A lightweight server to work as a simple storage for games, done with MongoDB and Flask
Lifeguard integration with MongoDB
Async MongoDB client for Python
FastAPI utilities for MongoDB
Python stubs for Motor, a Non-Blocking MongoDB driver for Python's Tornado and AsyncIO based applications.
KRules mongodb subjects storage implementation
Aliyun SDK Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing All rights reserved. http://www.aliyun.com
Centralized logging made simple using mongodb
Mongo Database utility library for Robot Framework
access mongodb with handy utilities and fun
link mongo database
Beaker backend to write sessions and caches to a MongoDB schemaless database. This package adds the README.rst which was missing from the MANIFEST.in file. Please refer to the original author (Brendan W. McAdams - bwmcadams@gmail.com) regarding any question related to this package.
🐳 Mongo DB BigchainDB driver (Python).
A small library to simplify MongoDB usage with repository pattern
Sumo Logic collection solution for mongodb atlas
The databaseUsers resource lets you retrieve, create and modify the MongoDB users in your cluster. Each user has a set of roles that provide access to the project?s databases. A user?s roles apply to all the clusters in the project: if two clusters have a products database and a user has a role granting read access on the products database, the user has that access on both clusters.
This resource allows to create, read, update and delete a network peering
The cluster resource provides access to your cluster configurations. The resource lets you create, edit and delete clusters. The resource requires your Project ID.
A python package for connecting with database.
An example resource schema demonstrating some basic constructs and validation rules.
Singer.io tap for extracting data from MongoDB
Pipeline to MongoDB for Scrapy. Supports MongoDB replica sets
mongodb manual
Retrieves or creates projects in any given Atlas organization.
Celery backend for MongoDB that does not convert task results into a binary format before storing them in Mongo database.
Singer.io tap for extracting data from MongoDB - Datazip compatible
StackStorm authentication backend which reads credentials from a MongoDB collection.
Simple MongoDb dependency for nameko (microservices framework). Based on https://github.com/saiqi/nameko-mongodb
A python package for connecting with Mongo Database
mdbtools: Python and UNIX CLI utilities to simplify common MongoDB DevOps tasks
A schema analyser for MongoDB written in Python
just a simple mongodb orm
Singer.io tap for extracting data from MongoDB - Pipelinewise compatible
z3-tap-mongodb is a Singer tap for MongoDB, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps.
MongoDB data storage and retrieval for Ansible playbooks
Mongo Database utility library for Robot Framework
Mongo Connector
The purpose of this plugin is to connect to mongo and retrieve data.
Provides caching ability through MongoDB. Forked and detached from django_mongodb_cash_backend.
An improved package that provides mongodb connectivity.Not compatible with pyramid_mongo or pyramid_mongodb
Concrete implementation of adapter to MongoDB
Toolkit for storing files and attachments in web applications