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typelevel-ts - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.4 to 0.3.0


@@ -16,2 +16,7 @@ # Changelog

# 0.3.0
- **Breaking Change**
- upgrade to `typescript@2.9.x` (@gcanti)
# 0.2.4

@@ -18,0 +23,0 @@



@@ -1,205 +0,25 @@

export declare type Increment = {
0: '1';
1: '2';
2: '3';
3: '4';
4: '5';
5: '6';
6: '7';
7: '8';
8: '9';
9: '10';
10: never;
* Returns the string literal 'T' if `A` and `B` are equal types, 'F' otherwise
export declare type Equals<A, B> = [A] extends [B] ? ([B] extends [A] ? 'T' : 'F') : 'F';
* Extracts a super-type of `A` identified by its keys `K`
export declare type Omit<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol> = Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, K>>;
export declare type Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object> = Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>> & B;
export declare type Diff<A extends object, K extends keyof A> = Omit<A, K> & Partial<Pick<A, K>>;
* Encodes the constraint that a given object `A`
* does not contain specific keys `K`
export declare type RowLacks<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol> = A & Record<Extract<keyof A, K>, never>;
export declare type Exact<A extends object, B extends A> = A & Record<Exclude<keyof B, keyof A>, undefined>;
export declare type AnyTuple = Array<any> & {
'0': any;
export declare type StringToNumber = {
0: 0;
1: 1;
2: 2;
3: 3;
4: 4;
5: 5;
6: 6;
7: 7;
8: 8;
9: 9;
10: 10;
export declare type Bool = 'T' | 'F';
export declare type If<B extends Bool, Then, Else> = {
T: Then;
F: Else;
export declare type Not<B extends Bool> = If<B, 'F', 'T'>;
export declare type And<B1 extends Bool, B2 extends Bool> = If<B1, B2, 'F'>;
export declare type Or<B1 extends Bool, B2 extends Bool> = If<B1, 'T', B2>;
export declare type BoolEq<B1 extends Bool, B2 extends Bool> = If<B1, B2, Not<B2>>;
export declare type Option<A> = None | Some<A>;
export interface None {
isNone: 'T';
_A: never;
export interface DeepReadonlyArray<A> extends ReadonlyArray<DeepReadonly<A>> {
export interface Some<A> {
isNone: 'F';
_A: A;
export declare type IsNone<O extends Option<any>> = O['isNone'];
export declare type IsSome<O extends Option<any>> = Not<IsNone<O>>;
export declare type OptionUnsafeGet<O extends Option<any>> = O['_A'];
export declare type OptionGetOrElse<O extends Option<any>, A> = If<IsNone<O>, A, OptionUnsafeGet<O>>;
export interface Zero {
isZero: 'T';
prev: never;
export interface Succ<N extends Nat> {
isZero: 'F';
prev: N;
export declare type Nat = Zero | Succ<any>;
export declare type One = Succ<Zero>;
export declare type Two = Succ<One>;
export declare type Three = Succ<Two>;
export declare type Four = Succ<Three>;
export declare type Five = Succ<Four>;
export declare type Six = Succ<Five>;
export declare type Seven = Succ<Six>;
export declare type Eight = Succ<Seven>;
export declare type Nine = Succ<Eight>;
export declare type Ten = Succ<Nine>;
