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Comparing version 7.2.0 to 7.2.1



@@ -21,3 +21,2 @@ "use strict";

const [key] = arguments_;
console.log("CACHE", key);
const cacheItem = cache.get(key);

@@ -24,0 +23,0 @@ if (cacheItem) {


"name": "webpack-dev-middleware",
"version": "7.2.0",
"version": "7.2.1",
"description": "A development middleware for webpack",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ <div align="center">

| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| :---------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| **[`methods`](#methods)** | `Array` | `[ 'GET', 'HEAD' ]` | Allows to pass the list of HTTP request methods accepted by the middleware |
| **[`headers`](#headers)** | `Array\ | Object\ | Function` | `undefined` | Allows to pass custom HTTP headers on each request. |
| **[`index`](#index)** | `Boolean\ | String` | `index.html` | If `false` (but not `undefined`), the server will not respond to requests to the root URL. |
| **[`mimeTypes`](#mimetypes)** | `Object` | `undefined` | Allows to register custom mime types or extension mappings. |
| **[`mimeTypeDefault`](#mimetypedefault)** | `String` | `undefined` | Allows to register a default mime type when we can't determine the content type. |
| **[`etag`](#tag)** | `boolean\| "weak"\| "strong"` | `undefined` | Enable or disable etag generation. |
| **[`publicPath`](#publicpath)** | `String` | `output.publicPath` (from a configuration) | The public path that the middleware is bound to. |
| **[`stats`](#stats)** | `Boolean\ | String\ | Object` | `stats` (from a configuration) | Stats options object or preset name. |
| **[`serverSideRender`](#serversiderender)** | `Boolean` | `undefined` | Instructs the module to enable or disable the server-side rendering mode. |
| **[`writeToDisk`](#writetodisk)** | `Boolean\ | Function` | `false` | Instructs the module to write files to the configured location on disk as specified in your `webpack` configuration. |
| **[`outputFileSystem`](#outputfilesystem)** | `Object` | [`memfs`]( | Set the default file system which will be used by webpack as primary destination of generated files. |
| **[`modifyResponseData`](#modifyresponsedata)** | `Function` | `undefined` | Allows to set up a callback to change the response data. |
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| :---------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **[`methods`](#methods)** | `Array` | `[ 'GET', 'HEAD' ]` | Allows to pass the list of HTTP request methods accepted by the middleware |
| **[`headers`](#headers)** | `Array\|Object\|Function` | `undefined` | Allows to pass custom HTTP headers on each request. |
| **[`index`](#index)** | `Boolean\|String` | `index.html` | If `false` (but not `undefined`), the server will not respond to requests to the root URL. |
| **[`mimeTypes`](#mimetypes)** | `Object` | `undefined` | Allows to register custom mime types or extension mappings. |
| **[`mimeTypeDefault`](#mimetypedefault)** | `String` | `undefined` | Allows to register a default mime type when we can't determine the content type. |
| **[`etag`](#tag)** | `boolean\| "weak"\| "strong"` | `undefined` | Enable or disable etag generation. |
| **[`publicPath`](#publicpath)** | `String` | `output.publicPath` (from a configuration) | The public path that the middleware is bound to. |
| **[`stats`](#stats)** | `Boolean\|String\|Object` | `stats` (from a configuration) | Stats options object or preset name. |
| **[`serverSideRender`](#serversiderender)** | `Boolean` | `undefined` | Instructs the module to enable or disable the server-side rendering mode. |
| **[`writeToDisk`](#writetodisk)** | `Boolean\|Function` | `false` | Instructs the module to write files to the configured location on disk as specified in your `webpack` configuration. |
| **[`outputFileSystem`](#outputfilesystem)** | `Object` | [`memfs`]( | Set the default file system which will be used by webpack as primary destination of generated files. |
| **[`modifyResponseData`](#modifyresponsedata)** | `Function` | `undefined` | Allows to set up a callback to change the response data. |

@@ -79,0 +79,0 @@ The middleware accepts an `options` Object. The following is a property reference for the Object.

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