
Unpacks the content found within a text, delimited by an opening char and a closing char, e.g., 'Can extract (only the content found here within these parentheses)'
Node.js and Browser ready.
npm install unpack-string
npm install unpack-string -g
npx unpack-string --help
It will extract the content found within the opening char and the closing char defined as parameters. If the parameter openingChar is not passed in, it will try to guess the first occurrence of some of these known chars '([{<'
, and, when the parameter closingChar is not passed in, it will try to guess some of these chars ')]}>'
, to match the openingChar.
const unpackString = require('unpack-string');
const str = 'Can extract (only the content [found {here} within] these parentheses)!!';
const result = unpackString(str);
const openingChar = '[';
const result = unpackString(str, openingChar);
const openingChar = '{';
const closingChar = ']';
const result = unpackString(str, openingChar, closingChar);