export declare type IsZero<N extends Nat> = N['isZero'];
export declare type Prev<N extends Nat> = N['prev'];
export declare type NatEq<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = {
T: IsZero<N2>;
F: If<IsZero<N2>, 'F', NatEq<Prev<N1>, Prev<N2>>>;
export declare type Add<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = {
T: N2;
F: Succ<Add<Prev<N1>, N2>>;
export declare type Sub<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = {
T: If<IsZero<N2>, Some<Zero>, None>;
F: If<IsZero<N2>, Some<N1>, Sub<Prev<N1>, Prev<N2>>>;
export declare type UnsafeSub<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = OptionGetOrElse<Sub<N1, N2>, Zero>;
export declare type Mult<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = {
T: Zero;
F: If<IsZero<Prev<N1>>, N2, Add<N2, Mult<Prev<N1>, N2>>>;
export declare type Lte<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = {
T: 'T';
F: If<IsZero<N2>, 'F', Lte<Prev<N1>, Prev<N2>>>;
export declare type Lt<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = And<Lte<N1, N2>, Not<NatEq<N1, N2>>>;
export declare type Gte<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = Not<Lt<N1, N2>>;
export declare type Gt<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = Not<Lte<N1, N2>>;
export declare type Mod<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat, R = Zero> = {
T: R;
F: Mod<N1, N2, UnsafeSub<N1, N2>>;
export declare type Min<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = If<Lte<N1, N2>, N1, N2>;
export declare type Max<N1 extends Nat, N2 extends Nat> = If<Lte<N1, N2>, N2, N1>;
export declare type NatToString<N extends Nat, I extends keyof Increment = '0'> = {
T: I;
F: NatToString<Prev<N>, Increment[I]>;
export declare type NatToNumber<N extends Nat> = StringToNumber[NatToString<N>];
export declare type StringToNat = {
0: Zero;
1: One;
2: Two;
3: Three;
4: Four;
5: Five;
6: Six;
7: Seven;
8: Eight;
9: Nine;
10: Ten;
export declare type DeepReadonlyObject<A> = {
readonly [K in keyof A]: DeepReadonly<A[K]>;
export declare type StringOmit<L1 extends string, L2 extends string> = ({
[P in L1]: P;
} & {
[P in L2]: never;
} & {
[key: string]: never;
export declare type StringEq<L1 extends string, L2 extends string> = And<StringContains<L1, L2>, StringContains<L2, L1>>;
export declare type StringIntersection<L1 extends string, L2 extends string> = StringOmit<L1, StringOmit<L1, L2>>;
export declare type StringContains<S extends string, L extends string> = ({
[K in S]: 'T';
} & {
[key: string]: 'F';
export declare type ObjectHasKey<O, L extends string> = StringContains<keyof O, L>;
export declare type ObjectOverwrite<O1, O2> = Pick<O1, StringOmit<keyof O1, keyof O2>> & O2;
export declare type ObjectOmit<O, K extends string> = Pick<O, StringOmit<keyof O, K>>;
export declare type ObjectDiff<O1 extends O2, O2> = ObjectOmit<O1, keyof O2> & Partial<O2>;
export declare type ObjectClean<T> = Pick<T, keyof T>;
