What is zone.js?
The zone.js package is a library that implements Zones for JavaScript. Zones are execution contexts that allow you to intercept and keep track of asynchronous operations in JavaScript. This is particularly useful for debugging, performance tracking, and managing multiple tasks in complex applications such as Angular.
What are zone.js's main functionalities?
Error Handling
Intercepts errors within a specific zone and allows custom error handling.
name: 'errorHandlingZone',
onHandleError: (parentZoneDelegate, currentZone, targetZone, error) => {
console.error('Error intercepted in zone:', error);
return false;
}).run(() => {
throw new Error('Test Error');
Execution Context Tracking
Tracks the scheduling and execution of asynchronous tasks, providing insights into the application's asynchronous flow.
name: 'trackingZone',
onScheduleTask: (delegate, currentZone, targetZone, task) => {
console.log('Task scheduled:', task.source);
return delegate.scheduleTask(targetZone, task);
}).run(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Timeout callback executed.');
}, 1000);
Performance Monitoring
Measures the time taken to execute asynchronous tasks, which can be used for performance analysis.
name: 'performanceMonitoringZone',
onInvokeTask: (delegate, currentZone, targetZone, task, applyThis, applyArgs) => {
const start = performance.now();
delegate.invokeTask(targetZone, task, applyThis, applyArgs);
const duration = performance.now() - start;
console.log('Task took:', duration, 'ms');
}).run(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Timeout callback executed.');
}, 1000);
Other packages similar to zone.js
async_hooks is a core Node.js module that provides an API to track asynchronous resources. Unlike zone.js, which works in both browser and Node.js environments, async_hooks is specific to Node.js. It offers a lower-level API compared to zone.js and requires more manual handling.
cls-hooked is a Node.js package that uses async_hooks to provide continuation-local storage (CLS). It allows you to set and get context across async operations, similar to how zones work. However, cls-hooked focuses on context propagation rather than the broader range of interception capabilities that zone.js offers.
continuation-local-storage is another Node.js package that provides CLS functionality. It predates cls-hooked and async_hooks, and it uses a different mechanism to track context. It is less performant than cls-hooked and has been largely superseded by it, but it serves a similar purpose to zone.js in terms of context management.

Implements Zones for JavaScript, inspired by Dart.
If you're using zone.js via unpkg please provide a query param ?main=browser
If you're using the following library, make sure you import them first
- 'newrelic' as it patches global.Promise before zone.js does
- 'async-listener' as it patches global.setTimeout, global.setInterval before zone.js does
- 'continuation-local-storage' as it uses async-listener
NEW Zone.js POST-v0.6.0
See the new API here.
Read up on Zone Primer.
What's a Zone?
A Zone is an execution context that persists across async tasks.
You can think of it as thread-local storage for JavaScript VMs.
See this video from ng-conf 2014 for a detailed explanation:

See also
Standard API support
zone.js patched most standard web APIs(such as DOM events, XMLHttpRequest...) and nodejs APIs
(EventEmitter,fs ...), for more details, please see STANDARD-APIS.md for
more details.
Non standard API support
And now we are adding support to some non standard APIs, such as MediaQuery,
Notification. Please see NON-STANDARD-APIS.md for more details.
Promise A+ test passed
