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Comparing version 0.3.16 to 0.4.0


"name": "velocityjs",
"description": "Velocity Template Language(VTL) for JavaScript",
"version": "0.3.16",
"version": "0.4.0",
"keywords": [

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "velocity template"

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ module.exports = function(Velocity, utils){

this.silence = false;
this.unescape = {};

@@ -15,0 +16,0 @@ utils.forEach(this.asts, this._init, this);

@@ -14,3 +14,52 @@ module.exports = function(Velocity, utils){

* unicode转码
function convert(str){
if (typeof str !== 'string') return str;
var result = ""
var escape = false
for(i = 0 ; i < str.length ; i++) {
c = str.charAt(i);
if((' ' <= c && c <= '~') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) {
if(c == '&') {
cstr = "&amp;"
escape = true
} else if(c == '<') {
cstr = "&lt;"
escape = true
} else if(c == '>') {
cstr = "&gt;"
escape = true
} else {
cstr = c.toString()
} else {
cstr = "&#" + c.charCodeAt().toString() + ";"
result = result + cstr
return escape ? result : str
utils.mixin(Velocity.prototype, {
addIgnoreEscpape: function(key){
if (!utils.isArray(key)) key = [key]
utils.forEach(key, function(key){
this.unescape[key] = true
}, this)

@@ -24,2 +73,6 @@ * 引用求值

if (ast.prue) {
if ( in this.unescape) ast.prue = false
var isSilent = this.silence || ast.leader === "$!";

@@ -32,4 +85,5 @@ var isfn = ast.args !== undefined;

var text = Velocity.Helper.getRefText(ast)
if (text in context) {
return context[text];
return ast.prue ? convert(context[text]) : context[text];

@@ -71,3 +125,8 @@

if (isVal && ret === undefined) ret = isSilent? '' : Velocity.Helper.getRefText(ast);
if (isVal && ret === undefined) {
ret = isSilent? '' : Velocity.Helper.getRefText(ast);
ret = ast.prue ? convert(ret) : ret
return ret;

@@ -74,0 +133,0 @@ },

@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ /* parser generated by jison 0.4.10 */

case 5: this.$ = $$[$0];
case 5: $$[$0]['prue'] = true; this.$ = $$[$0];

@@ -96,0 +96,0 @@ case 6: this.$ = $$[$0];

@@ -84,2 +84,14 @@ var Velocity = require('../src/velocity')

it('escape default', function(){
var vm = '$name $name2 $cn $cn1'
var data = {
name: 'hello world',
name2: '<i>a',
cn: '中文',
cn1: '<i>中文'
var ret = 'hello world &lt;i&gt;a 中文 &lt;i&gt;&#20013;&#25991;'
assert.equal(ret, render(vm, data))

@@ -86,0 +98,0 @@

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

var Parser = require('../src/velocity').Parser;
var assert = require("assert");
var Parser = require('../src/velocity').Parser
var assert = require("assert")

@@ -9,31 +9,31 @@ describe('Parser', function(){

it('simple references', function(){
var vm = 'hello world: $foo';
var ret = Parser.parse(vm);
var vm = 'hello world: $foo'
var ret = Parser.parse(vm)
assert.ok(ret instanceof Array);
assert.equal(2 , ret.length);
assert.equal('hello world: ' , ret[0]);
assert.equal('foo' , ret[1].id);
assert.ok(ret instanceof Array)
assert.equal(2, ret.length)
assert.equal('hello world: ', ret[0])
assert.equal('foo', ret[1].id)
it('valid variable references', function(){
var vm = '$mud-Slinger_1';
assert.equal('mud-Slinger_1', Parser.parse(vm)[0].id);
var vm = '$mud-Slinger_1'
assert.equal('mud-Slinger_1', Parser.parse(vm)[0].id)
it('wraped references', function(){
var vm = '${mudSlinger}';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
assert.equal(true , ast.isWraped);
assert.equal('mudSlinger' ,;
var vm = '${mudSlinger}'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]
assert.equal(true, ast.isWraped)
it('function call references', function(){
var ast = Parser.parse('$foo()')[0];
assert.equal(false, ast.args);
assert.equal('references', ast.type);
var ast = Parser.parse('$foo()')[0]
assert.equal(false, ast.args)
assert.equal('references', ast.type)

@@ -43,13 +43,14 @@ describe('Properties', function(){

it('simple property', function(){
var vm = '$customer.Address';
var asts = Parser.parse(vm);
var vm = '$customer.Address'
var asts = Parser.parse(vm)
assert.deepEqual(asts[0], {
id : "customer",
type : "references",
path : [{"type": "property","id": "Address"}],
id : "customer",
prue : true,
type : "references",
path : [{"type": "property","id": "Address"}],
leader : '$'

@@ -59,4 +60,4 @@ describe('Methods ', function(){

it('with no arguments', function(){
var vm = '$';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
var vm = '$'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]

@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ assert.deepEqual(ast['path'], [{

args : false
it('with arguments integer', function(){
var vm = '$';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
var vm = '$'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]

@@ -82,8 +83,11 @@ assert.deepEqual(ast['path'], [{

it('with arguments references', function(){
var vm = '$$bar)';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
var vm = '$$bar)'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]
assert.equal(ast.prue, true)
assert.deepEqual(ast.path[0].args, [{