export declare type ObjectOptional<O, K extends keyof O> = ObjectOmit<O, K> & Partial<Pick<O, K>>;
export declare type PickExact<O, K extends keyof O> = Pick<O, K> & {
[K1 in StringOmit<keyof O, K>]?: never;
export declare type Required<T> = {
[P in Purify<keyof T>]: NonNullable<T[P]>;
export declare type Purify<T extends string> = {
[P in T]: T;
export declare type NonNullable<T> = T & {};
export interface HNil {
isHNil: 'T';
head: never;
tail: never;
export interface HCons<H, T extends HList> {
isHNil: 'F';
head: H;
tail: T;
export declare type HList = HNil | HCons<any, any>;
export declare type IsHNil<L extends HList> = L['isHNil'];
export declare type Head<L extends HList> = L['head'];
export declare type Tail<L extends HList> = L['tail'];
export declare type TypeAt<L extends HList, I extends Nat> = {
T: None;
F: If<IsZero<I>, Some<Head<L>>, TypeAt<Tail<L>, Prev<I>>>;
export declare type UnsafeTypeAt<L extends HList, N extends Nat> = OptionGetOrElse<TypeAt<L, N>, never>;
export declare type Reverse<L extends HList, Acc extends HList = HNil> = {
T: Acc;
F: Reverse<Tail<L>, HCons<Head<L>, Acc>>;
export declare type HListLengthAsNat<L extends HList> = {
T: Zero;
F: Succ<HListLengthAsNat<Tail<L>>>;
export declare type HListLengthAsString<L extends HList> = {
T: '0';
F: Increment[HListLengthAsString<Tail<L>>];
export declare type HListLengthAsNumber<L extends HList> = StringToNumber[HListLengthAsString<L>];
export declare type HListToTuple<L extends HList> = {
0: never;
1: [Head<L>];
2: [Head<L>, Head<Tail<L>>];
3: [Head<L>, Head<Tail<L>>, Head<Tail<Tail<L>>>];
4: [Head<L>, Head<Tail<L>>, Head<Tail<Tail<L>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>];
5: [Head<L>, Head<Tail<L>>, Head<Tail<Tail<L>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>>];
6: [Head<L>, Head<Tail<L>>, Head<Tail<Tail<L>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>>, Head<Tail<Tail<Tail<Tail<Tail<L>>>>>>];
export declare type HListConcat<L1 extends HList, L2 extends HList> = {
T: L2;
F: HCons<Head<L1>, HListConcat<Tail<L1>, L2>>;
export declare type AnyTuple = Array<any> & {
'0': any;
export declare type TupleToObject<T> = ObjectOmit<T, keyof Array<any>>;
export declare type TupleLengthAsString<T extends AnyTuple, I extends keyof Increment = '0'> = {
T: TupleLengthAsString<T, Increment[I]>;
F: I;
}[ObjectHasKey<T, I>];
export declare type TupleLengthAsNumber<T extends AnyTuple> = StringToNumber[TupleLengthAsString<T>];
export declare type TupleToHList<T extends AnyTuple, I extends keyof Increment & keyof T = '0', L extends HList = HNil> = {
T: TupleToHList<T, Increment[I], HCons<T[I], L>>;
F: Reverse<L>;
}[ObjectHasKey<T, I>];
export declare type DeepReadonly<A> = A extends Array<infer B> ? DeepReadonlyArray<B> : DeepReadonlyObject<A>;
"use strict";
// helpers
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"name": "typelevel-ts",
"version": "0.2.4",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "Type level programming in TypeScript",

