Webpack Frontline (a fork of webpack-deploy)
Collection of useful utilities for deploying (not only) webpack single-page apps
to a Frontline server.
Frontline Deploys
When you use this script to deploy to a server that accepts frontline deploys.

npm install --save-dev webpack-frontline
# OR if you use yarn:
yarn add webpack-frontline --dev
Copy deploy-config-example.js
and secrets-example.js
into the root of your
project and fit them to your needs.
Also make sure you have ./node_modules/.bin
in your $PATH
Using with frontline
Build your Webpack project and run deploy-frontline
yarn deploy-frontline -- --help
to view available options.
By default, deploy-frontline
will use the last git commit sha as its revision.
It will also use development
as its default branch-name.
** Branches **
is NOT SET, it will deploy to a branch named development
is set, it will use its current branch name.
is set, it will use the passed in argument as the branch.
** Revisions **
is NOT SET, it will use the current git revision sha as its revision id.
is set, it will use the passed in argument as its revision id.
Frontline server upload of built index.html
AWS S3 asset upload of build files.
Google Clould Storage asset upload of build files.
Why Bash with Gulp?
Gulp is great for building, Bash for running tasks.
Prettier config
// Autoformat files on save
"autoformat": true,
// Only attempt to format files with extensions set there
"extensions": ["js"],
// Fit code within this line limit
"printWidth": 80,
// Number of spaces it should use per tab
"tabWidth": 2,
// If true, will use single instead of double quotes
"singleQuote": true,
// Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible
"trailingComma": "all",
// Controls the printing of spaces inside array and objects
"bracketSpacing": true