Tool for replication of MySQL databases to ClickHouse
Python package for replicating data across CDF projects. Copyright 2023 Cognite AS
llama-index llms replicate integration
Repl Stories is a social media platform where developers can share code and connect with the community!
Generate GitHub and Repos with One Command
LocalStack AWS Proxy Extension
nonebot2的融合了openai, newbing, 词库的智障回复插件
The fastest way to build data apps in Python
Django functional modules
Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: IPython kernel, Sage preparser, doctester
Fast Run-Eval-Polish Loop for LLM App
Litrepl evaluates code from LaTeX/Markdown verbatim sections.
Create a simple Flask webserver to keep your Repl online using a pinger. (such as
allows to deploy to systemd-controlled containers without starting an actual systemd daemon
A library for creating and parsing HSReplay files
RobotCode REPL for Robot Framework
System deployment
A synchronous Python client package for loading, reading, and dumping REPL projects from
Generate GitHub and Repos with One Command
A simple and easily configured iPython-based python repl
Command line REPL for GPT-based tools
"replay-based" REPL for compiled languages
Keeps open repls on
Search and replace across files
A tool to replace download links in Jupyter books.
Tools to enable easy testing of scrapli programs
A CLI to replay historic data from previous ISS missions.
Replace file paths in markdown files with the contents of the files.
Run a few sanity checks on your logical PostgreSQL replica to make sure its the same as the primary.
Simple class for replace test with regex. Support scikit-learn transformer interface.
Python-base APIs and tools for CHIP.
Record and replay web requests.
A powerful auto reply plugin for NoneBot2
REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) tool for working with Modbus devices using the Pymodbus library.
Away message editor for Modoboa (postfix compatible)
This package implements text replacement in Powerpoint files in pptx format.
Mkdocs strings replacement.
"Hyper-parameters in Action!" visualizing tool for Keras models.
ReplayBG is a digital twin-based methodology to assess new strategies for type 1 diabetes management.
A extension including useful tools for bot development and debugging.