⭐️ Features
- ✅ ⚡ Supports
JavaScript obfuscation
in Vite
- ✅ 🚀 Multi-threading support for better performfance.
- ✅ ⚙️ Customizable obfuscator options to fit your needs.
- ✅ 🛡️ Auto-excludes
- ✅ 📦 Support the
split chunk.
⚠️ Notice
- If the obfuscation option
is true
- Your results may lose some bundles (in
- I'm looking for an accurate case.
- If a memory overflow occurs, modify the packaging command to
"build": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 vite build"
, where max-old-space-size
is set according
to the configuration.
- When setting up
split chunk, please place the accurate package name at the front. For
example: ["vue-router", "vue"], "vue" can match both "vue" and "vue-router" at the same time.
🌐 Online
✦ Vite - Vanilla
✦ Vite - Vue
✦ Vite - React
✦ Vite - PReact
✦ Vite - lit
✦ Vite - Svelte
✦ Vite - Solid
✦ Vite - Qwik
✦ ...
📦 Installation
npm install vite-plugin-bundle-obfuscator -D
pnpm add vite-plugin-bundle-obfuscator -D
yarn add vite-plugin-bundle-obfuscator -D
👨💻 Usage
- Install the plugin using your preferred package manager.
- Register the plugin in
- Customize the obfuscator configuration or use the default options.
import vitePluginBundleObfuscator from 'vite-plugin-bundle-obfuscator';
const allObfuscatorConfig = {
excludes: [],
enable: true,
log: true,
autoExcludeNodeModules: true,
threadPool: true,
options: {
compact: true,
controlFlowFlattening: true,
controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 1,
deadCodeInjection: false,
debugProtection: false,
debugProtectionInterval: 0,
disableConsoleOutput: false,
identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
log: false,
numbersToExpressions: false,
renameGlobals: false,
selfDefending: true,
simplify: true,
splitStrings: false,
stringArray: false,
stringArrayCallsTransform: false,
stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold: 0.5,
stringArrayEncoding: [],
stringArrayIndexShift: true,
stringArrayRotate: true,
stringArrayShuffle: true,
stringArrayWrappersCount: 1,
stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 2,
stringArrayWrappersType: 'variable',
stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
unicodeEscapeSequence: false,
export default {
plugins: [
const minimizeObfuscatorConfig = {
autoExcludeNodeModules: true,
threadPool: true,
export default {
plugins: [
export default {
plugins: [
🚀 Performance Comparison
With 7000+ modules and 400+ bundles on a 4C 8G machine:
- ThreadPool Enabled : 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ (About 30 seconds)
- ThreadPool Disabled : 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 (About 90 seconds)
🛠️ Options
threadPool | Configuration for the thread pool. | boolean | ({ enable: true; size: number } | { enable: false }) | false | v1.2.0 |
apply | Apply the plugin only for serve or build, or on certain conditions. | 'serve' | 'build' | ((this: void, config: UserConfig, env: ConfigEnv) => boolean) | build | v1.1.0 |
autoExcludeNodeModules | Enable auto exclude node_modules. | boolean | ({ enable: true; manualChunks: string[] } | { enable: false }) | false | v1.0.9 (originally boolean, extended to current type in v1.3.0) |
log | Show or hide log output. | boolean | true | v1.0.4 |
enable | Enable or disable the obfuscator. | boolean | true | v1.0.1 |
excludes | Bundle names to be excluded. Starting from v1.0.8, RegExp is supported. | (RegExp | string)[] | [] | v1.0.0 |
options | Options for the JavaScript obfuscator. | ObfuscatorOptions | defaultObfuscatorConfig | v1.0.0 |
📄 License
MIT License Copyright (c) 2024-present, Zoffy