Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Simple wrapper to use SendGrid SMTP API
SendGrid API client
Python module for interacting with sendgrid api
SendGrid mail send API wrapper
Push Notifications that work with just about every payment platform!
A Django email backend for the SendGrid API
Library for using SendGrids newsletter api
flask-telegram flask extension for delivering messages. send via the app engine mail or xmpp apis, and/or other third party providers such as sendgrid. links: * docs: http://gregorynicholas.github.io/flask-telegram * source: http://github.com/gregorynicholas/flask-telegram * package: http://packages.python.org/flask-telegram * travis-ci: http://travis-ci.org/gregorynicholas/flask-telegram
Singer.io tap for extracting data from the SendGrid API
A Python wrapper for the SendGrid API.
Push Notifications that work with just about every platform! | for nextcloud 21
Sendgrid HTTP REST client for Twisted/Python