ZNMI TypeScript Wrapper
A comprehensive TypeScript wrapper for NMI (Network Merchants, Inc.) payment gateway API. This wrapper provides type-safe interactions with NMI's services including customer vault management, transaction processing, product management, invoicing, and recurring payments.
pnpm add znmi
npm install znmi
yarn add znmi
Quick Start
import { ZNMI } from "znmi";
const znmi = new ZNMI("your_security_key_here");
0.2.0 Update
My bad for leaving it for so long pointing to the wrong file, I have fixed it and updated the README
Please Note: NMI's Payment API & Query API Docs SUCK. I am doing my best to keep things up to date as I find them, if you find any out of date typedefs or invalid requests, please file a report!
Type Safety
All requests and responses are fully typed using Zod schemas. The library provides comprehensive type definitions for:
- Request Categories (Transaction, CustomerVault, Recurring, etc.)
- Action Types per Category
- Request Data Schemas
- Response Types
Import types directly:
import type {
} from "znmi";
API Documentation
Customer Vault API
Manage customer data and payment information securely.
const customerData = {
customer_vault: "add_customer",
ccnumber: "4111111111111111",
ccexp: "1225",
const response = await znmi.customerVault.addOrUpdateCustomer(customerData);
const validateData = {
customer_vault_id: "12345",
await znmi.customerVault.validateCustomerVaultId(validateData);
Available Methods:
addOrUpdateCustomer(request: AddUpdateCustomerRequest)
- Add or update customer
validateCustomerVaultId(request: ValidateCustomerVaultIdRequest)
- Validate stored customer
authorizeCustomerByVaultId(request: AuthorizeCustomerByVaultIdRequest)
- Authorize payment
saleByVaultId(request: SaleByVaultIdRequest)
- Process sale
creditTransactionByVaultId(request: CreditTransactionByVaultIdRequest)
- Process credit
offlineTransactionByVaultId(request: OfflineTransactionByVaultIdRequest)
- Process offline
initiateCustomerVaultTransaction(request: CustomerVaultInitiatedTransaction)
- Start transaction
deleteCustomer(request: DeleteCustomerRecord)
- Remove customer
addBillingForCustomer(request: AddBillingForCustomerRequest)
- Add billing
updateBillingForCustomer(request: UpdateBillingForCustomerRequest)
- Update billing
deleteBillingForCustomer(request: DeleteBillingForCustomerRequest)
- Remove billing
Transactions API
Process various types of payment transactions.
const saleData = {
type: "sale",
amount: "49.99",
ccnumber: "4111111111111111",
ccexp: "1225",
await znmi.transactions.createTransaction(saleData);
const captureData = {
type: "capture",
transactionid: "1234567",
await znmi.transactions.captureTransaction(captureData);
Available Methods:
createTransaction(request: TransactionRequest)
- Process new transaction
captureTransaction(request: CaptureTransactionRequest)
- Capture authorized transaction
refundTransaction(request: RefundTransaction)
- Process refund
voidTransaction(request: VoidTransactionRequest)
- Void transaction
updateTransaction(request: UpdateTransactionRequest)
- Update transaction details
Recurring Payments API
Set up and manage recurring payment plans.
const planData = {
plan_payments: 12,
plan_amount: 29.99,
plan_name: "Premium Monthly",
plan_id: "PLAN-001",
month_frequency: 1,
await znmi.recurring.createRecurringPlan(planData);
const subscriptionData = {
plan_id: "PLAN-001",
ccnumber: "4111111111111111",
ccexp: "1225",
await znmi.recurring.addSubscriptionToExistingPlan(subscriptionData);
Available Methods:
createRecurringPlan(request: AddRecurringPlan)
- Create new plan
editRecurringPlan(request: EditRecurringPlan)
- Modify existing plan
addSubscriptionToExistingPlan(request: AddSubscriptionToExistingPlan)
- Add to plan
addCustomSubscription(request: AddCustomSubscription)
- Create custom subscription
updateSubscription(request: UpdateSubscription)
- Update subscription
deleteSubscription(request: DeleteSubscriptionRequest)
- Cancel subscription
Query API
Query transaction data and account information.
