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word-extractor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.0 to 1.0.0



@@ -1,6 +0,19 @@

### 0.2.2 / 23rd January 2019
# Change log
* Fixed [the bad dependency on event-stream](
### 1.0.0 / 16th May 2021
* Major refactoring of the OLE code to use promises internally
* Added support for Open Office XML-based (.docx) Word files. See #1
* Added support for reading direct from a Buffer. See #11
* Removed event-stream dependency. See #19
* Fixed an issue with not closing files properly. See #23
* Corrected handling of extracting files with files. See #31
* Corrected handling of extracting files with deleted text. See #32
* Fixed issues with extracting multiple rows of table data. See #33
This is a major release, and while there are no incompatible API changes,
it seemed best to bump the version so as not to pick up updates automatically.
However, all old applications should not require any code changes to use
this version.
### 0.3.0 / 18th February 2019

@@ -13,2 +26,7 @@

### 0.2.2 / 23rd January 2019
* Fixed [the bad dependency on event-stream](
### 0.2.1 / 21st January 2019

@@ -15,0 +33,0 @@



@@ -1,107 +0,108 @@

const filters = require('./filters');
* @module document
* @description
* Implements the main document returned when a Word file has been extracted. This exposes
* methods that allow the body, annotations, headers, footnotes, and endnotes, to be
* read and used.
* @author
* Stuart Watt <>
const getPieceIndex = (pieces, position) => {
for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
const piece = pieces[i];
if (position <= piece.endPosition) {
return i;
const { filter } = require('./filters');
const filter = (text, shouldFilter) => {
class Document {
if (!shouldFilter) {
return text;
constructor() {
this._body = "";
this._footnotes = "";
this._endnotes = "";
this._headers = "";
this._annotations = "";
const replacer = function(match, {
if (match.length === 1) {
const replaced = filters[match.charCodeAt(0)];
if (replaced === 0) {
return "";
} else {
return replaced;
} else if (rest.length === 2) {
return "";
} else if (rest.length === 3) {
return rest[0];
* Accessor to read the main body part of a Word file
* @returns a string, containing the Word file body
getBody(filterUnicode) {
const value = this._body;
return (filterUnicode == false) ? value : filter(value);
const matcher = /(?:[\x02\x05\x07\x08\x0a\x0d\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2002\u2003\u2012\u2013\u2014]|\x13(?:[^\x14]*\x14)?([^\x15]*)\x15)/g;
return text.replace(matcher, replacer);
* Accessor to read the footnotes part of a Word file
* @returns a string, containing the Word file footnotes
getFootnotes(filterUnicode) {
const value = this._footnotes;
return (filterUnicode == false) ? value : filter(value);
class Document {
* Accessor to read the endnotes part of a Word file
* @returns a string, containing the Word file endnotes
getEndnotes(filterUnicode) {
const value = this._endnotes;
return (filterUnicode == false) ? value : filter(value);
constructor() {
this.pieces = [];
this.bookmarks = {};
this.boundaries = {};
* Accessor to read the headers part of a Word file
* @returns a string, containing the Word file headers
getHeaders(filterUnicode) {
const value = this._headers;
return (filterUnicode == false) ? value : filter(value);
getTextRange(start, end) {
const { pieces } = this;
const startPiece = getPieceIndex(pieces, start);
const endPiece = getPieceIndex(pieces, end);
const result = [];
for (let i = startPiece, end1 = endPiece; i <= end1; i++) {
const piece = pieces[i];
const xstart = i === startPiece ? start - piece.position : 0;
const xend = i === endPiece ? end - piece.position : piece.endPosition;
result.push(piece.text.substring(xstart, xend));
return result.join("");
* Accessor to read the annotations part of a Word file
* @returns a string, containing the Word file annotations
getAnnotations(filterUnicode) {
const value = this._annotations;
return (filterUnicode == false) ? value : filter(value);
getBody(shouldFilter) {
if (shouldFilter == null) {
shouldFilter = true;
const start = 0;
const string = this.getTextRange(start, start + this.boundaries.ccpText);
return filter(string, shouldFilter);
* Accessor to set the main body part of a Word file
* @param {*} body the body string
setBody(body) {
this._body = body;
getFootnotes(shouldFilter) {
if (shouldFilter == null) {
shouldFilter = true;
const start = this.boundaries.ccpText;
const string = this.getTextRange(start, start + this.boundaries.ccpFtn);
return filter(string, shouldFilter);
* Accessor to set the footnotes part of a Word file
* @param {*} footnotes the footnotes string
setFootnotes(footnotes) {
this._footnotes = footnotes;
getHeaders(shouldFilter) {
if (shouldFilter == null) {
shouldFilter = true;
const start = this.boundaries.ccpText + this.boundaries.ccpFtn;
const string = this.getTextRange(start, start + this.boundaries.ccpHdd);
return filter(string, shouldFilter);
* Accessor to set the endnotes part of a Word file
* @param {*} endnotes the endnotes string
setEndnotes(endnotes) {
this._endnotes = endnotes;
getAnnotations(shouldFilter) {
if (shouldFilter == null) {
shouldFilter = true;
const start = this.boundaries.ccpText + this.boundaries.ccpFtn + this.boundaries.ccpHdd;
const string = this.getTextRange(start, start + this.boundaries.ccpAtn);
return filter(string, shouldFilter);
* Accessor to set the headers part of a Word file
* @param {*} headers the headers string
setHeaders(headers) {
this._headers = headers;
getEndnotes(shouldFilter) {
if (shouldFilter == null) {
shouldFilter = true;
const start = this.boundaries.ccpText + this.boundaries.ccpFtn + this.boundaries.ccpHdd + this.boundaries.ccpAtn;
const string = this.getTextRange(start, start + this.boundaries.ccpAtn + this.boundaries.ccpEdn);
return filter(string, shouldFilter);
* Accessor to set the annotations part of a Word file
* @param {*} annotations the annotations string
setAnnotations(annotations) {
this._annotations = annotations;

