validate(selector , id , callBack) | This method is used with input attribute as used in sample code |
url(value) | Validate URL. |
email(value) | Validate email. |
alnum(value) | Validate string with alpha and numeric only. |
alnumwithspace(value) | Validate alpha and numeric string with space . |
alpha(value) | Validate string contains alphabets . |
number(value) | Validate string if it only contains number. |
postcode(value) | Validate postcode or zipcode. |
mobile(value) | Validate mobile number. |
pancard(value) | Validate pancard number. |
DateBelow2000(value) | Validate date before 2000. |
DateBelow2000R(value) | Validate date after 2000. |
fullnamewithspace(value) | Validate full name with space. |
voterID(value) | Validate voter id. |
dl(value) | Validate driving licence. |
passport(value) | Validate passport. |
timeString(value) | Validate if string is timestring. |
dateString(value) | Validate datestring. |
hexadecimal(value) | Validate string is hesadecimal or not. |
hexColor(value) | Validate staring has hexcolor. |
ipv4(value) | Validate IP in v4 format. |
ipv6(value) | Validate IP in v6 format. |
ipV4V6(value) | Validate IP in v4 and v6 both. |
ip(value) | Validate only IP. |
vehiclenumber(value) | Validate vehicle number. |
pan(value) | Validate pan. |
minLength(value , minLength) | This method is used to validate minLength. |
maxLength(value , maxLength) | This method is used to validate maxLength. |
required(value) | This method checks if field is required. |
isEmpty(value) | This method checks if string is empty. |
minValue(value , minValue) | This method checks minimum value for numbers. |
equalTo(value1 , value2) | This method checks equality. |
equalTo(value1 , value2) | This method checks equality. |
isChecked(selector) | This methods checks if checkbox is checked. |