Line wrapper around the Walt WebAssembly Compiler. Intended to be used to
build and package node modules utilizing WebAssembly/Walt. For browser integration
use the webpack-loader.
npm install --save-dev walt-cli
In your package.json
"scripts": {
"walt": "walt-cli"
Compiling a single walt file to wasm
For one to one transforms point the cli at a single Walt file to get a single wasm
result file.
npm run walt -- index.walt -o index.wasm
Compiling a walt program
For walt programs which has imports use the wrap flag -w
. Wrap option will
link and compile all dependencies starting from the entry file. The result is a
self contained JavaScript module which exports a factory function. Use it to
generate the WebAssembly instance of your walt program.
npm run walt -- src/walt/entry.walt -o walt-program.js -w
Once compiled the module can be imported just like any other JS module
const makeProgram = require("./walt-program");
env: {
memory: new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1 })
}).then(result => {
Note on imports:
All walt imports starting with a relative path ./paht-to-something
is treated
as a walt module import. All absolute imports are left to you to provide and are
shared between all modules. Every module will get the same version of the import
object provided.