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videojs-contrib-dash - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.2 to 1.1.0



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

/*! videojs-contrib-dash - v1.0.2 - 2015-07-23
/*! videojs-contrib-dash - v1.1.0 - 2015-07-24
* Copyright (c) 2015 Brightcove */

@@ -69,3 +69,5 @@ (function(window, videojs) {

// injection
if (Html5DashJS.useVideoJSDebug) {

@@ -123,115 +125,2 @@ // Save the context after the first initialization for subsequent instances

* Change MediaPlayer.utils.Debug to log using videojs debugger in order to
* keep the console.log clean
Html5DashJS.useVideoJSDebug = function (videojs) {
if (Html5DashJS.originalDebug) {
if (videojs && videojs.log && videojs.log.debug) {
Html5DashJS.originalDebug = MediaPlayer.utils.Debug;
// Replace the global Debug function in Dash.js
MediaPlayer.utils.Debug = function () {
var logToBrowserConsole = true,
showLogTimestamp = false,
showCalleeName = false,
startTime = new Date().getTime(),
return {
system: undefined,
eventBus: undefined,
setup: function() {
this.system.mapValue('log', this.log);
eventBus = this.eventBus;
* Prepends a timestamp in milliseconds to each log message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to true if you want to see a timestamp in each log message
* @default false
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
setLogTimestampVisible: function(value) {
showLogTimestamp = value;
* Prepends the callee object name, and media type if available, to each log message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to true if you want to see a object name and media type in
* each log message.
* @default false
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
showCalleeName: function(value) {
showCalleeName = value;
* Toggles logging to the browser's javascript console. If you set to false you will
* still receive a log event with the same message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to false if you want to turn off logging to the browser's
* console.
* @default true
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
setLogToBrowserConsole: function(value) {
logToBrowserConsole = value;
* Use this method to get the state of logToBrowserConsole.
* @returns {boolean} The current value of logToBrowserConsole
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
getLogToBrowserConsole: function() {
return logToBrowserConsole;
* This method will allow you send log messages to either the browser's console and/or
* dispatch an event to capture at the media player level.
* @param arguments The message you want to log. The Arguments object is supported for
* this method so you can send in comma separated logging items.
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
log: function () {
var message = '',
logTime = null;
if (showLogTimestamp) {
logTime = new Date().getTime();
message += '[' + (logTime - startTime) + ']';
if (showCalleeName && this.getName) {
message += '[' + this.getName() + ']';
if (this.getMediaType && this.getMediaType()) {
message += '[' + this.getMediaType() + ']';
if (message.length > 0) {
message += ' ';
Array.apply(null, arguments).forEach(function(item) {
message += item + ' ';
if (logToBrowserConsole) {
type: 'log',
message: message
* Add a css-class that is used to temporarily hide the error dialog while so that

@@ -238,0 +127,0 @@ * we don't see a flash of the dialog box when we remove the video element's src