@@ -93,6 +97,6 @@ type : "references",

id : "bar"

@@ -102,28 +106,28 @@ describe('Index', function(){

it('all kind of indexs', function(){
var vm = '$foo[0] $foo[$i] $foo["bar"]';
var asts = Parser.parse(vm);
var vm = '$foo[0] $foo[$i] $foo["bar"]'
var asts = Parser.parse(vm)
assert.equal(5, asts.length);
assert.equal(5, asts.length)
//asts[0].path[0] => $foo[0]
//{type: 'index', id: {type: 'integer', value: '0'}}
assert.equal('index' , asts[0].path[0].type);
assert.equal('integer' , asts[0].path[0].id.type);
assert.equal('0' , asts[0].path[0].id.value);
assert.equal('index', asts[0].path[0].type)
assert.equal('integer', asts[0].path[0].id.type)
assert.equal('0', asts[0].path[0].id.value)
//asts[2].path[0] => $foo[$i]
//{type: 'references', id: {type:'references', id: 'i', leader: '$'}}
assert.equal('index' , asts[2].path[0].type);
assert.equal('references' , asts[2].path[0].id.type);
assert.equal('i' , asts[2].path[0];
assert.equal('index', asts[2].path[0].type)
assert.equal('references', asts[2].path[0].id.type)
assert.equal('i', asts[2].path[0]
//asts[4].path[0] => $foo["bar"]
//{type: 'index', id: {type: 'string', value: 'bar', isEval: true}}
assert.equal('index' , asts[4].path[0].type);
assert.equal('string' , asts[4].path[0].id.type);
assert.equal('bar' , asts[4].path[0].id.value);
assert.equal('index', asts[4].path[0].type)
assert.equal('string', asts[4].path[0].id.type)
assert.equal('bar', asts[4].path[0].id.value)

@@ -133,51 +137,51 @@ describe('complex references', function(){

it('property + index + property', function(){
var vm = '$[1].junk';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
var vm = '$[1].junk'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]
assert.equal('foo' ,;
assert.equal(3 , ast.path.length);
assert.equal(3, ast.path.length)
var paths = ast.path;
var paths = ast.path
assert.equal('property' , paths[0].type);
assert.equal('index' , paths[1].type);
assert.equal('property' , paths[2].type);
assert.equal('property', paths[0].type)
assert.equal('index', paths[1].type)
assert.equal('property', paths[2].type)
it('method + index', function(){
var vm = '$foo.callMethod()[1]';
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0];
var vm = '$foo.callMethod()[1]'
var ast = Parser.parse(vm)[0]
assert.equal(2, ast.path.length);
assert.equal(2, ast.path.length)
assert.equal('method' , ast.path[0].type);
assert.equal('callMethod' , ast.path[0].id);
assert.equal('method', ast.path[0].type)
assert.equal('callMethod', ast.path[0].id)
assert.equal('index' , ast.path[1].type);
assert.equal('1' , ast.path[1].id.value);
assert.equal('integer' , ast.path[1].id.type);
assert.equal('index', ast.path[1].type)
assert.equal('1', ast.path[1].id.value)
assert.equal('integer', ast.path[1].id.type)
it('property should not start with alphabet', function(){
var asts = Parser.parse('$foo.124');
var ast2 = Parser.parse('$foo.-24')[0];
var asts = Parser.parse('$foo.124')
var ast2 = Parser.parse('$foo.-24')[0]
assert.equal(3 , asts.length);
assert.equal('foo' , asts[0].id);
assert.equal(undefined , asts[0].path);
assert.equal(3, asts.length)
assert.equal('foo', asts[0].id)
assert.equal(undefined, asts[0].path)
assert.equal(undefined , ast2.path);
assert.equal(undefined, ast2.path)
it('index should end with close bracket', function(){
}, /Parse error/);
}, /Parse error/)

@@ -187,21 +191,32 @@ describe('Directives', function(){

it('#macro', function(){
var vm = '#macro( d $a $b)#if($b)$a#end#end #d($foo $bar)';
var asts = Parser.parse(vm);
assert.equal(asts.length, 3);
assert.equal(asts[0][1].length, 2);
var vm = '#macro( d $a $b)#if($b)$a#end#end #d($foo $bar)'
var asts = Parser.parse(vm)
var ifAst = asts[0][1]
assert.equal(ifAst[0].condition.type, 'references')
assert.equal(ifAst[0], 'b')
assert.equal(ifAst[0].condition.prue, undefined)
assert.equal(ifAst[1].type, 'references')
assert.equal(ifAst[1].id, 'a')
assert.equal(ifAst[1].prue, true)
assert.equal(asts.length, 3)
assert.equal(ifAst.length, 2)
describe('comment identify', function(){
it('one line comment', function(){
var asts = Parser.parse('#set( $monkey.Number = 123)##number literal');
var asts = Parser.parse('#set( $monkey.Number = 123)##number literal')
assert.equal(2 , asts.length);
assert.equal('comment' , asts[1].type);
assert.equal(2, asts.length)
assert.equal('comment', asts[1].type)

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