackURL": "",
"profileFields": ["id", "first-name", "last-name", "email-address", "headline"]
"urls": {
"redirect": "/auth/linkedin",
"callback": "/auth/linkedin/callback"
"options": {
"scope": ["r_fullprofile", "r_emailaddress"]
// Here is digest supported strategy
"digest": {
"module": "passport-http",
"disabled": false,
"options": {
// The list of url patterns for Express.js to use this auth on
"authUrlPattern": ["/"]
// Basic strategy just like digest. It has little bit different callback (see below)
"basic": {
"module": "passport-http",
"disabled": false,
"options": {
"authUrlPattern": ["/bootstrap"]
Ok we have our correct configuration. What is next?
You should know that you can subscribe to events to get fetched data in your controllers.
Lets see what kind of events we can have.
HTML Markup
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/auth/twitter">Twitter</a> |
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/auth/facebook">Facebook</a> |
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/auth/google">Google+</a> |
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/auth/linkedin">LinkedIn</a>
That's all.
Lets assume we have AuthController
var session = require('express-session');
module.exports = function() {
* Setting up passport for authenticating
this.init = function () {
var self = this;
// Usual twitter, facebook and others callbacks with usual Strategy
twee.on('passport.Strategy.Callback', function(){
var data = twee.get('passport.Strategy.Data');
// all the data with tokens etc
// with done method are in arguments
session.user = data.arguments[2];
// Here we can serialize user
twee.on('passport.serializeUser', function(){
//console.log('Serialize callback!');
// We can access nonce here and check it
// this implementation is required for digest auth
twee.on('passport.Strategy.Digest.Params', function(){
var params = twee.get('passport.Strategy.Digest.Params');
console.log('Digest Params: ', params);
params.done(null, true);
// Digest callback will authenticate or not the user
twee.on('passport.Strategy.Digest.Callback', function(){
var data = twee.get('passport.Strategy.Data');
session.user = {username: 'admin', password: 'pw'};
return data.done(null, session.user, session.user.password);
// Basic callback will authenticate or not the user
twee.on('passport.Strategy.Basic.Callback', function(){
var data = twee.get('passport.Strategy.Data');
session.user = {username: 'admin', password: 'pw1'};
if (data.password != session.user.password
|| data.username != session.user.username) {
return data.done(null, false);
return data.done(null, session.user);
* Signup action that renders signup form
* @param req
* @param res
this.loginAction = function (req, res) {
var self = this;
res.render('Default/views/pages/Default/login', {
user: session.user
We also can subscribe to passport.deserializeUser
event to deserialize data.
And finally if we have twitter
key in configuration, then we can subscribe for specific twitter event: passport.Strategy.twitter
, for facebook
it will be passport.Strategy.facebook
Working Example
You can check this example:
Here is how it looks like: