Chuck Norris Jokes is a simple tool for getting Chuck Norris jokes. It returns a random Chuck Norris joke.
Random Joke is a simple tool for getting random jokes. It returns a random joke from a collection of jokes.
Jokes for python
An async wrapper for the Random Stuff API
API Wrapper for sv443's joke api
A fun API for generating jokes and funny facts
Python wrapper for jokes APIs provided by and
Dad Jokes is a simple tool for getting dad jokes. It returns a random dad joke.
Display a random joke from API
A fun API for generating jokes and funny facts
jokes cli app using APIs
CLI to call the icanhazdadjoke API and returns a dad joke
golemic-pid wrapper
The naver api joke in the world
A Python module to fetch quotes, inspiring quotes, and jokes from APIs
Pulls jokes from various APIs
A Python package to generate jokes from external APIs.
Python module for avtf
Python API wrapper for
A simple API wrapper for your dad joke needs.