@@ -108,0 +109,0 @@ }

@@ -1,19 +0,98 @@

const filters = [];
filters[0x0002] = 0;
filters[0x0005] = 0;
filters[0x0008] = 0;
filters[0x2018] = "'";
filters[0x2019] = "'";
filters[0x201C] = "\"";
filters[0x201D] = "\"";
filters[0x0007] = "\t";
filters[0x000D] = "\n";
filters[0x2002] = " ";
filters[0x2003] = " ";
filters[0x2012] = "-";
filters[0x2013] = "-";
filters[0x2014] = "-";
filters[0x000A] = "\n";
filters[0x000D] = "\n";
* @module filters
* @description
* Exports several functions that implement various methods for translating
* characters into Unicode, and cleaning up some of the remaining residues from
* Word's odd internal marker character usage.
module.exports = filters;
const replaceTable = [];
replaceTable[0x0002] = '\x00';
replaceTable[0x0005] = '\x00';
replaceTable[0x0007] = "\t";
replaceTable[0x0008] = '\x00';
replaceTable[0x000A] = "\n";
replaceTable[0x000B] = "\n";
replaceTable[0x000C] = "\n";
replaceTable[0x000D] = "\n";
replaceTable[0x001E] = "\u2011";
const binaryToUnicodeTable = [];
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0082] = "\u201a";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0083] = "\u0192";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0084] = "\u201e";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0085] = "\u2026";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0086] = "\u2020";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0087] = "\u2021";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0088] = "\u02C6";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0089] = "\u2030";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x008a] = "\u0160";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x008b] = "\u2039";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x008c] = "\u0152";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x008e] = "\u017D";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0091] = "\u2018";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0092] = "\u2019";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0093] = "\u201C";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0094] = "\u201D";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0095] = "\u2022";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0096] = "\u2013";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0097] = "\u2014";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0098] = "\u02DC";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x0099] = "\u2122";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x009a] = "\u0161";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x009b] = "\u203A";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x009c] = "\u0153";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x009e] = "\u017E";
binaryToUnicodeTable[0x009f] = "\u0178";
const binaryToUnicode = (string) => {
return string.replace(/([\x80-\x9f])/g, (match) => binaryToUnicodeTable[match.charCodeAt(0)]);
* The main function for cleaning OLE-based text. It runs a few standard replacements on characters
* that are reserved for special purposes, also removes fields, and finally strips out any weird
* characters that are likely not to be useful for anyone.
* @param {*} string an input string
* @returns a cleaned up string
const clean = (string) => {
// Fields can be nested, which makes this awkward. We use a strict non-nesting model
// and repeat until we find no substitutions. This is because a second match might
// start before an earlier one, due to our replacements.
string = string.replace(/([\x02\x05\x07\x08\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x1f])/g, (match) => replaceTable[match.charCodeAt(0)]);
let called = true;
while (called) {
called = false;
string = string.replace(/(?:\x13[^\x13\x14\x15]*\x14?([^\x13\x14\x15]*)\x15)/g, (match, p1) => { called = true; return p1; });
return string
.replace(/[\x00-\x07]/g, '');
const filterTable = [];
filterTable[0x2002] = " ";
filterTable[0x2003] = " ";
filterTable[0x2012] = "-";
filterTable[0x2013] = "-";
filterTable[0x2014] = "-";
filterTable[0x2018] = "'";
filterTable[0x2019] = "'";
filterTable[0x201c] = "\"";
filterTable[0x201d] = "\"";
const filter = (string) => {
return string
.replace(/[\u2002\u2003\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d]/g, (match) => filterTable[match.charCodeAt(0)]);
module.exports = {
clean: clean,
binaryToUnicode: binaryToUnicode,
filter: filter

