A dead-simple GraphQL client that supports subscriptions over websockets
A persistent websocket client for Django
Python implementation of a Redis-compatible API using websockets.
AutobahnTestSuite - WebSocket/WAMP protocol implementation test suite.
Ccxw - CryptoCurrency eXchange Websocket Library
Simple websocket server and client with callback-based API.
Bitmex websocket API
A package to manage pseudo terminals via WebSocket
Websocket Client for Crescience devices
This Python package provides a simple WebSocket client for connecting to the TradingView WebSocket API. It allows users to subscribe to real-time financial data streams and retrieve historical data.
A Python SDK for OBS Studio WebSocket v5.0
Ogmios is a lightweight bridge interface for cardano-node. It offers a WebSockets API that enables local clients to speak Ouroboros' mini-protocols via JSON/RPC. ogmios-python is an Ogmios client written in Python designed for ease of use.
A general-purpose framework for automation
Parse websocket messages from cryptocurreny exchanges
Kucoin API and WebSocket client
WebSocket Client Library
Get ohlc from kraken web sockets.
Async websocket to PostgreSQL proxy.
DUplex Communication and Transactional Streaming Web Framework
A simple, dynamic, decorator-based HTTP server inspired by Node.js's Express. Supports trio, TLS and WebSockets.
Support for Django's request/response lifecycle to automatically handle WebSocket messages.
Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions
Python wrapper for Darwinex APIs
Abandoned, use channels instead: https://github.com/andrewgodwin/channels/
Gate.io WebSocket V4 Python SDK
WebSockets for bottle
websocket client connect and message use mqtt
HTTP Proxy for using sqlmap against websockets
CAN over network bridge for Python
Hiro Client for Graph REST API of HIRO 7
Django/PostgreSQL implementation of the Meteor server.
A powerful WebSocket extension for Scratch.
WebSocket server created with Tornado framework.
Finnally the easiest a functionally websocket library
Twisted WebSockets support with Websocket Upgrade
Asyncio websockets for gunicorn.
Websocket server to interactively play the Apologies game
Python SDK for Broker REST And Websocket API
Python 3.5+ Websocket Client for the Bitfinex WSS API.
XRL Websocket Client
Easy WebSocket server for django using gevent-websocket
Websocket server for gevent.pywsgi
Websocket server supporting channels/users communication