It's inspired by react-dropzone and implemented with vue3.
npm install --save vue3-dropzone
yarn add vue3-dropzone
Basic use with flexibility. acceptFiles
is an array returned in the same format as FileList where all the dropped files are turned into a File class before saving to the array.
<div v-bind="getRootProps()">
<input v-bind="getInputProps()" />
<p v-if="isDragActive">Drop the files here ...</p>
<p v-else>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
<button @click="open">open</button>
import { useDropzone } from "vue3-dropzone";
export default {
name: "UseDropzoneDemo",
setup() {
function onDrop(acceptFiles, rejectReasons) {
const { getRootProps, getInputProps, } = useDropzone({ onDrop });
return {
Save multiple files
Save multiple files through axios requests and FormData. You will need a backend to loop through the received files and save them individually in the loop.
<div v-bind="getRootProps()">
<input v-bind="getInputProps()" />
<p v-if="isDragActive">Drop the files here ...</p>
<p v-else>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
<button @click="open">open</button>
import { useDropzone } from "vue3-dropzone";
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: "UseDropzoneDemo",
setup() {
const url = "{your_url}"; // Your url on the server side
const saveFiles = (files) => {
const formData = new FormData(); // pass data as a form
for (var x = 0; x < files.length; x++) {
// append files as array to the form, feel free to change the array name
formData.append("images[]", files[x]);
// post the formData to your backend where storage is processed. In the backend, you will need to loop through the array and save each file through the loop.
.post(url, formData, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
.then((response) => {;
.catch((err) => {
function onDrop(acceptFiles, rejectReasons) {
saveFiles(acceptFiles); // saveFiles as callback
const { getRootProps, getInputProps, } = useDropzone({ onDrop });
return {
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 |  |
const result = useDropzone(options)
property | type | description |
onDrop | Function | Cb for when the drop event occurs. Note that this callback is invoked after the getFilesFromEvent callback is done. |
accept | String / Array<String> | Set accepted file types. See for more information. |
disabled | Boolean | Enable/disable the dropzone |
maxSize | Number | Maximum file size (in bytes) |
minSize | Number | Minimum file size (in bytes) |
multiple | Number | Allow of multiple files |
maxFiles | Number | Maximum accepted number of files The default value is 0 which means there is no limitation to how many files are accepted |
getFilesFromEvent | Function | Use this to provide a custom file aggregator |
onDragenter | Function | Cb for when the dragenter event occurs. |
onDragover | Function | Cb for when the dragover event occurs |
onDragleave | Function | Cb for when the dragleave event occurs |
onDropAccepted | Function | Cb for when the drop event occurs. Note that if no files are accepted, this callback is not invoked. |
onDropRejected | Function | Cb for when the drop event occurs. Note that if no files are rejected, this callback is not invoked. |
onFileDialogCancel | Function | Cb for when closing the file dialog with no selection |
preventDropOnDocument | Boolean | If false , allow dropped items to take over the current browser window |
noClick | Boolean | If true , disables click to open the native file selection dialog |
noKeyboard | Boolean | If true , disables SPACE/ENTER to open the native file selection dialog. Note that it also stops tracking the focus state. |
noDrag | Boolean | If true , disables drag 'n' drop |
noDragEventsBubbling | Boolean | If true , stops drag event propagation to parents |
property | type | description |
isFocused | Ref<Boolean> | |
isFileDialogActive | Ref<Boolean> | |
isDragActive | Ref<Boolean> | |
isDragAccept | Ref<Boolean> | |
isDragReject | Ref<Boolean> | |
draggedFiles | Ref<Array> | dragged files |
acceptedFiles | Ref<Array> | accepted files |
fileRejections | Ref<Array> | files rejections |
getRootProps | Function | Function to generate element props which contains input |
getInputProps | Function | Function to generate input props |
rootRef | Ref<HTMLElement> | ref a dom element |
inputRef | Ref<HTMLElement> | ref a input element |
open | Function | Open file selection dialog |
Run example
cd examples
yarn install
yarn dev