@@ -1,237 +0,72 @@

* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass
* Full docs:
* @module word
* @description
* The main module for the package. This exports an extractor class, which
* provides a single `extract` method that can be called with either a
* string (filename) or a buffer.
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
const oleDoc = require('./ole-doc').OleCompoundDoc;
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
const filters = require('./filters'); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const translations = require('./translations'); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const WordOleExtractor = require('./word-ole-extractor');
const OpenOfficeExtractor = require('./open-office-extractor');
const Document = require('./document');
const BufferReader = require('./buffer-reader');
const FileReader = require('./file-reader');
var WordExtractor = (function() {
let streamBuffer = undefined;
let extractDocument = undefined;
let documentStream = undefined;
let writeBookmarks = undefined;
let writePieces = undefined;
let extractWordDocument = undefined;
let getPiece = undefined;
let addText = undefined;
let addUnicodeText = undefined;
WordExtractor = class WordExtractor {
static initClass() {
//# Given an OLE stream, returns all the data in a buffer,
//# as a promise.
streamBuffer = stream =>
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const chunks = [];
stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk));
stream.on('error', error => reject(error));
return stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)));
extractDocument = filename =>
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const document = new oleDoc(filename);
document.on('err', error => {
return reject(error);
document.on('ready', () => {
return resolve(document);
documentStream = (document, stream) => Promise.resolve(;
writeBookmarks = function(buffer, tableBuffer, result) {
const fcSttbfBkmk = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0142);
const lcbSttbfBkmk = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0146);
const fcPlcfBkf = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x014a);
const lcbPlcfBkf = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x014e);
const fcPlcfBkl = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0152);
const lcbPlcfBkl = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0156);
if (lcbSttbfBkmk === 0) { return; }
const sttbfBkmk = tableBuffer.slice(fcSttbfBkmk, fcSttbfBkmk + lcbSttbfBkmk);
const plcfBkf = tableBuffer.slice(fcPlcfBkf, fcPlcfBkf + lcbPlcfBkf);
const plcfBkl = tableBuffer.slice(fcPlcfBkl, fcPlcfBkl + lcbPlcfBkl);
const fcExtend = sttbfBkmk.readUInt16LE(0);
const cData = sttbfBkmk.readUInt16LE(2); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const cbExtra = sttbfBkmk.readUInt16LE(4); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (fcExtend !== 0xffff) {
throw new Error("Internal error: unexpected single-byte bookmark data");
let offset = 6;
const index = 0;
const bookmarks = {}; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
while (offset < lcbSttbfBkmk) {
let length = sttbfBkmk.readUInt16LE(offset);
length = length * 2;
const segment = sttbfBkmk.slice(offset + 2, offset + 2 + length);
const cpStart = plcfBkf.readUInt32LE(index * 4);
const cpEnd = plcfBkl.readUInt32LE(index * 4);
result.bookmarks[segment] = {start: cpStart, end: cpEnd};
offset = offset + length + 2;
writePieces = function(buffer, tableBuffer, result) {
let flag;
let pos = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x01a2);
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
flag = tableBuffer.readUInt8(pos);
if (flag !== 1) { break; }
pos = pos + 1;
const skip = tableBuffer.readUInt16LE(pos);
pos = pos + 2 + skip;
flag = tableBuffer.readUInt8(pos);
pos = pos + 1;
if (flag !== 2) {
throw new Error("Internal error: ccorrupted Word file");
const pieceTableSize = tableBuffer.readUInt32LE(pos);
pos = pos + 4;
const pieces = (pieceTableSize - 4) / 12;
let start = 0;
let lastPosition = 0;
for (let x = 0, end = pieces - 1; x <= end; x++) {
const offset = pos + ((pieces + 1) * 4) + (x * 8) + 2;
let filePos = tableBuffer.readUInt32LE(offset);
let unicode = false;
if ((filePos & 0x40000000) === 0) {
unicode = true;
} else {
filePos = filePos & ~(0x40000000);
filePos = Math.floor(filePos / 2);