@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

/*! videojs-contrib-dash - v1.0.2 - 2015-07-23
/*! videojs-contrib-dash - v1.1.0 - 2015-07-24
* Copyright (c) 2015 Brightcove */
!function(a,b){"use strict";function c(a,d){var e,f=d.options();this.tech_=d,this.el_=d.el(),this.elParent_=this.el_.parentNode,a.src&&(d.isReady_=!1,e=a.src,this.keySystemOptions_=c.buildDashJSProtData(a.keySystemOptions),c.hideErrors(this.elParent_),c.useVideoJSDebug(b),c.context_=c.context_||new Dash.di.DashContext,this.mediaPlayer_=new MediaPlayer(c.context_),this.mediaPlayer_.startup(),this.mediaPlayer_.attachView(this.el_),f.autoplay||this.mediaPlayer_.setAutoPlay(!1),this.mediaPlayer_.retrieveManifest(e,b.bind(this,this.initializeDashJS)))}var d=function(a){return"[object Array]"},e=function(a){return"[object Object]"},f=function(a,b){var c,d,g,h;h={};for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(d=a[c],g=b[c],e(d)&&e(g)?a[c]=f(d,g):a[c]=b[c]);return a};c.prototype.initializeDashJS=function(a,d){var e={};return d?(c.showErrors(this.elParent_),this.tech_.triggerReady(),void this.dispose()):(c.getWidevineProtectionData&&(e=c.getWidevineProtectionData(a),this.keySystemOptions_=f(this.keySystemOptions_,e)),void this.resetSrc_(b.bind(this,function(){c.showErrors(this.elParent_),this.mediaPlayer_.attachSource(a,null,this.keySystemOptions_),this.tech_.triggerReady()})))},c.useVideoJSDebug=function(a){c.originalDebug||a&&a.log&&a.log.debug&&(c.originalDebug=MediaPlayer.utils.Debug,MediaPlayer.utils.Debug=function(){var b,c=!0,d=!1,e=!1,f=(new Date).getTime();return{system:void 0,eventBus:void 0,setup:function(){this.system.mapValue("log",this.log),b=this.eventBus},setLogTimestampVisible:function(a){d=a},showCalleeName:function(a){e=a},setLogToBrowserConsole:function(a){c=a},getLogToBrowserConsole:function(){return c},log:function(){var g="",h=null;d&&(h=(new Date).getTime(),g+="["+(h-f)+"]"),e&&this.getName&&(g+="["+this.getName()+"]"),this.getMediaType&&this.getMediaType()&&(g+="["+this.getMediaType()+"]"),g.length>0&&(g+=" "),Array.apply(null,arguments).forEach(function(a){g+=a+" "}),c&&a.log.debug(g),b.dispatchEvent({type:"log",message:g})}}})},c.hideErrors=function(a){a.className+="vjs-dashjs-hide-errors"},c.showErrors=function(a){setTimeout(function(){a.className=a.className.replace("vjs-dashjs-hide-errors","")},250)},c.buildDashJSProtData=function(a){var b,c,e,g={};if(!a||!d(a))return g;for(e=0;e<a.length;e++)b=a[e],c=f({},b.options),c.licenseUrl&&(c.laURL=c.licenseUrl,delete c.licenseUrl),g[]=c;return g},c.prototype.resetSrc_=function(a){this.el_&&(this.el_.src="",this.el_.setMediaKeys?this.el_.setMediaKeys(null).then(a,a):a())},c.prototype.dispose=function(){this.mediaPlayer_&&this.mediaPlayer_.reset(),this.resetSrc_(function(){})},a.MediaSource&&b.Html5.registerSourceHandler({canHandleSource:function(a){var b=/^application\/dash\+xml/i,c=/\.mpd/i;return b.test(a.type)?"probably":c.test(a.src)?"maybe":""},handleSource:function(a,b){return new c(a,b)}}),b.Html5DashJS=c}(window,window.videojs);
!function(a,b){"use strict";function c(a,d){var e,f=d.options();this.tech_=d,this.el_=d.el(),this.elParent_=this.el_.parentNode,a.src&&(d.isReady_=!1,e=a.src,this.keySystemOptions_=c.buildDashJSProtData(a.keySystemOptions),c.hideErrors(this.elParent_),c.useVideoJSDebug&&c.useVideoJSDebug(b),c.context_=c.context_||new Dash.di.DashContext,this.mediaPlayer_=new MediaPlayer(c.context_),this.mediaPlayer_.startup(),this.mediaPlayer_.attachView(this.el_),f.autoplay||this.mediaPlayer_.setAutoPlay(!1),this.mediaPlayer_.retrieveManifest(e,b.bind(this,this.initializeDashJS)))}var d=function(a){return"[object Array]"},e=function(a){return"[object Object]"},f=function(a,b){var c,d,g,h;h={};for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(d=a[c],g=b[c],e(d)&&e(g)?a[c]=f(d,g):a[c]=b[c]);return a};c.prototype.initializeDashJS=function(a,d){var e={};return d?(c.showErrors(this.elParent_),this.tech_.triggerReady(),void this.dispose()):(c.getWidevineProtectionData&&(e=c.getWidevineProtectionData(a),this.keySystemOptions_=f(this.keySystemOptions_,e)),void this.resetSrc_(b.bind(this,function(){c.showErrors(this.elParent_),this.mediaPlayer_.attachSource(a,null,this.keySystemOptions_),this.tech_.triggerReady()})))},c.hideErrors=function(a){a.className+="vjs-dashjs-hide-errors"},c.showErrors=function(a){setTimeout(function(){a.className=a.className.replace("vjs-dashjs-hide-errors","")},250)},c.buildDashJSProtData=function(a){var b,c,e,g={};if(!a||!d(a))return g;for(e=0;e<a.length;e++)b=a[e],c=f({},b.options),c.licenseUrl&&(c.laURL=c.licenseUrl,delete c.licenseUrl),g[]=c;return g},c.prototype.resetSrc_=function(a){this.el_&&(this.el_.src="",this.el_.setMediaKeys?this.el_.setMediaKeys(null).then(a,a):a())},c.prototype.dispose=function(){this.mediaPlayer_&&this.mediaPlayer_.reset(),this.resetSrc_(function(){})},a.MediaSource&&b.Html5.registerSourceHandler({canHandleSource:function(a){var b=/^application\/dash\+xml/i,c=/\.mpd/i;return b.test(a.type)?"probably":c.test(a.src)?"maybe":""},handleSource:function(a,b){return new c(a,b)}}),b.Html5DashJS=c}(window,window.videojs);