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "files": [

"lint": "tslint src/**/*.ts",
"typings-checker": "typings-checker --allow-expect-error --project typings-checker/tsconfig.json typings-checker/index.ts",
"prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser typescript --list-different \"{src,typings-checker}/**/*.ts\"",
"fix-prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser typescript --write \"{src,typings-checker}/**/*.ts\"",
"test": "npm run prettier && npm run lint && npm run typings-checker",
"test": "npm run prettier && npm run lint && npm run dtslint",
"clean": "rm -rf lib/*",
"build": "npm run clean && tsc"
"build": "npm run clean && tsc",
"dtslint": "dtslint dtslint"

@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"@types/react": "^16.3.17",
"dtslint": "^0.3.0",
"prettier": "^1.13.4",
"react": "^16.4.0",
"tslint": "4.4.2",
"tslint-config-standard": "4.0.0",
"typescript": "2.8.3",
"typings-checker": "^2.0.0"
"typescript": "^2.9.2"

@@ -39,0 +41,0 @@ "tags": [],

@@ -1,105 +0,86 @@

# Compatibility
# TypeScript compatibility
* `0.2.0+` for TypeScript `2.5.2+`
* `0.1.3` for TypeScript `2.4.1+`
The stable version is tested against TypeScript 2.9.1+
# Credits
Adapted from
## Equals<A, B>
Returns the string literal 'T' if `A` and `B` are equal types, 'F' otherwise
## Related projects
Equals<string, string> // "T"
Equals<string, number> // "F"
* [typical - playground for type-level primitives in TypeScript]( by @tycho01
## Omit<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
# Examples
Extracts a super-type of `A` identified by its keys `K`
## Naturals
Omit<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'> // { b: number }
**Example**. Type-safe vectors
## Overwrite<A extends object, B extends object>
import { One, Two, Three, Nat, Add } from 'typelevel-ts'
Overwrite<{ a: string; b: number }, { b: boolean }> // { a: string; b: boolean }
function create<A>(as: [A, A, A]): Vector<Three, A>
function create<A>(as: [A, A]): Vector<Two, A>
function create<A>(as: [A]): Vector<One, A>
function create<N extends Nat, A>(as: Array<A>): Vector<N, A> {
return new Vector<N, A>(as)
## Diff<A extends object, K extends keyof A>
class Vector<N extends Nat, A> {
static create = create
readonly _N: N
readonly _A: A
constructor(public value: Array<A>) {}
append<N2 extends Nat>(vector: Vector<N2, A>): Vector<Add<N, N2>, A> {
return new Vector<Add<N, N2>, A>(this.value.concat(vector.value))
zip<B>(vector: Vector<N, B>): Vector<N, [A, B]> {
return new Vector<N, [A, B]>(, i) => [a, vector.value[i]] as [A, B]))
inspect() {
return this.toString()
toString() {
return `Vector(${JSON.stringify(this.value)})`
Diff<{ a: string; b: number }, 'b'> // { a: string; b?: number }
// v1 :: Vector<One, number>
const v1 = Vector.create([1])
// v2 :: Vector<Two, number>
const v2 = Vector.create([2, 3])
// v3 :: Vector<Three, number>
const v3 = v1.append(v2)
## RowLacks<A extends object, K extends string | number | symbol>
// // error
Encodes the constraint that a given object `A` does not contain specific keys `K`
console.log( // Vector([[2,1],[3,1]])
declare function f(x: RowLacks<{ a: string; b: number }, 'a'>): void
// $ExpectError
f({ a: 'foo', b: 1 })
## `ObjectDiff`
## Exact<A extends object, B extends A>
**Example**. A `withDefaults` function (React)
import * as React from 'react'
import { ObjectDiff } from 'typelevel-ts';
import isUndefined from 'lodash/isUndefined';
import omitBy from 'lodash/omitBy';
declare function f<T extends Exact<{ a: string }, T>>(a: T): void
declare const x: { a: string }
declare const y: { a: string; b: number }
// $ExpectError
function withDefaults<D, A extends D>(C: React.ComponentType<A>, defaults: D): React.SFC<ObjectDiff<A, D>> {
return props => {
// If a prop is provided with a value of `undefined`, we want the default prop to take
// precendence. This ensures the behaviour matches that of React's built-in `defaultProps`
// static property on components.
const propsMinusUndefined = omitBy(props, isUndefined);
return <C {...defaults} {...propsMinusUndefined} />;
## AnyTuple
class Foo extends React.Component<{ bar: string; baz: number }> {}
const DefaultedFoo = withDefaults(Foo, { baz: 1 })
const x = <DefaultedFoo bar="bar" /> // ok
declare function f<T extends AnyTuple>(x: T): T
declare const x: [number]
declare const y: [number, string]
declare const z: [number, string, boolean]
declare const t: Array<number>
// $ExpectError
## `ObjectOmit`
## DeepReadonly<A>
**Example**. A `withProps` function (React)
import { ObjectOmit } from 'typelevel-ts'
import * as React from 'react'
function withProps<D, P extends D>(C: React.ComponentType<P>, values: D): React.SFC<ObjectOmit<P, keyof D>> {
return props => <C {...props} {...values} />
interface Foo {
bar: {
baz: string
quux: Array<{ barbaz: number }>
class Foo extends React.Component<{ bar: string; baz: number }> {}
const FilledFoo = withProps(Foo, { baz: 1 })
const x = <FilledFoo bar="bar" /> // ok
type ReadonlyFoo = DeepReadonly<Foo>
declare const x: ReadonlyFoo
// $ExpectError[1].barbaz = 1

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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