const lStart = tableBuffer.readUInt32LE(pos + (x * 4));
const lEnd = tableBuffer.readUInt32LE(pos + ((x + 1) * 4));
const totLength = lEnd - lStart;
* The main class for the word extraction package. Typically, people will make
* an instance of this class, and call the {@link #extract} method to transform
* a Word file into a {@link Document} instance, which provides the accessors
* needed to read its body, and so on.
class WordExtractor {
const piece = {
constructor() {}
getPiece(buffer, piece);
piece.length = piece.text.length;
piece.position = lastPosition;
piece.endPosition = lastPosition + piece.length;
* Extracts the main contents of the file. If a Buffer is passed, that
* is used instead. Opens the file, and reads the first block, uses that
* to detect whether this is a .doc file or a .docx file, and then calls
* either {@link WordOleDocument#extract} or {@link OpenOfficeDocument#extract}
* accordingly.
* @param {*} source either a string filename, or a Buffer containing the file content
* @returns a {@link Document} providing accessors onto the text
extract(source) {
let reader = null;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(source)) {
reader = new BufferReader(source);
} else if (typeof source === 'string') {
reader = new FileReader(source);
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(512);
.then(() =>, 0, 512, 0))
.then((buffer) => {
let extractor = null;
start = start + (unicode ? Math.floor(totLength / 2) : totLength);
lastPosition = lastPosition + piece.length;
extractWordDocument = (document, buffer) =>
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const magic = buffer.readUInt16LE(0);
if (magic !== 0xa5ec) {
return reject(new Error(`This does not seem to be a Word document: Invalid magic number: ${magic.toString(16)}`));
if (buffer.readUInt16BE(0) === 0xd0cf) {
extractor = WordOleExtractor;
} else if (buffer.readUInt16BE(0) === 0x504b) {
const next = buffer.readUInt16BE(2);
if ((next === 0x0304) || (next === 0x0506) || (next === 0x0708)) {
extractor = OpenOfficeExtractor;
const flags = buffer.readUInt16LE(0xA);
const table = (flags & 0x0200) !== 0 ? "1Table" : "0Table";
return documentStream(document, table)
.then(stream => streamBuffer(stream)).then(function(tableBuffer) {
const result = new Document();
result.boundaries.fcMin = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0018);
result.boundaries.ccpText = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x004c);
result.boundaries.ccpFtn = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0050);
result.boundaries.ccpHdd = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0054);
result.boundaries.ccpAtn = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x005c);
result.boundaries.ccpEdn = buffer.readUInt32LE(0x0060);
writeBookmarks(buffer, tableBuffer, result);
writePieces(buffer, tableBuffer, result);
return resolve(result);}).catch(error => reject(error));
getPiece = function(buffer, piece) {
const pstart = piece.start;
const ptotLength = piece.totLength;
const pfilePos = piece.filePos;
const punicode = piece.unicode;
const pend = pstart + ptotLength;
const textStart = pfilePos;
const textEnd = textStart + (pend - pstart);
if (punicode) {
return piece.text = addUnicodeText(buffer, textStart, textEnd);
} else {
return piece.text = addText(buffer, textStart, textEnd);
addText = function(buffer, textStart, textEnd) {
const slice = buffer.slice(textStart, textEnd);
return slice.toString('binary');
addUnicodeText = function(buffer, textStart, textEnd) {
const slice = buffer.slice(textStart, (2*textEnd) - textStart);
const string = slice.toString('ucs2');
// See the conversion table for FcCompressed structures. Note that these
// should not affect positions, as these are characters now, not bytes
// for i in [0..string.length]
// if
return string;
constructor() {}
if (! extractor) {
throw new Error("Unable to read this type of file");
return (new extractor()).extract(reader);
.finally(() => reader.close());
extract(filename) {
return extractDocument(filename)
.then(document =>
documentStream(document, 'WordDocument')
.then(stream => streamBuffer(stream)).then(buffer => extractWordDocument(document, buffer))
return WordExtractor;
module.exports = WordExtractor;
"name": "word-extractor",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Node.js package to read Word .doc files",