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ {

"version": "1.0.2",
"version": "1.1.0",
"author": {

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ "name": "Brightcove"

@@ -67,3 +67,5 @@ (function(window, videojs) {

// injection
if (Html5DashJS.useVideoJSDebug) {

@@ -121,115 +123,2 @@ // Save the context after the first initialization for subsequent instances

* Change MediaPlayer.utils.Debug to log using videojs debugger in order to
* keep the console.log clean
Html5DashJS.useVideoJSDebug = function (videojs) {
if (Html5DashJS.originalDebug) {
if (videojs && videojs.log && videojs.log.debug) {
Html5DashJS.originalDebug = MediaPlayer.utils.Debug;
// Replace the global Debug function in Dash.js
MediaPlayer.utils.Debug = function () {
var logToBrowserConsole = true,
showLogTimestamp = false,
showCalleeName = false,
startTime = new Date().getTime(),
return {
system: undefined,
eventBus: undefined,
setup: function() {
this.system.mapValue('log', this.log);
eventBus = this.eventBus;
* Prepends a timestamp in milliseconds to each log message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to true if you want to see a timestamp in each log message
* @default false
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
setLogTimestampVisible: function(value) {
showLogTimestamp = value;
* Prepends the callee object name, and media type if available, to each log message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to true if you want to see a object name and media type in
* each log message.
* @default false
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
showCalleeName: function(value) {
showCalleeName = value;
* Toggles logging to the browser's javascript console. If you set to false you will
* still receive a log event with the same message.
* @param {boolean} value Set to false if you want to turn off logging to the browser's
* console.
* @default true
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
setLogToBrowserConsole: function(value) {
logToBrowserConsole = value;
* Use this method to get the state of logToBrowserConsole.
* @returns {boolean} The current value of logToBrowserConsole
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
getLogToBrowserConsole: function() {
return logToBrowserConsole;
* This method will allow you send log messages to either the browser's console and/or
* dispatch an event to capture at the media player level.
* @param arguments The message you want to log. The Arguments object is supported for
* this method so you can send in comma separated logging items.
* @memberof MediaPlayer.utils.Debug#
log: function () {
var message = '',
logTime = null;
if (showLogTimestamp) {
logTime = new Date().getTime();
message += '[' + (logTime - startTime) + ']';
if (showCalleeName && this.getName) {
message += '[' + this.getName() + ']';
if (this.getMediaType && this.getMediaType()) {
message += '[' + this.getMediaType() + ']';
if (message.length > 0) {
message += ' ';
Array.apply(null, arguments).forEach(function(item) {
message += item + ' ';
if (logToBrowserConsole) {
type: 'log',
message: message
* Add a css-class that is used to temporarily hide the error dialog while so that

@@ -236,0 +125,0 @@ * we don't see a flash of the dialog box when we remove the video element's src

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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