const transactionId = "1234567890";
const response = await znmi.query.queryTransaction(transactionId);
const dateResponse = await znmi.query.queryTransactionsWithPagination(
start_date: "2024-01-01",
end_date: "2024-01-31",
Available Methods:
queryTransaction(transactionId: string)
- Query single transaction
queryReceipt(transactionId: string)
- Get transaction receipt
queryProfile(includeProcessorDetails?: boolean)
- Query account profile
queryTransactionsByDate(startDate: string, endDate: string, options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query by date
queryCustomerVault(customerVaultId?: string, dateRange?: DateRange, options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query vault
queryRecurring(subscriptionId?: string, options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query recurring
queryRecurringPlans(options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query plans
queryInvoices(invoiceId?: string, status?: string[], options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query invoices
queryTransactionsBySource(sources: QueryTransactionSourceEnum[], options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- By source
queryTransactionsByCondition(conditions: QueryTransactionConditionEnum[], options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- By condition
queryTransactionsByActionType(actionTypes: QueryTransactionActionTypeEnum[], options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- By action
queryTransactionsByCard(cardNumber: string, options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- By card
queryTransactionsWithPagination(pageNumber: number, resultLimit: number, resultOrder: QueryResultOrderEnum, options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Paginated
queryGatewayProcessors(options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query processors
queryAccountUpdater(options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query updater status
queryTestModeStatus(options?: QueryRequestWithoutKey)
- Query test mode
Error Handling
The wrapper includes comprehensive error handling for both query string and XML responses:
try {
const response = await znmi.transactions.createTransaction(transactionData);
if (response.response === "1") {
console.log("Transaction ID:", response.transactionid);
} else {
console.error("Error:", response.responsetext);
const queryResponse = await znmi.query.queryTransaction("1234567");
if (queryResponse.status === 200 && queryResponse.data) {
console.log("Transaction data:", queryResponse.data);
} else {
console.error("Query error:", queryResponse.message);
} catch (error) {
console.error("API Error:", error);
Testing will work for all but the Query API with the default key
To test using your NMI_SECURITY_KEY please set the env variable export ZNMI_SECURITY_KEY=your-security-key
Run the test suite:
pnpm test
MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- 0.2.51: Fixed
and shipping_zip
being numbers, because country like Great Britain have non-only-numeric zip's
- 0.2.50: Added
to all recurring charges, they do, in fact, work. They are simply not present in the API docs (confirmed via NMI Support) -- Also fixed some others
- 0.2.49: Removed temporary logging <3 also changed some subscriptionId types (they are always numbers)
- 0.2.48: Added temporary logging to the QueryAPI
- 0.2.47: Attempt #3 at fixing the
, fixed some other types with recurring payments too!
- 0.2.46: Fix the
-- some type errors, and it can be an array of customers in the object, or just one if you use customer_vault_id
- 0.2.45: Fix the
type to not require the ccnumber
, but addCustomer
- 0.2.44: Fix
in the Customer Vault
not requiring a ccnumber
(kinda dumb if you ask me but I am not the dev)
- 0.2.43: Fix
from the Customer Vault
requiring a security key, when others do not (it gets added automatically)
- 0.2.42: Another fix to (actually) fix Query Recurring Plans now that I was able to test
- 0.2.41: Fix Query Recurring types
- 0.2.40: Tested and revamped the
API to make sure it works, additionally, I updated the main query endpoints to just take an object parameter. I initially made them that way so you could just pass the required info, but I realize that at this point it's probably just annoying.
- 0.2.37: Fix typedefs of
API (some)
- 0.2.36: Fixed export of
- 0.2.35: Fixed
and tsup.config.ts
to hopefully build it properly so we can reference it
- 0.2.34: Change
so it doesn't need an amount
(for example for pausing)
- 0.2.33: Add
- 0.2.32: Add
type, cause I like having logging in my database and I can't transform a union into a singular collection
- 0.2.31: Add
type, which is just a union of the others, but makes my life (and maybe yours) easier
- 0.2.3: Add
API, which I didn't know existed
- 0.2.2: Fix the test running
- 0.2.1: Fix types
- 0.2.0: Initial changelog