model | string | null | Input model. Value can be 'input', 'select', 'file', 'textarea', 'toggle_switch' |
inputType | string | null | Input type. Value can be 'text', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'file' |
inputName | string | null | Input name property (Required) |
inputValue | --- | null | Input value property |
callBack | function | void | This is the method that allows you to retrieve the value of all Inputs except select |
selectCallback | function | void | This is the method that allows you to retrieve the value of select |
disabled | boolean | false | Input disabled property |
readOnly | boolean | false | Input readonly property |
placeholder | string | null | Input placeholder property |
selectOption | Array | null | Array of select option label and value |
selectPlaceholder | string | null | Select placeholder |
className | string | null | Input custom className |
inputLabel | string | null | Input label |
inputLabelClassName | string | null | Input custom label container className |
overridedID | string | null | Input custom ID value |
inputHasIcon | boolean | false | Flag to add icon on input |
iconInInput | string | null | Icon tag for example for Fontawesome '' |
inputIconPosition | string | null | Icon position on the Input tag. Value can be 'left' or 'right' |
inputCheckboxSize | Array | null | Checkbox tag size. It is an array containing the width and height values of checkbox size |
inputRadioSize | Array | null | Radio tag size. It is an array containing the width and height values of radio size |
hasMutliple | boolean | false | Define if has multiple files on Input file type |
inputFileType | string | default | Define the type of Input file. Value can be 'default' or 'dnd' (for drag and drop) |
textareaRows | number | null | Textarea rows size |
textareaCols | number | null | Textarea cols size |
textareaContentSizeLimit | string | null | Textarea content size limit value |
inputSwitchValue | string | null | Input switch value property |
switchCheckedStatus | boolean | false | Input switch checked proprety status |
inputContainerClassName | string | null | Input switch parent container custom className |
inputSwitchHasLabel | boolean | null | Define if Input switch have label |
inputSwitchLabelPosition | string | null | Define Input switch label position. Value can be 'left-side-to-side', 'right-side-to-side', 'top-before-input-switch', 'bottom-after-input-switch' |
inputBorderRadiusValue | string | null | Define Input border radius value |
inputIconContainerBg | string | null | Define Input Icon parent container background value |
isRequired | boolean | false | Define if Input value is required |
dndInputLabel | string | null | Drag and Drop input file label value |
inputStyleDeclination | string | default | Input style declinaison. Value can be 'defaut', 'primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'volkan' |
otherProps | any | null | Can add all others input properties |