📡 wifi-reconnect
Connect or reconnect your Wifi if your connection dies

Why ?
Because Vodafone's APs are 💩💩💩 and I got tired to restart by hand my wireless connection 😤
$ npm install wifi-reconnect -g
$ wifi-reconnect <SSID> -p <password>

Once connected to SSID
it will monitor and reconnect your connection every time you loose connectivity with host (ping
default: google.com) in more than n attempts (default: 30).
$ wifi-reconnect --help
--password, -p Access password
--attempts, -a (30) Max attempts with package lost allowed
--host, -h (google.com) Set host to test against
--help Display this help
$ node cli.js livingRoomWifi -p passwordHere
MIT © Julio Cesar Martin