Provider package apache-airflow-providers-smtp for Apache Airflow
Simple wrapper to use SendGrid SMTP API
asyncio SMTP client
A SMTP server for use as a pytest fixture that implements encryption and authentication for testing.
pytest plugin to test server connections locally.
SMTP server meant to redirect SMTP requests to a third-party email provider
A emailing python library for emailing from alternative domains - DNS entries etc need to be assigned (not used for spamming).
SMTP SSL email backend for Django
An SMTP server for testing built on aiosmtpd
An async version of smtplib
A simple email sender package with SMTP
Library for interfacing with the smtp2go API.
SMTP user enumeration tool with clever timeout, retry and reconnect functionality. library for Python
A simple module for send SMTP-based notification emails.
A CDK construct that creates SMTP credentials permitting emails to be sent via SES.
A graphical and command line SMTP diagnostic tool
Provides access to emails caught by the SMTP4dev development server
send email
Simple SMTP Server Demo
Sans-io SMTP client with an AnyIO based async I/O implementation
A simple, Sinatra inspired, SMTP routing server.
A bridge between SMTP and the Paperless API
Simple utility for sending emails via SMTP.
Official MailSlurp Python SDK Email API
SMTP email automation functions
Email validator with regex, blacklisted domains and SMTP checking.
Asynchronous SMTP server for local development and email testing
Library for interacting with the SMTP2Go API via Django.
SMTP Server that keep all email
SMTP Mailer classes
Mock SMTP server that logs the emails it receives
Simple SMTP proxy
Python SMTP Client for Humans
Adds support for SSL, AUTH, and other goodies, to Petri Lehtinen's SMTPD library.
SMTP SendApi
Simple SMTP test server for running unit and integration tests.
Python SMTP service using aiosmtpd that relays through Azure Email Communication Service
An SMTP Sink with a Web UI.