Add gender field to contacts
Mobio Validate Import File Libs
GNU Health package for epidemics contact tracing
Options, Labels and standalone Texts for django admin. Administrator emails, phones, contact data, etc.
Quantitative comparison and automatic feature extraction for chromatin contact data.
Contact Extractor is a simple tool for extracting contact data from a website URL. It returns the contact emails, phone numbers, and places.
djangoldp package for circle data models
CLI tools to process mapped Hi-C data
Generate a rate between 0 and 1 for Resolution rate on smart contacts.
Categorize job positions for contacts
A Django app for creating and managing simple set of contacts
this lib check for your machine's platform and use system commands to contact with clipboard (copy or paste) in python
Meta package for oca-partner-contact Odoo addons
Meta package for oca-partner-contact Odoo addons
Convert AddressBook database (.abcddb) to Contacts VCards file (.vcf)
Allow to visit the full contact form from a company
Add gender field to contacts
Synapse module to handle TIM contact management and invite permissions
Log contact made on fldigi to MacLoggerDX.
Set a default delivery address, invoice address and contact for contacts
Computing contact map for protein structures
Contact maps based on MDTraj
A simple model and contact form
Meta package for oca-partner-contact Odoo addons
Arpeggio calculates interatomic contacts based on the rules defined in CREDO.
Manage your family contacts
Tonto2 is a personal address-list, calendar, notepad, and so much more.
Meta package for oca-partner-contact Odoo addons
Add nationality field to contacts
Contact's birthdate
Saves the contact and fetches the name on entering number
A clustering based approach to inferring the use case of an intelligent contact. Developed by A3Data, packaged by D&A Research - Take Blip.
Pytorch implementation of Contact Graspnet
A simple Django app to manage company contact information.
Add roles to partners.
The giskard_hub library allows you to interact with the Giskard Hub, a platform that centralizes the validation process of LLM applications, empowering product teams to ensure all functional, business & legal requirements are met, and keeping them in close contact with the development team to avoid delayed deployment timelines.
Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing.
Elastica is a software to simulate the dynamics of filaments that, at every cross-section, can undergo all six possible modes of deformation, allowing the filament to bend, twist, stretch and shear, while interacting with complex environments via muscular activity, surface contact, friction and hydrodynamics.
Add nationality field to contacts
A Python implementation for BH-FDR and HiCCUPS
Manage language in contacts
CTNS, Contact Tracing Network Simulator: a tool to simulate contact tracing in a population where a disease is spreading
Specify split names for contacts in leads
Extendable contact form plugin for Django CMS with spam protection and i18n
Boundary-element method for "topobank"