@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ "main": "lib/word.js",

"test": "jest",
"test-watch": "jest --watch"
"test-watch": "jest --watch",
"coverage": "jest --coverage",
"jsdoc": "jsdoc lib --configure jsdoc.json"

@@ -25,9 +27,10 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^5.8.0",
"jest": "^24.1.0"
"eslint": "^7.25.0",
"jest": "^26.6.0",
"jest-specific-snapshot": "^4.0.0",
"jsdoc": "^3.6.6"
"dependencies": {
"async": "^1.5.2",
"event-stream": "^3.3.4",
"underscore": "^1.8.3"
"sax": "^1.2.4",
"yauzl": "^2.10.0"

@@ -40,3 +43,3 @@ "jest": {

"transformIgnorePatterns": [],
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test))\\.jsx?$",
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*?_test)\\.jsx?$",
"collectCoverageFrom": [

@@ -43,0 +46,0 @@ "lib/**/*.js"

@@ -1,14 +0,24 @@

### word-extractor
## word-extractor
Read data from a Word document using node.js
Read data from a Word document (.doc or .docx) using Node.js
### Why use this module?
#### Why use this module?
There are a fair number of npm components which can extract text from Word .doc
files, but they all appear to require some external helper program, and involve
either spawning a process or communicating with a persistent one. That raises
the installation and deployment burden as well as the runtime one.
There are a fair number of npm components which can extract text from Word .doc files, but they all appear to require some external helper program, and involve either spawning a process or communicating with a persistent one. That raises the installation and deployment burden as well as the runtime one.
This module is intended to provide a much faster way of reading the text from a
Word file, without leaving the Node.js environment.
This module is intended to provide a much faster way of reading the text from a Word file, without leaving the node.js environment.
This means you do not need to install Word, Office, or anything else, and the
module will work on all platforms, without any native binary code requirements.
#### How do I install this module?
As of version 1.0, this module supports both traditional, OLE-based, Word files (usually .doc),
and modern, Open Office-style, ECMA-376 Word files (usually .docx). It can be
used both with files and with file contents in a Node.js Buffer.
### How do I install this module?

@@ -21,45 +31,58 @@ yarn add word-extractor

#### How do I use this module?
### How do I use this module?
var WordExtractor = require("word-extractor");
var extractor = new WordExtractor();
var extracted = extractor.extract("file.doc");
extracted.then(function(doc) {
const WordExtractor = require("word-extractor");
const extractor = new WordExtractor();
const extracted = extractor.extract("file.doc");
The object returned from the `extract()` method is a promise that resolves to a document object, which then provides several views onto different parts of the document contents.
extracted.then(function(doc) { console.log(doc.getBody()); });
The object returned from the `extract()` method is a promise that resolves to a
document object, which then provides several views onto different parts of the
document contents.
#### Methods
### Methods
`WordExtractor#extract(<filename> | <Buffer>)`
Main method to open a Word file and retrieve the data. Returns a promise which resolves to a `Document`.
Main method to open a Word file and retrieve the data. Returns a promise which
resolves to a `Document`. If a Buffer is passed instead of a filename, then
the buffer is used directly, instad of reading a disk from the file system.
Retrieves the content text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the content text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE
characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters
present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the footnote text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the footnote text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE
characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters
present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the endnote text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the endnote text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE
characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters
present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the header and footer text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the header and footer text from a Word document. This will handle
UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1
characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the comment bubble text from a Word document. This will handle UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1 characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
Retrieves the comment bubble text from a Word document. This will handle
UNICODE characters correctly, so if there are accented or non-Latin-1
characters present in the document, they'll show as is in the returned string.
### License
#### License
Copyright (c) 2016-2021. Stuart Watt.
Copyright (c) 2016-2019. Stuart Watt.
Licensed under the MIT License.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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